My friend Fr. Ray Blake of Brighton’s St. Mary Magdalen has this interesting piece:
Archbishop Faustino Sainz Muñoz, the Apostolic Nuncio [in the UK] has given an interview to The Tablet, apparently. Why such a good man should not choose a mainstream Catholic journal or newspaper but prefer a fanzine which sets itself the task of opposing every thought, word and deed of the Holy Father, I am not sure. Apparently in the interview he says Rome, now, seems to take more interest in the internet than in a "Ternas" submitted by him. [If that is true, that signals that the Congregation has finally adjusted its learning curve.]
Obviously Rome has learnt from the Williamson debacle but also learnt that the news and views of epicopabili are online, […and, of course, views about them…] and readily available to the various Roman dicasteries but also to the media, and actually to individual members of the faithful, a whiff of scandal once on-line is there forever. Recent episcopal appointments in the States indicate Rome tends to appoint priests who have a positive and strong, paper and internet trail behind them, for the most part they have either worked in Rome or have been military chaplains, where their careers are heavily documented. [A point I have made often.]
I don’t think Rome takes much interest in priest bloggers, [You would be surprised.] though we all have regular Vatican visitors, we tend not to get involved in personal criticism but I am sure it is fascinated by what on-line newspapers have to say and I am sure someone trawls through pastoral letters on diocesan websites. One blog that does have influence is Damian Thompson’s, though I feel for anyone who is thrown into the bear pit of his readers. There is a rumour that Damian’s unrelenting ridicule of his pastoral ineptitude cost one ecclesiastic preferment to a high position. Today he has a very beautiful post about the meeting of faith and beauty at the Oratory Carol service. He always writes beautifully about music.
“I don’t think Rome takes much interest in priest bloggers” I will make bet, that they surely do.
One blog that does have influence is Damian Thompson’s, though I feel for anyone who is thrown into the bear pit of his readers.
Damian must have a broad smile on his face this morning.
But his Grace needs to surf a little more (or maybe not). Damian’s readers are mostly pussycats compared to some places on St. Blogs (let alone some political websites).
A blessed Christmas and Advent to everyone at WDTPRS.
To me this implies that we need to be very judicious in what we say about others, lest their Internet image tar them for life!
On the other hand, I didn’t know that “Damo” can sing!
I can’t find the original, but readers may remember a comment attributed to Richelieu, “Never write a letter, and never discard one.” What’s changed?
Ante scribendum, cogitandum.
What an odd perspective for a nuncio. It’s as if he had “gone native”.
Isn’t it axiomatic that an interview in a ‘fanzine’ reaches a different auidence than one in a Catholic publication, which is preaching to the choir?
Calling the Tablet a fanzine?
Man. I think fanzines have just been insulted.
“Recent episcopal appointments in the States indicate Rome tends to appoint priests who have a positive and strong, paper and internet trail behind them, for the most part they have either worked in Rome…”
Ring any bells, WDTPRS-ers?
Amici: imaginem sororis religionis in pagina RP Blake videlicet.
Pax et bonum Nativiatis omnibus.
corrigendum: Nativitatis
Hmmm, did you hear that Father? ‘I don’t think Rome takes much interest in Priest bloggers.’
I think I would say, Uh, well we do and thank God for them, especially Fr. Z..
Blessed Christmas to all.
wanda: With respect to my good friend Fr. Blake, I am not sure that he is right on this matter.
In any case, Fr. Blake has amended his article.
Fr. Z., I’m sorry if I gave any offense, that was not my intention. Your posts contain so much that I would never have known, it is a true treasure. I am continually amazed at the level of knowledge of Church and Faith matters evidenced in your readers comments, as well. Keep ‘confirming the brethren’, Father.