Off to Acton University

Last year I attended the fascinating Acton University, held annually by the Acton Institute.

It was so good, the people so interesting and happy, that I am back for more.

More later!

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Fr. Totton says:

    Travelling through chicago no doubt?

  2. JohnE says:

    Thanks Fr. Totton, I thought it was the holodeck. I get the Acton Institute Powerblog on my Google reader as well. Good stuff.

  3. ad abolendam says:

    That looks like Detroit to me.

  4. Joe says:

    I would go with ad abolendam, Detroit. It reminded me of the tunnel the Bigfoot ran through carrying the Six Million Dollar Man!


  5. michigancatholic says:

    No, that’s the unmistakable (and somewhat corny in a 60s sort of way) traveling hallway at Detroit Metro. I love it. Very Michigan. As Michigan as holding up your hand and pointing to where you’re from. =)

  6. Irish says:

    I was just there in the Detroit airport last week! Very futuristic tunnel with bad John Tesh-like new age music. I was wondering if there were any weird subliminal messages imbedded in the multi-sensory experience.

  7. michigancatholic says:

    Yeah, Irish. Buy American…Buy American….Buy American….

    Just kidding. I drive a Toyota myself.

  8. Frank H. says:

    My favorite thing when passing through Detroit Metro is stopping at the National Coney Island for two Coneys and a Vernor’s.

  9. Brian Sudlow says:

    I saw the Detroit tunnel last year. What a curiosity! Like a cross between Star Trek and Walt Disney. Enjoy the university, Father Z.

  10. andrew a says:

    So, are you going to be coming to Grand Rapids?

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