Today in L’Osservatore Romano there is a list of decrees the Holy Father approved for promulgation by the Congregation for Causes of Saints. Take note that among them is a decree concerning the heroir virtues of the found of the Knights of Columbus, Fr. Michael McGivney. He may now be called "Venerable". If now a miracle through his intercession can be studied and verified with a reasonable degree of certainty, he could be beatified.
Oggi, 15 marzo 2008, il Santo Padre Benedetto XVI ha ricevuto in Udienza privata Sua Eminenza il Sig. Card. José Saraiva Martins, Prefetto della Congregazione delle Cause dei Santi. Nel corso dell’Udienza il Santo Padre ha autorizzato la Congregazione a promulgare i Decreti riguardanti:
…– le virtù eroiche del Servo di Dio Michele McGivney, Sacerdote Dioecesano e Fondatore dell’Ordine Fraterno "The Knights of Columbus"; nato a Waterbury (Stati Uniti d’America) il 12 agosto 1852 e morto a Hartford (Stati Uniti d’America) il 14 agosto 1890;
Wonderful news for the Knights of Columbus and for the Catholic Church in the USA!
Very happy to hear this good news. Good news for the Knights (my husband
is a 4th Degree) and for parish priests.
Deo Gratias!
Deo Gratias! (From a recent 4th degree Knight)
I thought there might be a little more interest in this. Maybe during the week.
This is fairly important.
I could be mistaken, but part of the “lack of interest” might be the disconnect between the Knights and the great MAJORITY of Catholics today. In 40 years I can remember seeing the Knights less than half a dozen times. My old parish had an active Knights Council, yet they NEVER appeared at a Sunday Mass.
Sadly many of today’s Catholics poke fun at them, seeing them almost clownish. I’ve heard many Catholics refer to them as a Catholic version of the Shriners and there miniature cars. I daresay most Catholic youth has NO idea who or what the K o C is.
Again this is only my experience here in the Midwest, but I rarely see them get any national media coverage.
Perhaps a miracle by their holy founder is what it will take to get some fresh life into them?
Jack in KC
I have to agree with jack007. I’ve been a 3rd degree Knight since 1994 and in 2006 I was invested in the EOHSJ. I joined the KoC because at the time I thought quite highly of them and their works and because that is what serious Catholic men do; they join the KoC.
My participation in the KoC is now virtually non-existent. The primary reason is that in my experience they do not do a sufficient job of screening candidates which is downright insulting to the memory and legacy of Fr. McGivney.
I have known Knights who were or are divorced and remarried with the question of an annulment still hanging out there which is scandalous. The other Knights pretend they’re charitable by not judging their fellow Knights who may be in a situation like this and this let them join. One may argue that it’s not anyone’s business really but if a man is a member of a Catholic order like the KoC it is imperative that this particular matter be clarified for everyone. Another example is a Knight who publicly supports a notorious sinner/pro-abortion politician (e.g. bumper stickers). I just don’t see how a particular council can allow something like that and I can’t associate with a person like that and pretend nothing is wrong.
I am NOT judging the entire KoC organization so don’t lambast me. I know there are excellent men out there and there are some KoC councils out there that absolutely would not tolerate this type of thing but I can’t be a member of a group like this at the local level and I’m not about to go shopping around for a KoC council like I have to do for a Mass that is celebrated properly. I have attempted to bring some of these issues to people attention to no avail so I just don’t participate.
On the other hand, the screening process to become a Knight in the EOHSJ is exceptionally rigorous.
I am quite honored to be a member of the EOHSJ and I can state that they do take their mission and vocation very seriously.