I had reported that things here at Mater Ecclesiae are rather chaotic right now.
The pastor, Fr. Pasley, had throat surgery – which I why I am here – and he cannot talk very much.
He came home on Sunday night to find that the snow had caved in part of the roof of the rectory.
I have a broken toe, and thus cannot genuflect, but at least I can talk.
Then we had a flat tire on the way to supper the night I got here.
All the furnaces for church and rectory went out at the same time.
Then the secretary today had a flat this morning.
But… the broadband connection started dying a few days ago, even before I got here. Over the last few days the connection has been either dreadful or nothing. This morning, just nothing – not even dreadful.
I got the problem narrowed down to the Comcast cable modem. So today we went to Comcast to swap the modem.
Back at home, I got it up and running with really good speed!
However, I can only get through with this one laptop. I can’t get the data through to the router for the net work. Therefore, I am sitting on the floor in the hallway with a short CAT5 hooked up to the cable modem.
I ask you please to say some prayers to lift whatever malocchio is focused on this place right now.
We have restored fast internet and the network and wifi are working perfectly.
Fr. P got his new tire for less than he thought it would cost.
I have spaghetti al seminario on the stove in a large quantity.
The time for the blognic is getting arranged.
A priest friend whose parish includes D’Alessandro’s called.
Man’ mano.
Brick by brick.
Get out your Rituale Romana!
Seriously though, I know the feeling. I keep a bottle of Holy Water in the house for such things.
Sending prayers on your behalf His way :)
Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host –
by the Divine Power of God –
cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits,
who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Prayers coming, Father.
God obviously is allowing all this suffering for a greater good, though!
Lent beginning a few days early for you?
God bless
I will continue to pray for the good Fathers there and for the troublesome circumstances to flee.
(I was going to say that short CATS won’t help your computer at all! Oops, I said it.)
I second patrick f and ShihanRob: A good dousing of holy water and maybe even the private exorcism prayers found in the Roman Catholic Daily Roman Missal (Angelus Press).
Prayers from here, as well.
Praying for a change in influence there!
On the technical side, may I suggest checking to see if the router and the modem aren’t both set up as DHCP servers? I also use Comcast and in setting up our office network, I struggled with the routers involved at great length before realizing that only one device could be giving out IP addresses.
Fr. Maurer
Malocchio = “Bad eye”
Father, are you superstitious?
Do you believe someone
I am a parishioner of Mater Ecclesiae and a great admirer of the work that Father Pasley and my fellow parishioners have done there.
I am so sad about the roof because this will be such an additional expense on his shoulders. I know that here at Mater Ecclesiae we will pull together to get done what is needed.
I have a feeling that “you know who” loves to perpetrate his evil work wherever there is a holy priest. But alas, Father, you have enlightened the world to the recent problems at Mater Ecclesiae.
I hope those who read your blog will go to http://www.materecclesiae.org/ and see what a great traditional parish is like in this 21st century environment. This is a place that has something for all of us.
I am well-travelled like your self Father and I have attended many parishes with the Traditional Mass. This is a place so special that of course “The Evil One” wants to lay down an attack.
Thank you for alerting your readers to our plight and please stress that their prayers are needed for Father Pasley and his recuperation most of all. The rest of the annoying stuff will take care of itself. That’s how we roll here at Mater Ecclesiae.
Deborah deCesare
Ps. Father Zuhlsdorf: As I am sure you know the answer to getting rid of the “malocchio” is to get a small pasta bowl and fill it halfway with water. Then add a tbsp of extra virgin olive oil to the water. Sit there and pray to Our Lady asking for the deliverance from the malocchio. When the oil separates into only two circles, say farewell to malocchio !! Sometimes it happens right away, sometimes it takes a little while… But then I’m not telling you anything you don’t know already, no?
Do you believe someone cast a spell upon you?
alibizi: Relax.
To albizzi:
The “malocchio” is an old Italian custom about the ‘evil eye” that someone may wish upon you. As with most superstitions, it become modern day reference to an old culture when someone seems to have everything going awry.
Your name seems to be of Italian origin, I am surprised you do not know of this saying. The remedy I prescribed was in jest as that is what family members did from the old country.
Perhaps you might be a bit younger than myself or Fr Z so that’s why you are not as familiar with this cultural reference.
It is not something to be worried about, so please just laugh like I did when Fr wrote that in his blog. Being Italian and a first generation immigrant, I found it to be very amusing and sentimental. God Bless you!!
Sorry all: I meant a first generation American from an immigrant Italian family from the great region of Puglia!! God Bless San Severo and my familiglia!
Put a bowl of vinegar in the corners. All the bad spiritual feelings will go away. Old Pa. Dutch custom. You can always use your exorcism prayers and douse the place with holy water. Chuckle.
Hmmmm. Maybe a deliverance prayer?
How about laughing at the fool devil who is causing the issues..Satan hates to be ridiculed!
“Put a bowl of vinegar in the corners. All the bad spiritual feelings will go away.”
Probably most of the people too :P
God is good! Praise Him!
Thank you Saint Michael the Archangel!
And yes, God is good! We praise and thank Him!
Bless you, as your Lent started early. Will you please publish a cookbook? I want all the recipes of the dinners you have featured here.
I’m happy to see Fr. Pasley can enjoy eating your tasty-looking meal, taste-buds still in good working order!
Grateful to God that all things are starting to work out for good. Did the heat come back on?
I hope so.
I told you–everything would take care of itself! That’s how it is at Mater Ecclesiae, ask Fr. Pasley. Tell Father he looks terrific.God Bless Mater Ecclesia and both of you.
Thank you Father for helping our beloved pastor. Your charity will be looked on with favor by Our Lady.
Ad Iesum per Mariam,
Deborah deCesare
Thank you for helping out at Mater Ecclesiae this week. Your sermon at Sunday’s Mass gave me and my family alot to talk and think about when we got home.
God Bless