I think we are going to see some hard times.
I wouldn’t be surprised to see undesirable groups of people being isolated by "authorities".
There is an interesting piece in Free Republic about how this might be initiated.
It’s called "self-profiling".
Heck… I would be happy if a few people who post here would do some "self-editing"… but I digress.
You will need your Catholic faith in the time to come.
Real Catholic Faith, not the squishy goop you get in some places.
Doctrine. Worship.
In the meantime, here is a really great bird photo.
Happy thoughts!
Yea though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for Thou art with me
There is a need for “self cleaning” of the church.
A loving, “thank you very much for your support now here is the door” kind of
We will need all the faith we have in the coming years.
Nice pic of the Purple Finch! They have invaded my bird feeder in Ohio
and are most welcome.
All the more reason I think to be bold right now. Speak up while you have the chance. Make your resistance to persecution known in advance. Use the right to speak, or lose it. Personally I would rather that persecution come as a tidal wave, not as a thief in the night. That’s how Satlinism settled in. WE MUST BE HEARD NOW, for the sake of others, if not (or if even) for ourselves. Hence my somewhat belligerant response to someone’s joke last night. But it’s getting difficult to tell the jokes from the threats.
Pretty birdie. Pretty birdie. Nice thought. Happy thought.
Seems like that diagram might also work for the categories of “Pro-lifer”, “Papist”, “Traditionalist”
At least certain progressives might think so.
Sigh, harder and harder to hold on to hope. What is a busy mom supposed to do but pray? Thoughts like this are distressing and while they shouldn’t be ignored, my day to day must continue. What to do What to do…off the grid is not possible for everyone…Thanks for the bird, I think I will go pick some flowers…
I’ve found myself as much if not more concerned about our fastly evaporating freedoms–religious, economic, social and political–than anything else. I have almost daily freak-outs over what President Death is doing to our nation. Everything horrible is really happening–take over of private businesses, mandatory civil service, no-bounds ESCR, idiotic foreign policy, wiping out the middle class and discouraging contributions by the wealthy so middle class and charities have nowhere else to go but govt…which will choose the worthy.
Mary, Empress of the Americas, pray for us.
Don’t laugh too soon…
We may indeed have the opportunity to suffer for Christ in an extraordinary way. Fr. John Hardon was predicting years ago that only the very strongest in faith will be able to hold on to it in these coming times. Those who compromise with the world and give scandal (notre dame, pro-abortion catholics) and take many other worldlings or confused ones with them will not be able to take the necessary stand in faith,
Peggy, et al, go with me here, for a minute. Watch the signs: this seems to be the day as well, when global currency comes out of the closet. I see it being talked about, I see Geithner…or was it Goebles…grasping at absolute economic power; we hear that no other than ACORN rented the intimidation bus that visited the homes of AIG executives, in the style of the Youth Cadres of the Chinese Cultural Revolution. Intimidation, badgering…how long till Acorn starts lynching? That’s no idle hypothesis, the pattern already exists.
Now at the same time, we have the Holy Father and officials like Archbishop Burke clearly demonstrating the limits of aggornimental accomodation with the world, and on the other hand, half of the Episcopate chomping at the bit to comply with the world on its own terms whatever the Holy Father says.
So the question must be asked…
Actually, I think I’ll let one of you out there ask it, I don’t want to be accused of stirring. While we must of course and above all have faith, still we MUST think ahead, we must strategize, and we must be prepared. So follow the signs and pose the question if you want to continue the conversation. I see it as double-barrelled. How do you see it?
Wouldn’t it be funny if clicking on that “Free Republic” link was one of the government links and now they know I know? Where will that put me I wonder?
Wouldn’t it be funny if clicking on that “Free Republic” link was one of the government links and now they know I know? Where will that put me I wonder?
That was my first thought. “Congratulations, you’ve been profiled through FreeRepublic!” Though as a pseudo-govie myself I’m 99% sure that such a mass “rounding up” of the populace would not come from any currently existing Gov’t agency, within the Intelligence Community or otherwise. What I’d be more worried about is the free-lance political activist groups building their own private databases for targeted psychological and physical harassment. Heck, how fast did Joe the Plumber get ferreted out once he became a political target, or that Mormon restaurant owner who supported Prop 8 in CA? Perhaps I’m just naive, but I don’t see the IC ever turning its guns and resources against the civilians for a temporary political regime. If we face persecution for our beliefs in the days to come, it’s likely to come from legislators, PACs and the other usual suspects.
Just sayin…
The usual pattern is for “freelance” activist groups to eventually be given quasi-official roles in government after one of their own comes to power. I probably don’t need to make the obvious comparisons.
It will take an incredible amount of fortitude in the months and years to come. But we should take comfort in the words of Tertullian:
Seems somehow pertinent in these days…
They came for the corporate upper management executives,
and I did nothing, I was not an executive…
Change the groups, the meaning is the same. I am not the only one that is both prayerful and fearful.
Some nights the helicopters circling over head are a sinister sound.
I only pray that I live a life where there is no doubt about my beliefs, that I can be “guilty” of being a Catholic, a Christian, a Believer in Christ.
It may be that we might face some hard times, but I remain optimistic about the character of the American people. Let’s not get paranoid, remember, truth will out, and God will Reign Supreme, no matter what the prince of lies and his dupes try.
Tomorrow is the Feast of the Annunciation, let us pray to God and thank Him for the Saviour and our Blessed Mother.
Love the bird picture. Isn’t there an important message from Christ connected with the birds of the field, which seems appropriate to this discussion? Father Z, did you juxtapose the diagram and the bird photo for such a purpose?
“The usual pattern is for “freelance” activist groups to eventually be given quasi-official roles in government after one of their own comes to power.”
Sigh. No examples necessary. All I’ll say is there’s only a certain extent to which those appointed folks can fool with the mission of the agency to which they’re assigned … to say nothing of the internal safeguards which keep each agency tethered to its particular mission… What’s more, in the agencies that have an active interest in monitoring potential domestic threats, it generally takes more than just a working hit list and friends in high places to get appointed.
I wasn’t thinking of individual appointments so much as particular groups being given government sanction.
I suspect we are at a historical juncture and the times are about to get very serious. It may be about to get very ugly here and elsewhere. The most perfect union created by the founding fathers is going to receive its greatest challenge yet, I fear. The forces of Evil are at hand. We must hold strong to our faith and we will triumph.
I don’t want to offend, but that piece and the Free Republic in general sounds rather conspiratorial. I tend to shy away from conspiracy theories and I don’t see any point in indulging in them. Yes, there are more ways to watch the Web than before and chart our moves, but I really doubt that gov’t bureaucracy can be THAT efficient at keeping tabs on little ol’ me (it is the gov’t after all). Even if they do, I’m not sure I have anything worth hiding :) Maybe if they outlaw the Mass, as in Elizabethan times, we’ll have something to worry about – and they’ll come knocking on your door first, no doubt, Father.
I have no idea why all of the backslashes were inserted in the above post. Apologies. Here is the post without the extraneous backslashes (I hope).
By the way. Father, you can read some of the data that led to that Free Republic piece in this Fox News piece or this piece from the American Thinker.
From the Fox News article:
What an extremely good photo! Wau! You got the tongue of the bird in the picture, that’s fabulous.
Our good God has created all this beautiful stuff. in the midst of all confusion, let us be thankful for the small things!
I don’t worry too much about the government monitoring my web access, like a poster said above, It is the U.S. Government, after all, and they are usually far behind the “geeks” when it comes to computers……But I also keep in mind (as a proud member of the NRA) that one of the first things Hitler did when he came to power, was make everybody register their weapons, so he could watch them….and “remove” them……yikes!
Semper Fi!
John Polhamus,
There is already a global currency. It’s called the US Dollar.
RBrown – quite possibly not for long.
I’m trying to aspire to the idea: If you were accused of being a Catholic, would there be enough evidence to convict you?
Oh yeah, on the politcal front, let me suggest forgeting the tea parties and being just to the right of the leftists as they mambo leftward into the abyss with you following. Instead, jump out of the dance completely and take the red pill: http://unqualified-reservations.blogspot.com/2009/01/gentle-introduction-to-unqualified.html heh heh heh.
RBrown – quite possibly not for long.
Comment by Steve K.
Possibly, but not quite possibly.
I love (I’m being sarcastic) statements like this: “There
are something like 27 levels of security classifications above even the
President of these United States.” I’m amazed how stupidly gullible
people are to believe stuff like that — if even the President is in the
dark, how would this guy find out about it? He believed what somebody
else told him, of course, and without question. The way these
conspiracy theorists seem to think is amazing — in the process of
doubting everything they’ll believe anything.