Daily Rome Shot 1188 – Ecclesiastical EUTHANASIA!

Hey a******900@charter.net! Hey s*****41@nc.rr.com! My notes to you were kicked back. New email?

Are you Christmas shopping?  I like to get it done early so that I don’t have to think about it as Christmas draws near.

Tonight I’ll be lighting new candles for my Advent Wreath from the wonderful Dominicans in Summit!

In churchy news…

Archbp. Vigan has released a new letter.  HERE It is complicated.  There are some interesting points made about moves that Paul VI made to clear out older prelates from their positions (and therefore influence).  I remember one day when I was working in the Pontifical Commission, our boss Card. Innocenti came back from a special consistory for timed-out cardinals with JPII. More than one cardinal, he told us, was really angry about the Paul VI guillotine. We asked Innocenti what he said. He turned red, pounded the desk and said “It’s ecclesiastical euthanasia!”

In chessy news… before saying Mass I’m watching game 6.

White can mate in 2.  How long did it take you? Go HERE for the puzzle in the comment.

Please remember me when shopping online and use my affiliate links.  US HEREWHY?  This helps to pay for health insurance (massively hiked for this new year of surprises), utilities, groceries, etc..  At no extra cost, you provide help for which I am grateful.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. White can mate in 2.  How long did it take you?

    [NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.]

    The game is chronologically over, but it isn’t for me, because I am still watching at move 20. Ding has white and used the London. Gukesh is in trouble. I’ll come back to it after I say Mass.

  2. amenamen says:

    Bh4+, Rxh4

    Several minutes.
    I wanted to move the knight first.

  3. BeatifyStickler says:

    Powerful statement from Innocenti. We had Mass said for his soul a few years back. I’m indebted to him.

  4. waalaw says:

    1. B-h4+ . . R×h4 (Black’s King has no legal move)
    2. N-d5#
    About a minute, since the first move must be a “+” in order to avoid a time-consuming attack on White’s exposed King.

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