Thanks to readers and Penjing Report

Some of you have sent donations of late via the donation button on the left side bar and on some posts.  Thank you.  They are so very helpful. 

Also, many thanks are due to those of you who sent items through my amazon wish list.

SA of VA sent Reading Seneca: Stoic Philosophy at Rome by Brad Inwood.

MG of MI sent a DVD of the classic movie The Cardinal.  Fun!  Along the road I had lost/misplaced/lent out my copy.

Another mention is buried below.


Sun on my desk is wonderful in the morning.


I have a couple flowering jasmine trees which I have tended inside this long long winter.  One of them, which of the two suffered a little, is blooming amazingly!  The house is filled with a wonderful fragrance. 

I sniped some and put it on my desktop.

In the background is a keyboard I have been fighting with.  It is wireless and not behaving.  It did, btw, add to it very useful little stickers for the Italian keyboard characters.  They were sent by a reader from my amazon wish list.  However, a viewer of the Z-Cam saw me fighting with the keyboard, repeatedly adjusting the connection, and made a kind donation so that I could solve the problem.  Thanks!  Things are working right now.

You are all wonderful.

On Monday, Monday of Holy Week, I will offer Holy Mass for the intentions of benefactors, those who have made donations and sent gifts.  It is my honor and duty to do so.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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