Something disgusting and evil but very instructive

Satan is our enemy who hates us and desires our eternal pain.  He works with angelic power to corrupt, to confuse, to lull, to pacify.  He has many agents, angelic and human.  Some are his willing minions.  Most are unwitting dupes.

That said, read this story from SeacostOnline.  I add my emphases  and comments:

Robinson led retreat for gay Catholic priests

By Associated Press
October 29, 2008 9:59 PM

MANCHESTER — Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson [Robinson is the active, open homosexual Episcopalian Bishop of New Hampshire.  They "ordained" him despite his having left his wife to live openly in a homosexual relationship.  His elevation to to bishop inflamed controversy among Anglicans and made most sensible people scratch their heads in total awe at their blindness.] said he led a confidential retreat a few years ago for gay Roman Catholic priests. [A few years ago… so this is not current.  But if he did it then, has he done it since?]

Robinson, the first openly gay bishop in the Episcopal Church and world Anglican Communion, said the Catholic priest group that organized the meeting had invited him to attend.

About 75 Catholic clergy from around the U.S. participated without notifying their bishops or provincial leaders, [Secular priests don’t need to notify their bishops to go on a retreat.  I don’t know about religious.] Robinson said. In 2005, the Vatican issued a document affirming the church’s stance that men with "deep-seated" attraction to other men should not be ordained.

The retreat was held outside of New England, but Robinson would not say where.

Robinson briefly discussed the retreat during a question-and-answer session after a viewing Saturday of a documentary featuring his life story [yuk] called, "For The Bible Tells Me So," according to The Laconia Daily Sun.

The film features Robinson’s parents and other Christian parents discussing their faith and having a child come out as gay or lesbian.

The documentary was shown at Gilford’s First United Methodist Church as part of the Open Doors Fellowship, which aims to make the church welcoming for gays and lesbians.

[Watch this!] The film makes a link between sexism and anti-gay prejudice, contending that, "at its root, the hatred of gays is driven by a hatred and second-class status of women," Robinson said.  [HUH?]

Robinson said he made a similar point in the priests’ retreat.

"I had said to them, ‘It’s too dangerous for you to come out as gay to your superiors, but I believe that [Here is the money quote…] if you work for the ordination of women in your church, you will go a long way toward opening the door for the acceptance of gay priests," Robinson said.


Can there be any doubt that these two issues are often connected in the minds of the men who promote the (impossible) ordination of women?

Satan is our enemy who hates us and desires our eternal pain.  He works with angelic power to corrupt, to confuse, to lull, to pacify.  He has many agents, angelic and human.  Some are his willing minions.  Most are unwitting dupes.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. George Festa says:

    The local ordanaries of the priests involved should be censured, put under interdict or even laicized.
    My family and I pray daily for all who hold and teach the Catholic faith that comes to us from the apostles, from the Holy Father right down to the laity, and pray for the conversion of all who hold such unorthodox views.

    In Corde Jesu et Maria

  2. James says:

    That same film was exhibited recently by the Franciscan friars at their shrine in Boston. Sigh.

  3. Derik says:

    Thanks for posting fr. Z. I will offer prayers for the santification of priests.

  4. Warren says:

    O Gene-Gene-the-mixed-up-machine… will his antics never cease? (…apparently not). He and anyone else living in denial obviously doesn’t get the fact that (women’s) ordination is a “case-closed” issue for Catholics, as in Rome has spoken and the answer is “no”. There should be no doubt nor surprise concerning Robinson’s agenda. He wears his disorder on his sleeve and, as rational folk know, that inclination toward chaos will never be satisfied. Robinson’s antics should confirm for us that, though the militant gay lobby claims they are merely seeking equal treatment under the law, they will never be appeased – they will never be able to restrain their now unbridled licentiousness which drives political agendas and attempts at social engineering.

    If Gene is recruiting Catholic priests to his cause, and should they join him, then perhaps “outing” those same priests is appropriate because, clearly, they are not for us. By outing I mean ousting.

  5. RichR says:

    I’d just ask, “What was the average age of these priests?”

  6. Matt Algren says:

    despite his having left his wife to live openly in a homosexual relationship

    Untrue. She re-married months before he met his husband.

  7. robert says:

    “The Vatican issued a document affirming the church’s stance that men with “deep-seated” attraction to other men should not be ordained.”
    I am confused with this statement. Does this mean the church allows men with “mild” attraction to be ordained, as long as they are devout and virtuous? The Vatican document seems very vague. Is it that way so as not to offend?

  8. Jordanes says:

    Matt Algren said: Untrue. She re-married months before he met his husband.

    He, like all men, has no husband. Only women can have husbands, Mr. Algren. Anyway it is certainly true that Mr. Robinson left his wife in order to live openly in a homosexual relationship. It doesn’t matter that he did not meet the man he currently engages in the sin of sodomy with until after he had divorced his wife, since his decision to live an openly homosexual life is the reason for his divorce.

  9. Hidden One says:

    I have seen that movie. At times, there is the occasional logically self-coherent sentence within it.

  10. Chris M says:


    It’s that way so that men who have overcome their disordered attraction are not automatically barred from the priesthood. We all have a propensity towards particular sins, and those with SSA but live a chaste and holy life can be considered for ordination.

    That’s my two cents, anyhow.

  11. shadrach says:

    One of the biggest obstacles to a more healthy climate for vocations is the dominance of a homosexual culture in the social ambience of many seminaries. This continues to be a problem across the church.

  12. John Enright says:

    This man is in the clutches of evil; he’s doing Satan’s work on a daily basis to misguided and vulnerable people. The nonsense Robinson preaches leads to all sorts of moralistic relativity including incest, euthanasia, abortion, etc. (I could go on endlessly but I have to consider Father Z’s bandwidth.)

  13. toomey says:

    In the late 80’s, there was a Father Enrique T. Rueda, who wrote columns in The Wanderer. In some of those columns, he warned and taught us about the vast homosexual network in American seminaries. It seems that he was a voice crying in the wilderness. What ever became of him?

  14. A Random Friar says:

    No religious (unless he’s under some kind of direct supervision) that I know of needs to notify his general superior/provincial of his specific plans, aside from the logistical necessity (i.e., if you’re gone for these particular five days, get someone to cover for you). My guess is that the intent of the author was to state that they did not notify them that they were going to _this_ particular kind of retreat. But again, I don’t know of anyone who normally tells his superior “I’m going to X-kind of retreat,” unless it’s perhaps an Ignatian 30 Day Retreat, and that’s because someone has to cover for you a whole month.

  15. I was wondering if the push from the left to get rid of priestly celibacy is part of an ultimate plan to promote homosexual relationships.
    The reason being, the vast majority of priests surely have a heterosexual orientation, but after prayer and discernment they have sacrificed the natural tendency toward marriage to a woman for the sake of the Kingdom of God. I’m sure the natural tendency toward marriage remains in the priest, but the good priest, having offered himself completely (including his legitimate sexuality) to God, recognizes such a natural tendency is no longer a legitmiate path for himself. I’m sure a priest meets many attractive women but ultimately finds his joy in that he belongs to God (in a analogous way that a married man belongs to his wife exclusively).
    To me it seems that practicing homosexuals would not want the priest to make such a sacrifice of his naturally ordered sexuality. They don’t want a man to deny his natural tendencies since the practicing homosexual does not want to deny his own unnatural tendencies.

  16. Matt Algren says:

    He, like all men, has no husband.

    Sure he does. They were civil union-ed earlier this year, but were joined in a religious ceremony in 1988.

  17. Frank H says:

    “He, like all men, has no husband.”

    “Sure he does. They were civil union-ed earlier this year, but were joined in a religious ceremony in 1988.

    Comment by Matt Algren”

    Sort of reminds me of the old story attributed to Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln asked, “If you call a tail a leg, how many legs has a dog? The answer is four. Calling a tail a leg doesn’t make it one.”

  18. Jordanes says:

    Well said, Frank. Since it is impossible for a man to marry a man, regardless of how much Big Brother insists that
    Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia, it
    is obvious that Mr. Robinson does not have a husband.

    Remember what Shakespeare said about a rose by any other name, and even the lesbian Gertrude Stein blurted “A rose is a rose is a rose is a rose.” Things are what they are, not what we feel like calling them.

  19. William Tighe says:

    Fr. Rueda wrote a book *The Homosexual Network: Private Lives & Public Pilicy* (1982) that was ignored at the time, and since, but which is well worth reading. It anticipated books such as Michael Rose’s *Good-Bye Good Men* or Paul Likoudis’s *AmChurch Comes Out* or Randy Engel’s *The Rites of Sodomy.* Copies of Fr. Rueda’s book are listed for sale here:

  20. Anastasia says:

    Things are improving. Not so long ago types like Robinson were giving Spiritual Conferences to Catholic SEMINARIANS! — sessions which they would have been obliged to attend. And it was made plain to them what was said when Uncle Joe arrived at the CPUSSR Congress, “Don’t be the first to stop applauding.”

  21. Boko says:

    Interesting that the film posits a link between sexism and disapproval of the gay lifestyle. Gay men are notoriously anti-woman.

  22. opey124 says:

    That is very sad.
    Lord help us all!

  23. Aelric says:

    Any bets on whether Canon 908 was violated?

    Can. 908 Catholic priests are forbidden to concelebrate the Eucharist with priests or ministers of Churches or ecclesial communities which do not have full communion with the Catholic Church.

    If so, and if the same could be documented, such could provide a canonical basis to censure the priests involved.

  24. CK says:

    [Watch this!] The film makes a link between sexism and anti-gay prejudice, contending that, “at its root, the hatred of gays is driven by a hatred and second-class status of women,” Robinson said. [HUH?]

    We had an example of this in a weekend associate. After he had drawn (duped) the many through his “tantilizing” personality and personal stories (all about him) he began attempting to reel them in with homilies accusing the “well known” mean Church hierarchy of historically suppressing women (you should’ve heard his examples in re-writing Church history) and went on to convince those in the pews with now established that the Church MUST now face up to their bias against women and ordain them too. This was soon after Robinson appointment as bishop and we were also told that the Church must do what the Episcopal church has given example! Yes, his type always supports the feminist agenda…and those feminists reciprocate, but with far less enthusiasm.

  25. CK says:

    In my above comment, that was supposed to be “well established guilt“.

  26. George Festa says:

    correction…mea culpa.
    In the first post on this subject I meant to get across that the local bishops should censure priests that engage in this disgusting behavior or hold these extreme left views(and pray for them too). The way the article was written it looks like I’m asking for the bishops to be peanilized — This is not what I meant to say.
    I apologize for not proof-reading my post before sending it.

    In Christ,

    Geo. Festa

  27. Michael F. Rowe says:

    Fr. Rueda was suspended by Bishop Clark for publishing that book. He returned to
    chemical engineering, kept his vows, says the Office daily and is currently teaching
    business in Brasilia, Brazil.

  28. chironomo says:

    George Festa…

    Thank you for that correction! I was going to comment on why we would censure the Bishops when they obviously did not know about this! The question is, do the Bishops know who the priests were? I would imagine it would be nearly impossible to find out….

  29. Scott Fetzer says:

    Father Rueda is Awesome!!

    Check out his pictures and artcles at:

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