Daily Rome Shot 1226 – “Baaaaaah!”

Happy Feast Day!

Images from The Great Roman™.

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In chessy news… HERE

Black to move and mate in 4.

3:16 isn’t just in John.

This is great… I thought it was just trolling!

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Black to move and mate in 4.

    [NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.]

    Tata Steel Chess continues in Wijk aan Zee. HERE

  2. waalaw says:

    1. . . . . . . N×f3+
    2. B×f3 . . B-d4+
    3. K-f1 . . R-h1#
    2. g2×f3. . B-d4+
    To avoid R-h1# if K-f1, White must:
    3. K-g2 . . R-h5+
    4. K-f1 . . R-h1#

  3. FRLBJ says:

    I will not use the new name for the Gulf of Mexico. The name has historical roots and we need more tradition, not less. It is also so arrogant. The US government has a history of even more deadly arrogance. We need more humility, not such ridiculous and childish antics. I will teach my grandchildren the proper name, too. The Gulf of Mexico it will always be. Just like renaming bases, I will not abide by that either, in order to erase our history.

  4. A.S. Haley says:

    Black’s Knight prevents Black’s Bishop from applying check. So move it:
    1. . . . Ng4
    2. g2g3 (If White makes some other move without capturing the Knight, e.g., Bc3 or Kf1, Rh1 is mate. And if White captures the Knight with his Pawn, Bd4+ leads to Rh1 mate on the next move.)
    2. [g2g3] Rh1+
    3. Kg2 Rh8h2 mate

    All of these are mates in two or three moves, depending on White. I suppose White could drag it out an extra move by sacrificing his Queen (2. Qxf5+), but the inevitable mate still follows.

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