In honor of the Feast of St. Isidore, I am proud to announce that I have added audio recordings of the Internet Prayer in both the dialect of Rome, Romanesco, and in Italian.
It would love to receive some additional language versions as well as audio recordings read by native speakers.
Orazzione prima da collegasse a la rete
Oddio ‘nnipotente ‘n zempiterno, che c’hai fatto apparo de ‘na pittura de Sampietro, (1)
e c’hai detto:"bbadate da cerca’ le cose bbone, ‘ndo’ stanno stanno e senza torna’ ‘ndietro,(2)
e speciarmente in de la perzona de Mi’ fijo e Signore Vostro Ggesucristo",(3)
fa’ che Sant’Isidoro, Vescovo e Dottore come sarvognuno nun z’era mai visto,(4)
ce dia ‘na mano a ggira’ co’ ‘sti machinari in de la rete de’ internette,
addopranno occhi e mmano cercanno da piacette
e trattanno tutti quelli che che ‘ncontramo
come farebbe Cristo, fijo Tuo, e nno Ccaino, fijo d’Adamo.
Pe’ Ccristo Nostro Signore. Ame’.
(1) A reference to the Sistine Chapel and the catechetical intent of the depiction of Gen 1,26-27
(2) Luke 9:62
(3) Surely a Roman commoner would have God speak in first person.
(4) "sarvognuno" = "no disrespect to all others"
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How exactly does Italy function with so many local dialects? Is there one dialect in particular that all Italians know along with their own local dialects?
During the general audience the Pope also mentioned St. Isidore, and specifically his Sententiarum Liber 33.3 which reads:
“Sancti viri nequaquam occupationum saecularium curas appetunt, sed occulto ordine sibi superinpositas gemunt, et quamvis illas per meliorem intentionem fugiant, tamen per subditam mentem portant. Quas quidem summopere, si liceat, vitare festinant, sed timentes occultam dispensationem Dei, suscipiunt quod fugiunt, exercent quod vitare noscuntur. Intrant enim ad cor, et ibi consulunt quid velit occulta voluntas Dei: seseque subditos debere esse summis ordinationibus cognoscentes, humiliant cervicem cordis iugo divinae dispensationis.”
I wonder if this is not a description pretty much of the Pope’s own life.
Andreas: Isidore, as Benedict, echo the topos in Augustine’s longing.
to Jonathan Bennett
Yes, Jonathan, you are right. In Italy each region has its own dialect (may be with many local difference in pronunciation from town to town). But we all speak a common dialect: the so called “Italian language” is infact the dialect of Florence which has been imposed in the XIX an XX century to the newly born Italian State, after the wars for independence (and agaist the “State of the Church” which was not the small Vatican State of tody, but a large region in central Italy).
Molitva prije spajanja na internet:
Svemogu?i vje?ni Bože,
koji si nas stvorio na svoju sliku
i naložio nam da tražimo sve što je dobro, istinito i lijepo,
osobito u božanskoj osobi Jedinoro?enoga Sina Tvoga
Gospodina našega Isusa Krista,
podaj molimo Te
da po zagovoru svetog Izidora, biskupa i nau?itelja,
tijekom našeg putovanja internetom
upravimo svoje ruke i o?i samo onome što je Tebi ugodno
i iskažemo ljubav i strpljivost svim dušama koje ?emo susretati.
Po Kristu Gospodinu našem. Amen.
T: Thanks for that. However, there are problems with some of the characters. Can you send that text to me by e-mail?
It didn’t come out well although preview was fine. Never mind, I’ll send it by email.