The great Fr. Ray Blake of St. Mary Magdalen in Brighton has a highly amusing piece on his blog:
I had a telephone call from Fr Mark Elvins this evening, before becoming a Capuchin friar he was a curate here. He is the author of Catholic Trivia.
One piece of trivia he told me was that Gladstone’s sister was received into the Church here. She was somewhat eccentric and so caught up in the liturgy that she wore the colour of the day. Her enthusiasm for liturgical imitation apparently overcame her on Holy Thursday when at the stripping of the altar, she had to be restrained from removing more than her coat!
Now that is active participation!
My Mom wanted to match her veil to the liturgical colors. I talked her out of it.
I confess I like wearing hot pink on Gaudete and Latare Sundays.
In my crazy dying my hair strange colors days I did change my hair color occasionally due to the season. I did NOT do green for ordinary time simply because of vanity, I look awful in green. However, if the liturgical color was purple, I would change from my usual blue hair to purple for that season, and pink when it was the color. I think Father did comment once on the color changes, but mostly he ignored my hair color completely. When my hubby got me to stop coloring my hair completely Father gave him a great big grin!
Perhaps it is too much enthusiasm when people wear the colors of the day, but then again, isn’t it better to have people eagerly participating and thinking about the liturgical calendar and what the days mean and getting into the spirit of the day rather than be bored and ignore it?
I had to LOL on the lady needing restraint–I think perhaps she was a bit TOO into it.
We try to dress up our little baby daughter in the day’s liturgical colors. I know, it makes us geeky and a little insane. But she has some cute green and white polka-dot dresses she can wear during Time through the Year/Weeks After Epiphany-Pentecost.
If we have a son, I’m not sure what we’re going to do on Laetare and Gaudete Sundays…
What a tremendous idea. And I only tried to find a red sweater on Pentecost. Maybe it would be a good idea to wear a lot of *layers* on Holy Thursday. :-)
In my family is the old days, the women would wear some color of the liturgical day, such as a white chapel veil for feasts, or blue and white for Marian Feasts. I distinctly remember wearing red on Pentecost. And, of course, our Italian friends always wore red on March 19th, the Feast of St. Joseph. Perhaps this color custom is more common than one would think. I have worn pink on purpose on the two rose Sundays.
I try to match my tie to the season. It’s subtle but still noticeable.
I try to wear red on the feasts of martyrs and blue on feasts of the Virgin.
I oftentimes ‘dressed liturigically’ for feastdays: blue and white [or just blue] for Marian days [happy birthday, dear Mother Mary]; red for St. Joseph’s Day; green for St. Patrick’s Day [my father who was 100% Irish-American, born on that day would have killed me if I did otherwise!]; black on Good Friday. It’s kind cool to do that if you have the wardrobe!
That item about Gladstone’s sister was funny! Good one, Fr. Blake!