POLL: Gaudete Rose Vestments and Your Sunday Sermon Notes

Was there a good point made in the sermon you heard as you fulfilled your Gaudete Sunday Mass obligation?

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For my Roman Rite 2018 'Gaudete' Sunday Mass of Obligation I saw vestments of

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  1. HvonBlumenthal says:

    Pink, SSPX

  2. Bthompson says:

    Rose (my favorite, handmade made by my mom).
    My core idea was that we are awaiting a savior, not a mere or generic moral/religious teacher.

  3. CasaSanBruno says:

    I purchased a rose 5 piece Roman set posted on Ebay. Alas, it’s quality was pretty forgettable. Since it cost me more to ship it back to the country of origin than the purchase itself, it sits in my closet unused. Consequently, I forgot about it until this post. Argh. I used violet this morning in my urban hermitage.

  4. JSzczuka says:

    They were white at my Diocesan EF mass (and at the others) because today is our titular feast – St. Adelaide!

  5. Greg Hlatky says:

    Rose, FSSP.

    I’ll flip Fr. Z’s question around. I will say that the priests in my parish do not make bad points. No politics, no effort to be “amusing”. Mass and the Faith are serious matters and are treated seriously.

  6. No rose vestments. But there were liturgical “dancers” bringing up the candles for the Advent wreath. (I knew they were coming and just declined to look, so as to avoid making an outward show of my great annoyance.)

  7. Dismas says:

    Rose, at a diocesan parish. Slowly, it has been making inroads. Also, I should note that cheap, tacky polyesters have slowly diminished since the halcyon 70’s and 80’s. Perhaps there was a copywrite infringement issue with the Episcopals.

  8. Julia_Augusta says:

    I’m in the Holy Land for the month of December. It’s difficult to find a TLM here. The previous Sunday I attended the Dominican Rite of the Mass at the Austrian Hospice Chapel in Jerusalem (what a beautiful, reverent Mass it was) but today in Tel Aviv, I had to go to a Novus Ordo mass which I predicted quite accurately would have a singing group (Filipino) with a guitar and portable electric piano, and horrible hymns from the 1970s. Vestment of the priest: purple. Father’s homily was very good: he urged us to live righteous lives in defiance of the mores of the world.

  9. WmHesch says:

    A better poll might be: which hue of pink/ rose?

    Princess Pink
    Hot Pink
    Rose Madder

  10. Cafea Fruor says:

    Have I been living under a rock? I have never in all my 30-odd years seen blue vestments. I’ve seen blue orphreys and linings on white vestments for Marian feasts, but never any vestments where the main color is blue. And I’ve lived in about 10 different dioceses and have traveled a lot. Where does this actually exist?

  11. RKR says:

    We had beautiful dusty rose vestments, diocesan TLM. This parish is amazing, it’s a simple small town church, mainly NO, that celebrates the Latin Mass every Sunday (Solemn High Mass) and Low Mass once during the week. And all Holy Days offer a TLM as well. And an amazing Schola Cantorum directed by a grad alum of Westminster Choir College, which is nearby. I feel so blessed (and spoiled) to have access to this!
    The homily was focused on the difference between happiness and joy… the former fleeting and the latter eternal.

  12. matt from az says:

    Our priest wore a white alb with a cheap looking pink stole.

  13. Ef-lover says:

    EF mass vestments were rose. Fathers sermon was in summary to acknowledge we are sinners , confess our sins and we will have joy.

  14. Jonathan Marshall says:

    Rose vestments, but a rather wet “Church of Nice” homily.

  15. Hidden One says:

    OF, celebrant and concelebrant both in rose.

  16. KateD says:

    I don’t know what the deacon said. It was in Spanglish and between translations I drifted, BUT! AFTER the Spanish Mass they celebrated Las Posadas. We were just going over to the hall for doughnuts and fellowship, but ended up being included in a procession and a big feast of pozole, chocolaté, cake…the kids all got tickets to go into a room and choose a present. And they are really cool presents! There were so many left over they told the kids to go back in for a second one…one poor woman got caught in the rapid moving wave of exuberant children….As we left we were each given a baggie of goodies (candies, cookies and peanuts) and fruit.

    My daughter said, “We need to come to the Spanish Mass more often!” And I responded, “We need to do stuff like this at the Latin Mass to draw more people!”

    Anyway, an unexpectedly extra special Mass.

  17. WmHesch says: A better poll might be: which hue of pink/ rose?…Princess Pink…Hot Pink…Salmon…Rose Madder

    You left out Pepto-Bismol. Still, I will take Pepto-Bismol over liturgical “dancers” any day of the week. (In fact, with liturgical “dancers” you kinda need Pepto-Bismol.)

  18. Mr. Graves says:

    Rose, NO, military chapel (traveling).

  19. KateriK says:

    Purple vestments. Sermon notes: Joy must be Christo-centric otherwise it is not true spiritual joy.

  20. majuscule says:


    Our priests always come to our church from the larger parish church. We have vestments but no rose chasuble. In the past, priests who have wanted rose have brought rose vestments from the main church but normally they use our purple chasuble.

    This year Father suggested that we think about getting a rose chasuble. After Mass another parishioner and I were discussing the logistics of taking up a collection for this purpose. Father, who overheard us, said that a fairly new parishioner had taken him aside and said he would pay for it. The person who does the ordering of these things was already on it!

  21. AA Cunningham says:

    Rose, EF, Low Mass, FSSP parish. Every Mass throughout the year is itself a mini Advent.

  22. Fr. Kelly says:

    I used our dusky rose chasuble in a moderate Gothic shape, which was handmade out of rayon some time in the late 1930s or early 1940s. It was originally purple but over the years has faded to a rose color. I thought it particularly appropriate for Gaudete and Laetare Sunday. It has also become somewhat delicate, so I generally reserve it for these Sundays.

  23. Grant M says:

    Sspx priest: Hell exists and people go there. The four main torments of hell:
    The loss of God
    Fruitless remorse
    Presence of demons

    He also discussed why the punishment is eternal, and how this is compatible with God’s infinite mercy and love.

    (As Dante says, il primo Amore made hell.)

    Purple vestments. Lovely fiddleback chasuble. Our priest comes from afar, and apparently uses what our local group has available.

  24. CaliCatholicGuy says:

    OF at 0630 after getting off graveyard shift (does it make it a vigil mass for me since I then went to bed?)

    Father wore a rose chasuble and rose stole and announced it was Gaudete Sunday. Father preached that as we are preparing our home to welcome Our Lord and Savior we should also ensure we are living our faith as we prepare our houses for Christmastide, for instance if we are unkind to family that may be coming to visit for the holiday.

    He also mentioned the parish penance service this week, that we would have 15 priests hearing confessions and it is a perfect time to avail ourselves of the sacrament and go into Christmas with a clean slate as it were.

  25. JonPatrick says:

    Visiting family in Central Massachusetts we availed ourselves of the beautiful reverent Missa Cantata at the St. Benedict Center in Still River where Father clad in rose vestments spoke about St. John the Baptist, how it is the tax collectors and soldiers that are affected by his preaching of repentance and ask “what can we do?” and he gives them advice. The Pharisees and religious establishment on the other hand have no interest in his message and just want to question his credentials.

    During Advent it is important to try to get away from worldly things as epitomized by those questioning John the Baptist, and to focus on Christ’s coming.

  26. Grabski says:

    Rose, though the young parochial vicar who distributed Communion wore a purple stole

    The sermon from a retired priest was interminable about people who see only in black/white terms…

  27. Suburbanbanshee says:

    Sort of a grape rose, but more purple-red than pink or red-violet.

    Visually confusing, but it looked nice on a chasuble. One of those “wider than a fiddleback” things.

  28. Gregg the Obscure says:

    Good point from homily: St. Paul’s exhortation to rejoice in the Lord always is directed to each of us and we are without excuse if we neglect it.

  29. Fr. Reader says:

    I have seen it in Mexico. 90% blue.

  30. e.e. says:


    Our parish has blue vestments, and we’re in the USA. We also have 3 blue ribbons on the Advent wreath, 3 blue banners hung on the doors, etc. It’s actually an attractive shade, but it’s definitely blue and not purple.

    Father had pink/rose on yesterday.

  31. jaykay says:

    NO, rose chasuble purchased about 5 years ago. Father (Nigerian, very good man) started with an introduction about the rose colour and the theme of “Laetare”, and his homily was based on the Gospel of the day, with emphasis on honest dealing. I didn’t hear much as his delivery is rather low-pitched (and it’s a big church and I’m in the rear choir gallery) but honest dealing is something with which our rotten Government here in Ireland seems to be increasingly unfamiliar. He didn’t make that point precisely, but for those with ears to hear he wouldn’t have to… :(

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