PRAYERCAzT 28: Pentecost (1962MR)

Welcome to another installment of What Does the Prayer Really Sound Like? 

Today we will learn the antiphons, orations and readings, sequence, preface and proper parts of the Roman Canon for Pentecost in the 1962 Missale Romanum

In this installment I will read the texts for Pentecost Sunday in the 1962 Missale Romanum, including the sequence, the preface and the proper Communicantes and Hanc igitur.  I will sing the Collect in the festal tone, the two readings, the preface of the Holy spirit in the solemn tone, and the Post communion in the festal tone. 

Pay attention for variations in the endings of the orations which are addressed to the Holy Spirit. 

In the preface on Pentecost you say the words hodierna die.  Those words are omitted during the octave and votive Masses.  Helpful tip: In the conclusion of the Gospel the conclusion begins on the second last accent.


If priests who are learning to say the older form of Holy Mass can get these prayers in their ears, they will be able to pray them with more confidence. So, priests are my very first concern

However, these audio projects can be of great help to lay people who attend Holy Mass in the Traditional, or extraordinary form: by listening to them ahead of time, and becoming familiar with the sound of the before attending Mass, they will be more receptive to the content of the prayers and be aided in their full, conscious and active participation.

My pronunciation of Latin is going to betray something of my nationality, of course. Men who have as their mother tongue something other than English will sound a little different.  However, we are told that the standard for the pronunciation of Latin in church is the way it is spoken in Rome.  Since I have spent a lot of time in Rome, you can be pretty sure my accent will not be too far off the mark.

If this was useful to you, let your priest friends know this resource is available and make a donation. 

Pray for me, listen carefully, and practice practice practice.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Allena says:

    WOW! SO Beautiful! I LOVE the italian “flavor” to the accent. Could we hear some of the parts the lay people say during mass? Maybe you have put them up already? I have trouble saying those words, they don’t sound right in my mouth.

  2. Jim of Bowie says:

    Beautiful and educational. As a layman, these praycazts are improving my latin pronunciation. It must be beneficial to priests.
    Maybe sometime you could explain when the festal tone vs. the solemn tone is used.

  3. MisericordiasDomini says:


    In the preface on Pentecost you say the words hodierna die. Those words are omitted during the octave and votive Masses.

    “Sequens Praefatio: 1. Dicitur in Missis de Tempore a Vigilia Pentecostes usque ad sequens Sabbatum inclusive; et in Missis votivis de Spiritu Sancto, quamvis infra Octavam Nativitatis Domini celebrandis, in quibus tamen, *extra Vigiliam et Octavam Pentecostes,* ommituntur verba: hodierna die.”
    -Missale Romanum editio XVI juxta typicam, 1940.

    Not having a 1962 missal in my possession, I don’t know if that rubric was changed or not. I doubt it though, since liturgically, an Octave is regarded as an ‘extension’ of the feast day itself.

  4. kenoshacath says:

    We have a younger priest in town who plans to learn the TLM at St. John Cantius in Chicago. This site would also be useful! Thank you!

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