From a reader with my emphases and comments.
On behalf of Una Voce Northern Alabama, I am pleased to announce our first ever diocesan-wide workshop for the laity: "Introduction to the Extraordinary Form." This free, daylong workshop will take place on Saturday, August 15–the Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady, at the Cathedral of St. Paul in downtown Birmingham. Fr. Justin Nolan, FSSP, will offer conferences on the theology and ritual of the Ancient Form of the Roman Rite of the Mass. The highlight of the day will be Solemn High Mass in the Cathedral. Lunch will be provided directly following the Mass.
During the conferences, Fr. Nolan will answer many frequently asked questions regarding the basics of the Traditional Latin Mass, such as:
- Why does the priest not face the people?
- Why is the Mass in Latin?
- How can I participate?
- What is Summorum Pontificum?
- What are Pope Benedict’s thoughts on the Extraordinary Form?
This event is free and open to the public–all are invited and no registration is required. However, we ask that you please RSVP online at to help us plan for the event. A nursery will be available if you wish to make use of it.
We have provided below a tentative schedule for the event and a flyer with all of the pertinent information. Please help us spread the word about this workshop by telling those who may be interested. Please contact us if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you on August 15!
Ad Jesum per Mariam,
David Biddle, President
Una Voce Northern Alabama
Introduction to the Extraordinary Form
Tentative Schedule
*All events at the Cathedral Life Center except the Solemn High Mass, which is in the main church.8:00am – Coffee and donuts
8:30am – First Conference: The Mass as Sacrifice
9:15am – Break
9:30am – Second Conference: Priest and Laity at Mass
10:15am – Break / Confessions / Mass preparation
11:00am – Solemn High Mass
12:30pm – Lunch
1:00pm – Third Conference over Lunch: Latin and the Language of the Liturgy / Informal Q&A
This makes me want to fly to Alabama for that weekend from TX. Seriously. I have to drive 300mi just to get to a TLM anyway.
Why are all those lines crossed out?
That is great! I wish we could have something similar in the Archdiocese of Miami. The official Archdiocesan Blog, “Let’s Talk” will feature FATHER TERENCE HOGAN, Rector, St. Mary Cathedral;director, Office of Worship who will be blogging on the “Tridentine Mass”. The blog will run from Monday July 20 through Friday. I know a few people from the South Florida area read so perhaps they could show enthusiasm and support for the Extraordinary Form by participating (in a very respectful way) in the discussions.
The website is
Perhaps if enough people request a similar workshop in South Florida we may persuade Father Hogan to allow one….
Let no man say that the brick by brick approach is not slowly working.
Was this even a conceivable possibility for any diocese in America– in the Western Hemisphere– pre 2005? (With the possible exception of Lincoln, I suppose).
(Angel, wordpress does funny things sometimes, so I don’t think the line strikes are intentional, probably has something to do with those lines starting with dashes).
why are some words crossed off?
Fr. Nolan is a wonderful priest…he is very down to earth, but extremely knowledgeable. I wish I could come!
May the Diocese of Raleigh witness a similar event!
Oh! That we could have that here in the Diocese of Duluth, Mn. This diocese is so very opposed to the T.L.M. Very very progressive, and neocon diocese. We are in the process of getting a new Bishop. Please pray with us that we will get one who is not opposed to the T.L.M. “Gregorian Rite” there’s that word again.
Will attend myself. I want to understand the how and why so I can say more articulate things when I am asked about my preferences/beliefs, etc. than mumbling incoherently and hoping no one will yell at me.
Fantastic! Bishop Baker is heartily to be commended and also the rector of the cathedral, Fr Donahoe (a convert from Anglicanism)! I used to sneak into Saint Paul’s years ago when I was still an Episcopalian and lived in B’ham. The folks were very hospitable to me. No TLM workshop then, mind you, but a good place nonetheless and I’m happy to see a good place seems to be getting better.
Perhaps EWTN could send a film crew over and then offer the video on the website. It’s just down the road a piece. Or could this be filmed and streamed on web site?
This is great news for B’ham. I lived there in the early 2000s and the only EF offered was by Traditional Benedictines from the Christ the King Abbey in Cullman at a little chapel in Roebuck three Sundays a month. There had been one indult at St. Theresa’s in Leeds offered by Fr. McCarthy (I think that was his name), but he went to his final reward early in 2000. I remember at the time there was a great debate among the diocese about ad orientem. Some parishes “got in trouble” for offering the NO ad orientem.
Matthew wrote “Bishop Baker is heartily to be commended and also the rector of the cathedral, Fr Donahoe (a convert from Anglicanism)”
Indeed Bishop Baker is to be commended for his response to S.P. We Catholics attached to tradition in his diocese look forward to working with him in this “Brick by Brick” manner. For the record, it was the new Rector, Fr. Bazzel, who has graciously allowed us the use of the Cathedral.
This is a terrific idea.
This is great news. I recently moved to Birmingham (from Lincoln).