Today is the 1st anniversary of the first entry on this blog.
What a year! I might finally be getting the hang of things.
Thank you all for helping to make this blog a success.
Thanks to all of you for making a donation to help keep it running (Deo volente).
On the first day, 8 December 2005, I posted this photo taken the night Pope Benedict was elected. I was pretty tired, after all the stuff from the previous days with Fox News and writing and all. But when I got home, this is what I saw. It might be the only time you will see a photo of both the Basilica and the Apostolic Palace illuminated! I posted it at 10:29 am (Rome time).
This seems a good way to observe the occation of the 1st anniversary.
Happy anniversary, Father. I appreciate every post.
Best Catholic blog. Barr none.
No one comes here as a favor, Father. We come because it’s one of the best blogs around.
Thanks for the blog. Thanks for being a priest. And thanks for being a Catholic with me. Happy Feast!
Happy Blogging Anniversary, Father!
Keep up the good work!
Ad multos annos!
Happy anniversary for a wonderful first year.
All your hard and thoughtful work, as well as the stunning photographs are much appreciated.
A toast to many more anniversaries and continued success.
Best regards.
Happy Blogday, Father! This is certainly one of my favorite websites. Keep up the great work!
Happy anniversary, Fr. Z! Your WDTPRS articles in The Wanderer inspired me to start translating the prayers of the Roman Missal as well. And your blog and a few others inspired me this year to start my own blog.
Your blog is at the top of my favorites list. Your insight into things are very appreciated.
Here’s to many more years.
Thanks, Fr. Z. WDTPRS is invaluable!
Thank you Father for the good work you do. Your blog is on the short list I check every day – can it really have been a year?
Ad multos annos!
Happy Anniversary Father!
What’s the status of the WDTPRS pilgrimage to Rome?
Happy anniversary! May God bless you always!
Happy Anniversary FrZ.
You certainly have the hang of it, that is for sure. As others have stated, you are on the top of a short list I *must* visit each day. Thanks for being such a great priest and friend. It certainly is great to be able to come and visit here.
WDTPRS is the best.
Happy anniversary and congratulations on such an informative,balanced and classy blog.Ad multos annos!
Yes! With the Immaculata and all the angels & Saints we thank you for being an inspiration and blessing for us! You are a rare and special “alter Christus” for us, who need priests like you so badly. Happy anniversary!
Happy anniversary! Not a day goes by when I do not check in at least once! Thank you for providing the
faithful with this wonderful tool of daily information, evangelization, and inspiration!
Awesome Blog! Happy Feast day! May the Blessed Mother protect you and my her mantle cover you and protect your Priesthood.
Maria servet nos!
Father: I started reading your blog daily, in October. The content is informative, rich, and quite beautiful. Thank you for all the work you put into it. Surely, everyone who reads your pages is grateful! Wishing you a very special Holy Season! Christine
WDTPRS – our buckler and shield!
Happy anniversary, Father! I found your blog this summer and I visit almost daily. Thank you for explaining things so clearly, for the patristic Rosary, and especially for what gives the blog its name. Being a translator myself, I had long suspected that the translations of the prayers were rather poor (I’m trying to be charitable here!), which is why I prefer to use the Spanish translations. Although my Latin is rather limited, a comparison between the English and the Spanish alone already tells me What The Prayer Really Says, and it’s not the English one! I enjoy your blog immensely, and I pray for the day when we will get a true and accurate translation in English. God bless your work.
Happy Blogiversary! (yeah, I know… but someone had to do it)
Yours is at the very top of my short list of blogs, and the only one that I check every day. Thank you for this blog, the AFQB, all the other work you do, and for serving our Lord and His Church as a priest.
Prima incidente memoria anniversaria huius situs, congratulor tibi, Pater. Gratum est paginas has singulis diebus lectitare. Macte virtute!
Does this mean another cigar is in order Padre? LOL, that box of Cohiba’s are looking mighty slim. I might just have to see if I can get another from someone in the know. *{:-)
May this be the first of many, many anniversaries for this excellent and unique blog, and may God bless you in the work your are doing for His kingdom.
If I couldn’t read a word, I would still visit this blog just for the photography and the reproduction of all the religious art work. I hope you enjoy presenting this as much as we enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Father John T. Zuhlsdorf,
I has been an extreme honor to follow your blog for the past year. I first heard of you in the Wanderer and Im sorry to say I do not feel the need to continue my subscription since I’ve found your web site. I have continued my subscription regardless and find that I must check up every day on the developments on your post for the wonderful translations, the gossip, as well as the general knowledge I should have been taught as part of growing up in my faith.
My parents seem to take for granted most of the items on your site I discuss with them and I’m wondering how after twelve years of Catholic School I am not familiar with alot of the topics you discuss.
Please help contine to briging me up to speed,
Alot of us Depend upon you Father,
P.S. Please do not let SV II get to you. Our faith has not and will not change.
Everyone: Thanks so much for the kind comments about the blog. It is gratifying to know you think it useful enough to return to. That helps!
Fr. Z
Dear Fr. Z,
Happy Anniversary! Thanks for keeping up this blog. I have found it more than helpful. It helps me have a sense of being connected to the Church. The parish that I go to is not liberal, but the liturgy does not make me feel connected to the Church the way the TLM always did. This is hard to explain. Your blog gives me a little bit of that connection back. This is not a small thing. I need this connection to stay Catholic. Thank you!