My experience is that many people, and also prelates, have as their greatest fear BAD PRESS. Their greatest fears swirl about news stories putting them in bad light.
The words of Shakespeare’s Hamlet spring to mind. In Act II scene ii, the Players come to the castle. Hamlet is excited at their arrival.
Good my lord, will you see the players well
bestowed? Do you hear, let them be well used; for
they are the abstract and brief chronicles of the
time: after your death you were better have a bad
epitaph than their ill report while you live.
Sometimes people do things for the specific purpose of avoiding negative publicity or bad press, but their very actions insure that bad press is all they are going to get. "Hoist", as it were…..
Friends, Romans (and when I say that I mean it), Bloggers …. we are the brief chronicles of the time. Far and wide tremble those who are writing and rewriting their epitaphs in the vain hope that we will not not notice what they are up to.
“Quomodo vos potestis credere, qui gloriam ab invicem accipitis, et gloriam quae a solo Deo est, non quaeritis?”
And this is almost funny in retrospect, but it also touches on the same subject:
Si dimittimus eum sic, omnes credent in eum, et venient Romani, et tollent nostrum locum, et gentem. (Joann. 11:48)
They sure took care of THAT problem by getting rid of the person who was an embarrassment to them.