Fr. Blake informs us that now Fr. Aaron Spinelli has been ordained! He is a friend from Rome and a fine fellow.
The diocese of Arundel and Brighton rejoiced today at the ordination of Father Aaron Spinelli to the priesthood.Father Aaron is from the parish of our Lady of Ransom Eastbourne and rejoices in his Phillipino and Sicilian origins.It was a joy to see his mother and father with tears of joy (sorry no pics).
Deo gratias! Benvenuto, Padre Aaron!!
Given his surname, I’m sure he will be using plenty of incense at his masses : P
Well, judging from that huge smile of his, he looks like he’s going to be a wonderful priest and a benefit to the faithful he shepherds.
Looks like a good egg, and a priestly one at that.
I live in that diocese!
I noticed he’s wearing a cassock, we could do with a few more traditionalists here.
Thank you Fr. Spinelli, for saying, “yes” to God’s call!
Off-topic and indecorous, but talk about Father Whatawaste….;o)
But God bless you and thank you for answering the call, Fr Spinelli!