Do any of you direct or belong to a Gregorian chant schola or a polyphonic choir?
Do you make any recordings of your group?
You might consider sending me a good, clear mp3 file.
I could include it in a PODCAzT if it is nice a clear or also on the stream RADIO SABINA.
Some folks are posting recordings of their scholas at . It’s still getting off the ground, but the recordings are accompanied by the scanned scores, and organized by Sunday.
We owe this wonderful resource to Corpus Christi Watershed, also responsible for the lovely promotional video about this year’s CMAA Sacred Music Colloquium.
Thanks, Corpus Chrisi Watershed!!
A friend’s choir with excellent Mp3s:
Go to, scroll down to the last “picture” and click on it. It’s a video of the recessional of the first Dominican Rite Mass in Anchorage, with the polyphony in the background, and a quick shot of them signing at the very end.
If anyone in the Cincinnati area would like to form a “learning schola” that would study (and sing) Theodore Marier’s “Gregorian Chant Master Class,” I would be interested in putting a group together. Despite the title, it’s a beginner’s course.
Lots of plainchant and polyphony from one Old Rite Scottish schola here:
Here is a link to youtube featuring the Traditional Latin Mass Choir at Mission San Juan Bautista singing Jesu Rex Admirabilis and Christus Vincit, among others.
These are not the clearest recordings, or even the best renditions, but they were recorded while being presented in their proper context:
– Ash Wednesday, EF (many chants shared with the OF)
– Ember Saturday in Lent (some chants shared with the OF, but on other Sundays)
Recording is a very unforgiving thing, especially when you don’t have the luxury of “take two”!
Many of these have made their way to
here is a link to all of the music sung during holy week last year at my parish:
Lots of chant and polyphony to be found.
Including my favorite gradual, ‘Christus Factus Est Pro Nobis.’
Josiah Ross, that looks like an amazing parish! Congrats!
Re:, there was a post on CMAA forum earlier that points to this beautiful site as a key to those resources.
Do we just post the mp3’s on here or do we send it to you, Fr. Z? If so, where/how?
Go to the website listed and click on the listen link. This is all Renaissance polyphony from people who were famous in their time but are hardly ever heard of anymore, which encompasses some of the most incredibly beautiful and moving sacred music ever sung in a Mass.
If you need other stuff, please let me know. I sing with several scholas and other groups, and we’ve all recorded some stuff, but not everything. If you are looking for anything especially, I’d be glad to help you in any way I can.
Alternately, check out Christendom College’s website. The link I’ve included in my name will take you directly to their current album and track list, and they are all up for free, if I understand it correctly.
gregorian chant schola, Media Vita:
Anonymous early Music ensemble:
Lamentations of Jeremiah, Thomas Tallis:
Improperia – Palestrina:
I can send a lot of good mp3 by e-mail, but they weight quite a lot
some music of the ensemle where I sing:
video & mp3
I hope antispam doesn’t throw it away this time