The flight summary

The flight passed without an inordinate number of alarming incidents.

I am glad to report that Delta has updated their video system, though I wonder if their choices of Snakes On A Plane, Airport, Castaway, Con Air, Passenger 57, and Air Force One were the very best.

I was able to shut out most of the screams and other flight noise by putting two audio feeds, using a two-male-to-one-female jack (which sounds like something Pres. Obama will soon evolve into promoting) into my noise eliminating Bose headset. Thus, I enjoyed simultaneously a loop of relaxing arias from Beijing Opera and an audiobook (not in a loop) of Quantum: Einstein, Bohr and the great debate about the nature of reality.

Meanwhile, I jotted some notes on a talk I’ll be giving.


I am settled in and am out and about. My first errands are accomplished, my tech is functioning properly, and all that is lacking is a pint.

Hopefully I’ll meet up with a friend and blog reader later.

My London friends have, I think, my number.

Perhaps a London blognic is in order?


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. APX says:

    I wonder if there choices of Snakes On A Plane, Airport, Castaway, Con Air, Passenger 57, and Air Force One were the very best.

    They should have gone with Alive. That movie makes me scared of turbulence, especially in those rickety prop planes Horizen Airline and Air Canada’s Jazz Airline uses. Combine that with a flight delayed due to “mechanical problems” and a soul that has ‘t been to confession in 10 years… I really do prefer to drive, even if it means putting in 1500-2000 kms in a day.

  2. asophist says:

    The photo does look like London (the Union Jacks help). In fact it looks to me like my memory of Oxford street. Is this correct?

  3. John UK says:

    Welcome once more to this sceptred isle :-)
    Blognic sounds good.
    Kind regards
    John U.K.

  4. PostCatholic says:

    … using a two-male-to-one-female jack (which sounds like something Pres. Obama will soon evolve into promoting) …

    C’mon. He’s the Dad of two young girls. You may not like that the President isn’t anti-homosexual but your humor here is a bit coarse.

  5. Kathleen10 says:

    Fr. Z., have fun on your travels!

    Just don’t forget to come back home!

  6. Laura98 says:

    Too funny – though it reminds me yet again of why I hate to fly. Have a wonderful trip Fr. Z! Many Blessings on your travels.

  7. tecumseh says:

    Easy on the Blognic Father . .you’ve just arrived . . We are miles . .and miles from London, so would need to make arrangements. Early next week would do us . . Or Friday evening next week before the LMS meeting . .???

    Next Monday and Tuesday are special bank holidays . . .so it might be difficult to get accommodation . .??? . . Oi vey . .!!! What to do . .!!!

  8. tecumseh says:

    Just checked some hotels . . .we could make Sunday . .Monday . .Tuesday . .and possibly next week end.

    Work permitting . .my employers might throw a spanner in the works.

    So put us two Northeners down as a definite – maybe . .!!!

  9. Seattle Slough says:

    PostCatholic. Coarse, really? Hysterical.

  10. acardnal says:

    I’m looking forward to some more photos of your adventures and meals while in Britain.

  11. Catholicatlast says:

    And I am looking forward to hearing your talk at the LMS Conference on 9th. (The one you were preparing perhaps?)

  12. Joan M says:

    Aw shucks! There I will be – flying from Trinidad to Gatwick on Monday 11th (arriving about 9:00 am on the 12th) and getting the next available coach to Swansea (about 10:00 am) – the next leg of my journey to Cardigan. I will only catch the tiniest glimpse of London.

    I would have joined the blognic if I wasn’t heading west.

  13. Dr Guinness says:

    Coal Hole again?

  14. frjim4321 says:

    Glad you had a safe flight flight.

    Hope it is an enjoyable trip.

  15. BaedaBenedictus says:

    Father, safe travels! A pub rec for you: Make a stop at the Harp in Charing Cross and have a pint of real scrumpy. Marvelous place—8 real ales, and the cider is not some fizzy crap out of a keg but is poured from jugs behind the bar. They also have perry. Have a pint and imagine you are in the West Country! [Great recommendation! Thanks for that!]

  16. Pastor Bonus says:

    Welcome; maybe make it to Scotland sometime?!

  17. campello says:

    Flight noise, not my little stupor mundi !!

  18. @PostCatholic, I thought what Fr. Z said was funny, and it wouldn’t shock me if it came to pass.

  19. AnnAsher says:

    Two males, one female, Obama…. As long as they don’t make babies!
    Incidentally I have no idea how that works! With the headphones, or otherwise…. Oh boy it gets deep quick.
    Happy sojourning in the UK.

  20. UncleBlobb says:

    Give my love to Mrs. Broad and the girls.

    [Ah, yes, the Grapes. And I must make a stop at Half Moon Street, as well.]

  21. Angie Mcs says:

    Yes, our POTUS is the father of two young girls. And he uses this when making phone calls to young women like Sandra Flukes to further his political goals . He also trying to set up a new world order that will take away certain value systems that young women especially need these days. In these sad days, a good laugh is welcome.

    Have a wonderful trip, Father. We will all I’m sure be praying for your safe return.

  22. Pastor in Valle says:

    Welcome to England, Father.

  23. Supertradmum says:

    If you have a blognic, let us know as soon as possible. Glad you landed safely.

  24. mike cliffson says:

    ¿¿¿deggal tej

  25. irishgirl says:

    Glad you made it safely to England, Father Z (and during Her Majesty The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee weekend, no less!).
    I just found out, from my priest-friend in the Salford [Manchester] diocese, that he was recently on this side of ‘the pond’, in the USA! He was on a three-week tour that took him to NYC, Washington DC, Virginia, North Carolina, and Georgia! He relayed me some of his adventures in a long letter,, which I received when I picked up my mail at the post office after having held it there for nearly a month.
    That said, have a great time in the UK, Father Z….will you be meeting up with your fellow priest-blogger in Blackfen (‘His Hermeneuticalness’, aka Fr. Tim Finigan)?
    Hope the weather will be nice for your visit, as well as for The Queen’s Jubilee. Here in the northeastern US, we might have a soggy few days….

  26. tecumseh says:

    Baeda . . .the Harp is a good pub, used it as my “local” back in ’98 when I worked in London, usefull to know about the cider . . .but for real cider, ask Fr Tim to get a few gallons from Parkminster . . Yum, yum.

    The Harp is a bit on the small side . .are there rooms upstairs .???

    What about inviting some of the SSPX brethren along . .??? [If I knew some here, I might!]

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