“Pray for the Pope” store – buttons and other stuff
- Omnibus omnia factus sum
- QUAERITUR: good commentary on Sacrosanctum Concilium
- Is Benedict XVI a “better Pope” than John Paul II? A couple views and then Fr. Z really rants.
- Weigel’s piece in First Things… then Fr. Z rants
- Fr. Z TV Streaming LIVE: Latin Rosary (Glorious Mysteries) now in playlist
- Time For Some Fair and Balanced Reporting on Clerical Sexual Abuse – SERIES
- Catholic League’s full page ad in the New York Times
- In fairness to writers in America Magazine
- QUAERITUR: teenage girl dancers during Easter vigil
- Another ridiculous AP article deconstructed
- The Feeder Feed: under construction!
- “We are not a multinational corporation”
- QUAERITUR: renaming the sacred oils in the Latin Church
- Of bulletpoints and wolves
- A fine brief moment of consolation
- An unusually good Newsweek piece about clerical sexual abuse – be sure to read
- Biased Media Coverage Logo
- Cardinal Prefect [NOT RATZINGER!], Canadian hierarchy knew of abuse, covered it
- AP throwing more spaghetti at Pope Benedict: this time from California
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