What is you good news?
Do you have some good thing you can share with the readers?
It is encouraging to hear about the good things happening to people who participate here.
For my part, apart from all the other pressing things, yesterday evening I was able to get not one but two articles done for the paper. Thus, I am ahead of the game for my annual gathering of priests next week.
My hubby is finally back from a construction project ; we’ve been apart for almost 3 months.
And, I just finished a wonderful, inspiring read … Fr. Benedict Groeschel recommended a book HAPPY ARE YOU POOR by Thomas Dubay. It is packed with lots of food for our souls.
pax et bonum
My computer broke a while back and I could not afford a new one. A kind Internet sister is sending me a used but redone lap top. I am so glad. Thanks and thank God for sisters in Christ. This act of kindness has also created friendship, which could be why God allows certain things to happen. Gravity is mostly to blame, however….lol!
I am now onto the last portion of my seminary application, and hope to be done with that sooner rather than later. God-willing, I will start this fall.
My older sister, who is 23, is engaged to be married.
My sweet little boy is four years old today. I suppose as a mommy (with only one child so far), this is good news and bad news. It is hard to watch him grow up so fast, but I am very proud of him at the same time. He is such a blessing.
Our EF community grew so big in the past years, that the time has come to get fully integrated into the (esseintially OF, but even so, very traditional) parish, where the masses are held. This task was given to me. I’m going to meet with the pastor this afternoon to start the dialogue, to ask for his help and his leadership. Please pray for us!
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One of my sisters will be in town for a few days, staying with us.
recieved an answer yesterday for a very special prayer request I made to St. Rita–the first time I have ever prayed to this Saint!–in thanksgiving for an answered prayer, Amen!
Hubby started reading scripture and saying the Rosary with the family last night. He says that this is going to happen every evening at 8:00PM. Praise G-d! This is how I always thought my family would be: saying the Rosary and making Him the center of our lives. Well, it’s happening.
I made it home safely from two weeks in Saint Meinrad. The chant classes went great. Everybody was very nice and everything was perfect. This was my 7th trip there and it’s like home now. I gained weight! (oops).
Two more weeks until baby #2 arrives! Hubby and I are getting more excited every day. Baby #1 is a bit too young to realize what’s going on…but he knows something is up!
I have an interview for a full time job today!
Our pastor gave the most inspiring, orthodox homily on NFP yesterday. What a blessing he is for our parish!
Really good staff change here is going well.
Catching up on some long overdue vacation.
Just made a GREAT white bean and spinach dish that I’m loving.
Weddings are increasing here which I take as a very good sign.
“Breaking Bad” has resumed for a new season.
Priest lunch group this week with reports from the gathering in Tampa.
Sad that summer is half over but glad that I’ve wrung a lot out of it and there’s still half to go.
Nice trip to the Finger Lakes last week.
Staff member offered to take over wedding rehearsals. (Hooray!)
Working on buying a new car.
Mass attendance and contributions holding steady during mid-summer. Wonderful!
Introduced to a new cigar (Romeo & Juliet) that I’m like more than the more-expensive Punch.
More . . .
We had a gorgeous Solemn High Mass yesterday with some of the FSSP priests and many more in attendance. I feel so blessed to see so many good priests at one time and for the children’s sake. It is great to have the EF because it hit me that, with this lovely mass, it didn’t matter if English wasn’t their first language. It really was universal.
My little six-year old approached me with his prayer book this morning. He can’t read so he wanted some help to say the prayers. I would have thought myself too “busy” to pray at that time on my own, but we stopped and said some lovely prayers and other children joined us. It was a huge blessing!
We hope to go to Carmel this evening for the wonderful pontifical mass for the feast day. Our Lady of Mount Carmel is the patroness of our homeschool.
I was at a super beautiful parish this past weekend for a Treasures of the Church exposition. I want to post about it here because I feel as though most of your readers, Father Z, would be interested in requesting Father Carlos bring this beautiful ministry to their own parish.
Photos from the parish are here: http://www.mybrokenfiat.com/1/post/2012/07/our-lady-of-peace-parish-wow.html
Photos from the exposition (and information) are here: http://www.mybrokenfiat.com/1/post/2012/07/treasures-veneration.html
Incredibly worthwhile experience. Free to any parish that requests it… priceless for any soul lucky enough to attend.
Blessings to all! <3
A few weeks ago, I was fortunate to obtain Baronius Press’ new 3-volume set of the Roman Breviary. Someone changed their mind after ordering it and I was only too happy to purchase it. I am saying Lauds, Prime, Vespers and Compline in a mix of Latin and English–eventually all Latin, and the other Hours. My intentions for praying the Breviary are for the Church and for priests. Sometimes I add other intentions.
My wife and I received a blessing from a visiting bishop on Sunday.
My wife and I are expecting our fourth child in October. We needed a bigger house and were able to find one that we liked very much at a very reasonable price. We just closed on it today, and it looks like the buyers of our existing home will close on it at the end of the month. That gives us two weeks to move five people and all their stuff from House A to House B – a tall order, but also a nice problem to have.
I got orders to the duty station I wanted.
My current attempt at quitting smoking is marginally more successful than my previous ones. And I got a full four hours of sleep last night.
Eight people agreed to pray with me the novena of the Litany to St. Philomena for a special intention. I am having a Mass said this Wednesday in Thanksgiving for prayers answered (at the suggestion of a priest).
I am nearly finished reading St. Louis de Montfort’s “Secret of the Rosary” which has been most helpful to me in my daily prayer life. I was able to get to Mass in the EF last night at the Carmelite Monastery. I made a much-needed and overdue thorough examination of conscience and subsequent confession and was also able to get to Mass and Adoration today in honor of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel.
I married my best friend Kathy on Saturday July 14, 2012. It was a beautiful Mass and a fun reception. God blessed us with so many graces that everything worked out well and I did not hear any complaints (that were valid ;) ). God is too good.
I found bulk chapel veils for my traditional Latin Mass wedding in January at a great price!
On a Jewish website!