And over at my favorite Middle English blog

Did you know that Geoffrey Chaucer hath a blog?   His latest entry is very good provender for all of who know that the only thing worse than getting spam is not getting anything at all.  In another post I asked you where in Dante’s infernal construct you would put spammers.  Jumping the water and a century or so, well…. Perpend:


Wondrous messages for me from the internette!

My gentil rederes alle, what merveilous werkes we see yn thys tyme. BSL! Several sithes within oon daies space ich am astonyed with the wonderful werkynges of the Internette. Trewely, yt beth a thyng of grete wisdam and power.

For nowe that ich haue hadde thys blog for nigh an yeere, ich do receive manye messages of emaile, of gret varietee in maner of speche and in importaunce. Ywis, yt semeth me that ich stonde within the dwellinge of the Goddesse of Renoun or of Fame, the ladye who knoweth all tales and tellynges yn this world ymaad, and to her hous all rumoures and stories do come yn the maner of pigeones flockynge to a man throwinge crumbes of breede – for so manye litel tales do flit toward myn inbox ech daye, nay ech houre: sum of high sentence and muche lernynge, otheres of churlishe nature, sum of tidynges of myn home of Londoun and sum of londes ferne and straunge. Ther beth thynges of loue, and joye, and eek thynges of muchel wo and lamentacioun. Ich speke nat of the emailes from my freendes, such as Sir Simon Burley, Sir John Clanvowe, Ralph Strode, Tommy Vsk et alii, ich speke of thes messages from othirs of whom ich haue no acqueintaunce – ich wene thei do sende them me by cause of myn posicioun at the custoum house? Surely it must be so, for my fame as a poete ys but litel, and thes messages come from alle ovir the globe of the erthe.

Forto shewen yow the wondirs that awaiten me ech daye, ich haue vsid the tooles of “cutte” and “paste” to showe yow the wondirs of myn inboxe. Heere are a fewe ensaumples:

I. A fayre ladye of a far londe offreth me hir loue!


This blog is a marvel!  I actually LOL when I read it!   Give ol’ Geoff some traffic!



About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. CaesarMagnus says:

    How would Chaucer deal with netspeak? Could he “translate” it into Middle
    English? (Your “LOL” comment sparked the though.)

  2. Séamas says:

    Did you see his DVC post, “The Cipher of Leonardo”?

  3. Absolutely! Very funny!

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