Tag Archives: Lutheran

I grew up Lutheran. I was admitted to Catholic Communion because I said publicly that I believed what the Catholic Church teaches.

I grew up Lutheran. It is of constant consternation and amazement to me that I have had to fight with Catholics over what the Catholic Church teaches about the Eucharist. I have met Lutherans who believe more about the Eucharist … Read More

Posted in Be The Maquis | Tagged , , ,

Lutherans call for Latin Liturgy as an aid to identity and unity

I saw a post at a Lutheran blog calling for  – wait for it – more Latin in their liturgy. As a convert to Holy Mother Church from Lutheranism, I found this pretty interesting.  I am aware that there exists … Read More

Posted in Brick by Brick, Fr. Z KUDOS, Just Too Cool, Liturgy Science Theatre 3000, New Evangelization, Our Catholic Identity, Pope of Christian Unity | Tagged ,

Benedictine double-take

Now this is more like it. No… wait… another Lutheran church that looks more Catholic than most Catholic churches… Pope Benedict is the Pope of Christian Unity.

Posted in Pope of Christian Unity | Tagged ,