Conjure the image

I am watching the USCCB meeting lunch-break presser via my SlingBox (may God bless the makers of the SlingBox) back in the Land of the Free. 

His Excellency the Bishop of Erie, Most Rev. Donald W. Trautman, head of the BCL, has twice mentioned now (once during the meeting and once during the presser) that in the revision of readings for Lectionary, they involved "drama" consultants.

I just want to conjure that image, though I shudder.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. How many Lectionaries is my parish going to have to buy before we get a tolerable translation? This is so stupid. It’s bad enough that the formatting in them makes them three times as long as necessary (and twice the price), but the fact that we will eventually be forced to buy the USCCB’s new “dramatized” version just rubs salt in an already gaping translation wound.
    … Not that I have any opinion on the subject :P

  2. Father: Thus, it’s too much to hope that, as a former thespian,
    Bishop Trautman asked you for input when he referred to “drama consultants”

  3. Mike says:

    I recall the movie “Waiting for Guffman” and the character played by
    Christopher Guest. Some dialouge:

    “Corky St. Clair: I was shopping for my wife Bonnie. I buy most of her clothes and Mrs Pearl was in the same shop! And it just was an accident you know, we started talking… about panty hose, she was saying… whatever that’s not the point of the story but what the point is is that through this accidental meeting… it’s like a Hitchcock movie you know where you’re thrown into a rubber bag and put in the trunk of a car, you find people. You find them. Something, is is it karma? Maybe. But we found him, that’s the important thing. And I got Bonnie a wonderful pantsuit. ”


  4. fr.franklyn mcafee says:

    There is a solution but I forget where I read it-perhaps it was here.A pastor wrote in on some blog and said that he could not stand the translations of the scriptures.So at Mass he doeas the readings in Latin and then reads them in the RSV translation.What a genius! This was the NO mass and I guess it would not be a practical solution.I admit that I have talen the slightest liberty with the translation.When the Magnificat is read I say (or proclaim) “My soul does MAGNIFY theLord”,if I was really daring I would say (or proclaim)”My soul DOTH magnify the Lord”.As a cynic said ,”I am not greatly interested in all this talk about mass in latin.I just wish I could hear mass for once in English.”

  5. Fr. Franklyn: Hmmm… interesting. How about using the DR? Beautiful language. Potential, indeed.

  6. Ahh there is old Traut-person when you need a good laugh..

  7. Dan Hunter says:

    Well at least we have the great Bishop Burke,of St.Louis Mo.Take a look at the encouraging piece done on,The New Liturgical Movement ,website,about Gregorian chant,and children in the Mass His Excellency offered at the Basilica in St. Louis.There is hope for the USCCB.
    Is it possible to e-mail this piece to Cardinal Mahoney in the La diocese?

  8. Seamas O Dalaigh says:


    Perhaps he means “dramaturg”.

    James Daly

  9. Adam van der Meer says:

    Word has it that Ignatius Press’ new RSV-2nd Catholic Edition lectionary has been presented personally to the Holy Father. It already had the approval of the Congregation for Divine Worship as being in conformity with Liturgiam Authenticam. Let’s hope that the Vatican makes it a standard English translation approved universally.

  10. QuoPrimum says:

    well… I guess “Drama Consultants” are better than “Drama Queens”. Scary thought.

  11. tim says:

    Roman Sacristan, one word of advice, meant in full charity:

    Run to the TLM and enjoy it.

  12. The Ignatius Press new RSV 2nd Catholic Edition lectionary is, in fact, being used here and there in the US by a few discriminating priests. It is in conformity with Liturgiam Authenticam. The whole NAB lectionary enterprise should, in my opinion, be scrapped.

  13. Adam van der Meer says:

    I suppose those “discriminating priests” have permission to use it? So far as I could tell, permission has not been granted to use it by the U.S. Bishops. Since we are not at liberty to adapt the liturgy at whim, then it would seem that we would be bound to use the liturgical books currently approved.

  14. Rob says:

    I always get angry about the NAB translation– David wakes from his “siesta”, or
    forgive your neighbor “seventy-seven times”– completely unnecessary.

  15. Dan Hunter says:

    Can the Holy Father just can the dissenters against the Magisterium? Why not, Christ did it to Satan when He was crucified then rose from the dead.

  16. Joe says:

    I watched much of this on the internet (courtesy of EWTN) here in the UK. As well as the great interventions by Archbishop Burke, there was a wonderful contribution by Bishop Bruskewitz, who reminded the gathering of (then) Cardinal Ratzinger’s comments that Bishops’ Conferences as such have litle canonical authority. He added “I don’t know if he’s changed his mind now that he has changed his name”. It was great. Bishop Skylstad later tried a bit of a put-down which brought a little applause, but it very obvious who had the moral authority. Wish we had bishops such as Bruskewitz and Burke here in the UK.

  17. Seventy seven or seventy times seven?

    An old post of mine (feel free to critique away):

    And, Fr. Z., would a priest be able to write Rome and get permission to use the Catholic RSV rather than the lame NAB (and how would one go about doing that if it is possible?).

  18. Catholic Lady says:

    Well here is what I do at both the TLM and the NO – I find out what the readings will be in advance and then read them in my DR Bible – sometimes it is quite a stretch to believe they are the same as the NAB

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