I have written before about the Lion of Lima, His Eminence Juan Luis Card. Cipriani Thorne.
This from CNA:
Cardinal Cipriani reminds State of duty to protect life from moment of conception
Lima, Peru, Oct 29, 2009 / 11:38 am (CNA).- The Archbishop of Lima, Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani, reminded the Peruvian State this week of its duty to protect human life, “because the human person is the center of all of society.” During a Mass celebrating the Solemnity of the Lord of Miracles, Cardinal Cipriani reaffirmed that all life “is sacred from the first moment of conception” and that no person is the result of chance, but rather “the fruit of a thought of God.” “Nobody has been born by chance,” he exclaimed, “each one of us is the result of God’s love.”
Amidst debate in Peru on the legalization of abortion in cases of rape and fetal deformation as well as the morning-after pill, the cardinal said that the Peruvian people are “noble” and that the unborn do not deserve to be in danger in the womb, which ought to be a place of “warmth, tenderness, care and love.”
Cardinal Cipriani urged Peruvians to draw close to the Lord and to leave behind the corruption and abuse of today’s society. “The Holy Father Benedict XVI reminds us—following the example of John Paul II—that he who allows Christ in loses nothing, nothing that makes life free and beautiful. A friendship with the Lord of Miracles opens the doors to life,” he said.
My mother and father were married in Peru. The priest who said the wedding mass is now the Archbishop of Piura in Northern Peru and he is quite the lion too. I do love my other home country’s church! (USA is my home country too)
I married a Peruvian–born and raised in Peru. They are a noble people, indeed. I have been quite humbled by my mother-in-law’s tenderness and solicitousness for me.
What Cardinal Cipriani is doing is utterly beyond price. He has drawn the line in the sand at the foundation of civilization–and not just for Peruvians but for all of us.
I will offer today’s my prayers at Mass and Benediction this morning in particular thanksgiving for Card. Cipriani’s continuing acts of courage as he feeds his lambs (near and far).
Let us continue to pray for our beloved PRIESTS and all who SPEAK UP like His Eminence Card. Cipriani! POPE BENEDICT GOD LOVE YOU! WE DO! WHAT A GIFT TO THE WHOLE WORLD!
Huzzah to the Archbishop! The ‘Lion of Lima’, indeed!