Jan 16th, 2
Dear Diary,
I hear that Jack is probably going to be cleared, at least Dozer thinks so. He’s been doing daily liturgy for some short hair nuns somewhere, not sure which kind. Probly the scary kind, not the ones in habits that’s for sure knowing Jack. Matteo and Jude haven’t heard, or say they haven’t.
Fr Tommy got me to say I’d approve those communion rails if the pastors can prove they can pay for them and if they can get their diocese appeal numbers up. Sounds okay. It’s not like they will use them or anything and they sort of look like the should be there in those old churches. Speaking of old, I guess the cleaned confession boxes at SnT are a hit with people. Who knew? These days you just don’t know. Piggy* refuses to use one but that’s not much of a loss since I don’t think he spends time with reconciliation except for the big mega washes at Advent and Lent. This rail thing could get out of hand. After the confessionals, some other priests reconverted theirs too. I suspected they might. But heck I’ll use one next time I’m there for a recon service. No way I’m gonna let that marriage blessing mess happen again. T outmanoovered me but he was right about that. Rats.
Chester. Doz came on Monday and stayed for a couple days. He and Chester don’t see eye to eye, even though D is pretty short. HA! Ever since the bite thing D’s been on the alert and I try to keep Chester out of the room, park him with Sr Randi or Fr Gilbert. Ya can’t lock C in a room alone. Not good. We got a couple of guys, Piggy and Joe, in to play some poker and have a BBQ – great ribs! – and Doz kicked his shoes off. Somehow Chester got away and zoomed through the room under the table and grabbed one of Dozer’s shoes. I knew he’s fast when it’s time to eat, but this was a whole different gear. By the time we get him cornered and got the shoe away, it looked like it had been in a woodchopper. How does he do that with those bad teeth? D was furious and he an C glared at each other for a while and then he just trotted off. Piggy couldn’t stop laughing, of course, once he starts. Annoying.
*“Piggy” is Fatty’s nickname for the Rector of Spirit and Truth Cathedral, Msgr. McSwiney. The other priests call him the “Irish Setter” because he doesn’t do very much.
“The other priests call him the “Irish Setter” because he doesn’t do very much.”
That one is getting added to my list. That’s really good!
I’m looking forward to that book you write. You could probably write another Windswept House, call it Breezy Chancery or something. Lots of people would buy it to see if they got a mention.