I have received various communications about talks being held by folks associated with the SSPX and the emanations of penumbras of that whole thing. I must say a couple things.
First, I worked in this environment for a long time.
Second, while many in that (SSPX) "thing" are well motivated, a few are wacko.
Third, lots of people will want to dedicate themselves to commenting on this, issuing notes whenever ripples of rumors come forth from under whatever pillow they may be inclined to whisper. To these folks I suggest that they should learn how to breathe normally.
These rumors pop up every year or so. If you think that those involved with the whole SSPX thing are going to reconcile before substantive THEOLOGICAL discussions on the issue of RELIGIOUS LIBERTY are CONCLUDED IN THEIR FAVOR (permit me to shout), there will be no concord. Many might come over to Rome, but … by now … some will not. The important issues are NOT administrative solutions, or acknowledgments, or faculties, or permissions, etc., The real issue is religious liberty. That and, for some, the libido dominandi. For some of those in the whole SSPX "thing", the only solution possible is that the Holy See just bend to their overwhelmingly penetration insight. Until then… no go.