I am, for the first time, posting from an airplane during a flight using an inflight connection!

This opens a range of possibilities.

I have a good connection, fast. I was even able to stream my satellite dish via SlingBox (blessed be slingbox) and access the nerve center computer at home.

For longer flights, especially when I have a writing deadline this could really help.

You can access the Internet from a laptop or a handheld. I am on my iPhone, for which I have an external supplemental power pack. Next time I will use my laptop.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. doanli says:

    Thank you for this blog, Father. It certainly brightens my day. I am very happy you are doing “internet ministry”.


  2. TNCath says:

    Glad you were able to so! I tried yesterday on a flight and the inflight connection was down!

  3. doanli says:

    Is there such a thing as blessing blogs? I have one up which is a personal faith journey diary. I will send you the link, hope that is okay? (I put the link in my wordpress acct but it doesn’t seem to be showing up.)


  4. btdn says:

    I wonder how long we will still tolerate the long delays between posts when you are travelling!

  5. Aidan Nichols’ latest! Excellent book – I finished it just yesterday. What’s your favourite bit Father?

  6. I am still reading. So far it is very useful.

  7. jimrb3 says:

    Father, I’m very disappointed that you have come down on the Diet Pepsi side. Coke is really the only way to go.

  8. Maltese says:

    *I was astonished to read in Aidan Nichols’ The Theology of Joseph Ratzinger an account of Ratzinger’s substantial criticisms of the Council’s Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, Gaudium et spes. Surely this was the document of the Council par excellence? How could it be subject to such informed criticism?*


    Ahh, that is actually quite interesting. Haven’t heard that particular one before, if it’s true. Might have to mine around into the works of this Nichols fellow some more!

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