Three good posts by Fr. Longenecker on Anglican Provisions

Fr. Dwight Longenencker has three very good recent posts on the Anglican Provisions issue:

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Tom in NY says:

    You can also commend to readers for “deep background” his post “10 Reasons” on the 24th.

    It’s been a long war. “Modernists” didn’t know their outlook was systematic until “Pascendi” and the decree “Lamentabili sane” in 1907. The philosophic tendencies go back to Rousseau. The post “10 Reasons” makes these tendencies easy to understand.

    Salutationes omnibus.

  2. dlongenecker says:

    Readers might also be interested in my previous posts on the Apostolic Constitution including interviews with some key player. To access these they should go to my left sidebar, click the opening post on Personal Ordinariate and use the ‘label’ facility to go the archive.

  3. Daniel says:

    Father Phillips, pastor of Our Lady of the Atonement parish (the first parish set up for the Anglican Use), will be hosting a conference on the Apostolic Constitution at the parish on Dec. 12th. Father was in Rome on pilgrimage with a group of students from the parish when the Apostolic Constitution was released, and had a chance to speak with members of the CDF involved in writing the Constitution and Norms. He will have some experts on Canon Law at the conference to give talks and answer questions. See his blog post,

  4. idatom says:

    Fr. Z.;

    I find it ironic that the C of E left the Church in part because of illicit sex and now is returning in part because of illicit sex.

    We will know Our Blessed Mother’s promise,…Russia will be converted ….., is happening when we see the Russian Orthodox Church coming back home to Rome.

    I look forward to their both returning.

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