More about #BOOKGATE and a Litany Against Modernists

More on BOOKGATE below.

But first, I thought some of you would enjoy this new litany (for private use) in Italian.


O glorioso S.Ignazio
  fa finire questo strazio
S. Giovanna d’Arco
  al modernista chiudi il varco
S. Caterina d’Alessandria
  dei modernisti caccia la mandria
San Benedetto abate
  i modernisti eliminate
Sant’Antonio eremita
  caccia il clero sodomita
Santa Caterina Labouré
  liberaci dalle sinistre suore coccodè
San Giovanni Battista
  converti il clero comunista
Santa Edwige di Polonia
  brucia gl’idoli dell’Amazzonia
O glorioso San Lorenzo
  convertite Bianchi Enzo
O glorioso San Venerio
  liberaci da chi concede l’adulterio
Sante monache anacorete ed eremite
  Liberateci da chi vuol cancellar l’Humanae vitae
San Fortunato di Camogli
  fa’ che ai preti non dian mogli
Dal cielo santi tutti ci aiutate
  i modernisti debellate

per omnia saecula saeculorum

Since most of the people this is directed against have Italian, … THERE!

Meanwhile, in other Italian news, Il Messaggero says that the vineyard that Benedict XVI wanted at Castel Gandolfo was ripped up.

Back in the Roman day, they used to chisel names out of inscriptions.  It was called damnatio memoriae.

Book cover… vineyard… coincidence, for sure.

Too bad.  Castel Gandolfo has some other farming elements, including a little dairy.  When we would go out to the gardens in our Latin group with Fr Foster, we used to sing songs in Latin to the cows.  And their are apiaries!  The milk and honey were sold in the Vatican commissary.

I wonder if John Paul’s pool is still there.  After all, they are trying to get rid of everything else that remind us of him, like his… you know… magisterium.

Meanwhile, Il Messaggero gives prime real estate to BOOKGATE.

“The anti-Bergoglio trap”…. NOT.


“Sarah, the conservative frontrunner on whom traditionalists pin their hopes to get ready for after Francis”

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Mario Bird says:

    More (hesitates): Might I have one or two more books?
    Cromwell: You have books?
    More: Yes.
    Cromwell: I didn’t know; you shouldn’t have. Rich!
    Rich: Secretary?
    Cromwell: Tomorrow morning, remove the prisoner’s books.

  2. Gab says:

    I do like that Litany – and it can also be sung as per the Litany of Saints.

  3. Suburbanbanshee says:

    Mordor hates what is green and growing.

    (Or more likely, they plan to put some kind of luxury party apartments on the vineyard lands. Or an office building and parking lot.)

    Planting a vineyard is done for the future. Ripping out a vineyard is for the short-sighted.

  4. Kathleen10 says:

    haha, that’s pretty funny actually, Francis has a lemony expression, but Sarah and Benedict are smiling. This whole thing is incredible. Our lives are now stranger than fiction.
    Twenty years ago if someone had said Donald Trump would be president, a pope would retire in some way, the next pope would blow up Catholicism, then the retired pope would write a book with a Cardinal on the eve of a destructive exhortation that was getting rid of priestly celibacy and God knows what else he’s planned…no one would believe any of it. I hardly believe it and I’m here.

  5. Gaetano says:

    The ferocity of reactions and the willingness to comment on Pope Benedict’s alleged infirmities (without evidence) make me wonder what’s really happening here.

    This is about much more than a book, or even a single chapter of a book. Otherwise there wouldn’t such indignation from so many diverse quarters simultaneously.

    So what is it really about?

  6. LeeGilbert says:

    Anche santi, per favore, pregate che un altro prenda subito il suo ufficio!

  7. oledocfarmer says:

    What a glorious diversity of vestments Francis sports. Psssssss….”Pope” Francis, the poor are not impressed by your eschewing of the garb of your holy predecessors. The poor think you’re patronizing them AND resent your depriving them of the eye-candy of days-gone-by.

  8. Pingback: THVRSDAY EDITION – Big Pulpit

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