Last Thursday was the Feast of the Ascension.
Today is the Vigil of Pentecost.
The original NOVENA is underway.
Pray to the Holy Spirit.
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful, and enkindle in them the fire of Your love.
V. Send forth Your Spirit, and they shall be created,
R. And You shall renew the face of the earth.
Let us pray.
O God, Who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of Your faithful, grant that by that same Holy Spirit, we may be truly wise and ever rejoice in His consolation, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
A large section from a very large website:
This includes essays, meditations, and prayers devoted to the Lord and Giver of Life.
Thank you Father, and thank you Dr. Eric. Both pieces are “keepers”. Our 7 PM Ascension Thursday Mass was said (a surprise!) by Fr. Berg, who is the Superior General of the Fraternity of St. Peter. His sermon focused on keeping our “eyes” heavenward, while dealing effectively with the things of this stay on earth. He mentioned NOTHING of recent events, but did say that only our constant prayers and sacrifices would produce any results for us and those for whom we pray.
Readers are invited to join yours truly for the Annual “man with black hat” Mother Of All Novenas, beginning this evening, and running for nine consecutive nights.
A good reason for returning the feast of the Ascension everywhere back to Thursday. For the sake of the unity of the Church- this bizarre situation of having 2 feasts of the Ascension needs to stop. What is next 2 celebrations of Christmas?? We need to start petioning Rome about getting a workable single calendar- at least as regards major feast days.
Tomorrow is the Feast of St Philip Neri. We (my wife and I) are praying a Novena to the Holy Spirit with meditations based on the life of St Philip Neri published by the Catholic Truth Society.
I sincerly recommend it. Happy Founder’s Day to any Oratorians out there