Pope Benedict future USA trip?

It may be that some time in the future, His Holiness will travel to the USA.  The terms are still quite vague, however:



VATICAN CITY, APR 27, 2007 (VIS) – Yesterday afternoon, Holy See Press Office Director Fr. Federico Lombardi S.J. announced that Benedict XVI has accepted the invitation presented recently by Ban Ki-moon, secretary general of the United Nations, to visit the headquarters of that organization in New York.


  "The Pope," said Fr. Lombardi, "has accepted the invitation in general terms, and has expressed his willingness to visit the U.N. headquarters, although as yet there is no date or program for the trip."


  Servant of God John Paul II visited the U.N. headquarters in 1979, and again in 1995 for the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the foundation of the organization.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Brother Anthony says:

    The pope should have nothing to do with that Freemasonic organization!

  2. Jacobus says:

    Hopefully he’ll address the assembly in Latin.

  3. Craigmaddie says:

    Is that the SSPX take on the United Nations?

  4. afanco says:

    I consider the UN more useless than Masonic.

    Come to Detroit, Papa!

  5. Dave Deavel says:

    Fr. Zuhlsdorf,

    If you’re still in St. Paul and have any time, I’d love to take you for drinks or coffe or lunch or whatever. Please write me at dpdeavel(at)stthomas.edu

  6. Dave: Thanks for the invitation. I should be back in June sometime.

  7. Father Bartoloma says:

    In the cases of Popes Paul VI and John Paul II, the papal speeches to the UN were very much hyped and significant. The Holy Father literally steps onto a kind of ‘world stage’ and addresses the ‘nations’. Of course, the UN is usually very problematic and flawed than it seems to be beneficial. However, to see Pope Benedict XVI use this arena to address the global community will be something to behold. I would imagine that few outside of interested Catholic circles pay any attention to, for example, the pope’s annual ‘State of the World’ address to diplomats, however the Holy Father address the UN assembly will attract alot more attention.

    I always feel that although the Papal States have been lost, it was very important that there was some sort of retention of a papal temporal authority for reasons such as this. The Holy Father and the Vatican simply would not have any say at all in global affairs if there was not the reality, albeit a small one, of the Pope as sovereign of the Vatican City State. Thank you Popes Pius IX and XI!

  8. Seumas says:

    Father Bartoloma,

    Well thought and said.

    That’s precisely the reason the Holy Father might want to “have something to do with that Freemasonic organization.” He wants to use them for his own subversive Catholic agenda, which is to bring all people under the subjection of the King of the Universe.

    It’s all very conspiratorial, you see.

    Of course, he will be in the U.N. without being of the U.N.

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