I was delighted to read about a pointless… or not so pointless… exchange in the White House briefing room. A tip of the biretta o{]:¬) to American Papist who has been staying in touch with the Pelosi/Biden scandalously errant comments about the Church’s teaching on human life.
Watch what happens:
WorldNetDaily tried to raise a question related to Pelosi-Gate at today’s White House Briefing:[WND correspondant Kinsolving]"Fox News reported yesterday that Speaker Pelosi has agreed to meet with San Francisco Catholic Archbishop Niederauer to discuss whether Pelosi, an abortion rights supporter, should take communion, with Pelosi agreeing to meet with him, but no date set. And my question: The president agrees with the archbishop on abortion, rather than the speaker, doesn’t he?"
"I am absolutely not going to comment on Speaker Pelosi’s meetings or the archibhsop – absolutely not going to comment, Les," said White House spokeswoman Dana Perino.
The next question is needlessly argumenative:Kinsolving continued, "St. Thomas Aquinas, Anselm and Alphonsus Liguori, as well as Popes Innocent III and Gregory XIV, all disagreed that a human life begins at conception. Does the president believe these two holy fathers and three Catholic saints were all wrong?"
Again, Perino said she would let the record stand.
"The president’s position on this is well-known," she said.
What is interesting about this is that the questions are moving off the blogosphere and more limited media outlets onto some talk radio, such as Rush and Hewitt, and, soon, perhaps into secular papers through ads.
Now we have this in the White House briefing room.
The spokesperson was probably right to refuse to respond, but the fact remains that people are still asking the questions.
That is good.