I like the online versions of major newpapers. They often strike out into less well-chartered waters. For example, can anyone actually go a day without checking in on The Wall Street Journa’s "Best of the Web" by James Taranto? After all, where else can you find stories like these?
You’d Have to Be Demented to Attack a Mallet-Wielding Dog
"Man With Dementia Attacks Dog With Mallet"–headline, Sheboygan (Wis.) Press, April 26
or else
Selective Amnesia
"Government: Hogs That Ate Contaminated Pet Food Will Not Be Recalled"–headline, FoxNews.com, April 29
Similarly, I occasionaly find Der Spiegel amusing. They have an online edition.
In today’s "Fishwrap" find:
May Day: A Note to Our Readers
Tuesday, May 1, is a federal holiday in Germany. All German newspapers suspend publication during holidays. This year, their journalists will be enjoying the sunshine and watching the odd May Day riot. Though SPIEGEL INTERNATIONAL will be published as normal on Tuesday, our daily "World from Berlin" press review will return on Wednesday.
That’s good.
On the other hand, one of my colleagues today at lunch said that young people carrying chains were gathering for the May Day demonstration at St. John Lateran. Also, the President of the CEI (Italian Bishops Conference) has been receiving death threats. Someone mailed him a bullet. Nice, huh? This is all heating up because of the Church’s strong stand against the legislation proposed favoring homosexual "marriages". Things are revving up here in anticipation of the huge "Family Day" demonstrations to take place on 12 May.