I would like to ask your prayers for an intention. I received this e-mail from a couple I have known for some years. I baptized one of their children. This is from a mother of three whose husband, a Marine officer is shipping out.
I hope this e-mail finds you well. M is flying to Kuwait tonight and then on to Afghanistan for 6 months. Could you please keep him in your prayers and say a mass for him. Your prayers are very powerful. Leading up to this deployment has been and emotional drain on us. It was much different when it was us engaged versus now with three children. I have a lot of anxiety as he heads over there, as our world is upside down right now and filled with the work of the evil one.
I pray for his protection everyday both physically and spiritually. I keep in you my prayers everyday as we pray for priests during this Jubilee year of the priests, and will offer up your intentions during my daily rosary and as I offer up this deployment as my penance.
Please say a prayer for Mike and Cindy and family.
What I find especially fine in this is that she remembers also that this is the Year for Priests. In the midst of their own need, they don’t forget the larger observance of the Church.
When this Marine was shipped off to Iraq as a Captain with a company, I gave him a dark green rosary of knotted cords. He was pleased with it. I remember today his remark: "It won’t make any noise."
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle…
Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary…
They and you are in my heart that I lift up to the light of Christ.
When this Marine was shipped off to Iraq as a Captain with a company, I gave him a dark green rosary of knotted cords. He was pleased with it. I remember today his remark: “It won’t make any noise.”
What presence of mind and dedication to his faith and his company.
Holy Michael, the Archangel, defend him in battle and be his protection from the snares of the devil.
Thanks to both of them for serving our country in this way. Their sacrifices are much appreciated by this family. God be with them both (actually, all including the children.)
Mike, Cindy and family will be in my prayers as are all members of our armed forces. Interestingly just an hour ago I ran into one of our local doctors at the gas station. He was in his Army fatigues so I asked if it was drill night. He said no, he’d been called to active duty. In my mind I briefly considered a lot of things one of which was the HUGE cut in income from his medical practice to his Army Captain’s pay. As we parted I said “thank you for your service” to which his response was “no thanks necessary it is a privilege”. St. Michael be with him and all the Mikes and Cindys out there who fight for our freedom.
They are in my prayers.
May they be sheltered by the Sacred Heart of Jesus from the evils of the world!
I’ve prayed my fair share of friends home from Iraq & Pakistan the past several years. They have all come safely home.
Yesterday in Rome I prayed for all our servicemen & women in harms way before a beautiful painting of St. Michael the Archangel in Santa Maria della Concezione.
We are making a brief visit at St. Peter’s this morning. I will be sure to say a prayer there for you, your husband and your family.
Thank you for the opportunity to make this gift to you.
I promise to offer my rosary today for your Mike and Cindy and their children.
Praying for Mike, Cindy and kids. Mike, I know there’s a wonderful priest in Afghanistan, serving the troops.
Prayed the prayers you suggested, Fr. Z…
One of my daily Rosary intentions is for our troops in Iraq and in Afghanistan.
May Mike be kept safe from harm, and come home to his wife and children.
When I was sick, I was totally unable to pray. I relied on the prayers of others.
Now that I am recovering (although I had a relapse yesterday of sorts, and was on the table again at Toronto’s St. Michael’s Hospital), I always pray for others, especially when asked to do so my Fr. Z.
It is charity, and, dare I say, a mitzvah?
BTW, I led an apostolate in my archdiocese that sent 1100 military rosaries to Canadian troops serving in Afghanistan. They’re made from parachute cord and plastic beads, totally non-reflective, non-conductive, light, and quiert.
The troops appreciated them. The surprising part was how many non-Catholic troops wanted them.
The surprising part was how many non-Catholic troops wanted them
There are no atheists in foxholes!
Mike, Cindy, and family – you are in my prayers.
God our Father, through the prayers of your archangel Michael and the Blessed Mother of Your Son, protect, preserve, and console this family, this soldier, this wife, and all our troops at war.
Prayers here
We will add Mike, Cindy and family to our; ‘Daily prayers for our military’. Our son just retired from the military after 20 years. He was in Korea for two tours, and in Iraq five different times. He said he was never afraid, because he knew we were always praying for him. Brings tears of pride to our eyes to know that there are people all over this world that are willing to lay their lives on line for their fellow man. That is love. Be not afraid, I am with you always. God Bless our Military.
I would love to get a rosary like that. Does anybody know where to get them? TIA.