“Well done, good and faithful servant”… Sister President gets her reward

Pres. Obama has engaged in an aggressive campaign to split the Catholic community in the USA.  He suborned liberals – already easily seduced in respect to worldly things.  They went all wobbly under his gaze and  he used them to smother an authentic Catholic contribution in the crib.

I found this on CNA:

Sr. Kehaan receives Presidential pen for supporting health care against Bishops’ decision

Washington D.C., Mar 24, 2010 / 12:39 am (CNA).- Sister Carol Kehaan, President of the Catholic Health Association, has been awarded with one of the 20 pens used by President Barak Obama on Tuesday to sign the health care bill.

It is a presidential tradition to give out the pen used to sign the bill to lawmakers and proponents who have played a key role in any piece of major legislation. […]


Read: A magisterium of nuns.


From NRO:


The Revolution WIll Be Televised   [Daniel Foster]

President Obama will sign the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act at 11:15 A.M. EST.

You can watch it live at the White House web site.

Jake Tapper reports that the president will use 20 pens to sign the bill, and that one each will go to POTUS will Democratic Senators Reid, Durbin, Baucus, Harkin, and Dodd; along with Representatives Pelosi, Hoyer, Clyburn, Miller, Waxman, Levin, Dingell, and Rangel. Pens will also go to Vice-President Biden, [Renaissance man] H&HS Secretary Sebelius, White House legislative affairs assistant Phil Schiliro, White House health policy chief Nancy-Ann DeParle, Vicki Kennedy, and Sr. Carol Keehan




About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Dr. Eric says:

    I don’t get it, did President Obama use a separate pen for each letter of his name like my kids do?

  2. 15yankees says:

    Blame the Bishops. They should have intervened long ago. They should cut all affiliation with these former Catholic institutions. I do my best by not donating to the annual Cardinal’s Appeal because so much of that money goes to formerly Catholic institutions.

    I stopped blaming name-only Catholics a long time ago. If they are still given Holy Communion and not even threatened with excommunication – it sure looks like the Bishops consider them good Catholics.

  3. r.j.sciurus says:

    I would assume Pelosi got one as well. I wonder how many other ex-Catholics received one.

  4. Tim Ferguson says:

    Biden got one.

  5. Tim Ferguson: Ah yes. I am sure it was a big deal for him, too.

  6. Ioannes Andreades says:

    I think I’m going to be sick.

    Big deal indeed! The VP certainly has a way with words, first with the Irish P.M. and now this.

  7. TJerome says:

    Father Z, we are all so disheartened. If the bishops don’t act soon, many souls will be lost. Tom

  8. Peggy R says:

    I saw this yesterday. Argghh. I doubt that Stupak got any momento from today’s secret signing of the meaningless Exec Order. There must be no record of today’s meaningless event. President Death of the Party of Death.

    Yeah, its’ a “big f-ing deal” for Biden.

  9. nzcatholic says:

    Judas received silver coins, Sister Carol Kehaan (is she transgender?) received a pen. I wonder when she throws it back at Obama and goes off and euthanises herself.

  10. homeschoolofthree says:

    Why don’t we start an e-mail campaign to get her fired….where do we write? Enough of being held hostage and having to watch those in authority blacken my name as a Catholic! This is not a position in the Church like Priest or Bishop…she can be fired from it! Send her back to her convent and make her spend time in front of the Blessed Sacrament…let’s see how long she continues to believe in abortion!

  11. Eric says:

    Was it in the same box as the thirty pieces of silver?

  12. Ralph says:

    This woman has really caused scandle. I am even feeling it in my own life. A good friend, who is a protestant minister, confronted me yesterday and wanted to know why the Cathlic Church supported abortion in the health care bill? He assumed that Sister Carol at Catholic Health and the Leadership of Women Religious speakers represented the Bishops and the Church. I was able to explain the truth to him and he understood.

    But, how many of our brothers in other faiths are looking at the Catholic Church as a wolf in sheeps clothing? Between Stupik and Sister Carol, eccumenical trust must have been really damaged.

  13. wanda says:

    But, Father..! I’ll bet it’s a reeeallly nice pen! All shiny and pretty and the real live President of the United State touched it and everything! And to think little ol’ me (Sr. Keehan) got my whole 15 minutes – not sure where eternity will be spent – but anyway, I’m just walking on air! I got to visit the real live White House and I let myself be used as a cover for passing this pro-abortion Health Care Bill. I helped drive another wedge in the Catholic Church..unity? What’s that? Catholic identity? Bishop’s?….plblllt! (don’t know how to make a cyber raspberries sound) Those ol’ women haters. They should get with it! Now, don’t bother me, I have another interview and photo op!

  14. The Astronomer says:

    ‘The Pen’ is the modern equivalent of 30 pieces of silver. I’m just incredulous that there’s so much outrage over this. Intelligent Catholics with even a modicum of faith have known we’ve been swimming in a cultural cesspool and reaping the fruits of Modernism for almost 50 years. Why is ANYONE surprised at the Orwellian nature of any of this???

  15. sejoga says:

    She sold her soul for a pen, eh?

    I bet she could get thirty pieces of silver for that on eBay.

    In all seriousness, though, I feel probably TOO MUCH of a sense of loathing for this woman… I think I’m going to take a moment and pray for her soul. I don’t think she even knows or cares about how evil what she has done is and it’s people like her that need our prayers more than anyone.

  16. medievalist says:

    “But for Wales?”

  17. Massachusetts Catholic says:

    Shouldn’t a collection of these stories and Sr. Kehaan’s statements be sent to the Vatican group looking into the activities of American nuns? If there is an outpouring of letters, emails, etc., perhaps the good sister and her superiors might be persuaded to change course and publicaly “clarify” her position on abortion. Or am I dreaming?

  18. William says:

    Simply and utterly disgraceful!`

  19. Yes, I am wondering if on the Last Judgment she plans to stand up and say, “But, I got this really cool pen!”

    Nevertheless, I will continue to pray for our bishops, that they may be strong guides of the Church in America and not Sister Kehaan.

  20. TonyC says:

    To our shepherds, “Faith without works is dead”. Where are the “works”.

  21. Doubtful Thomas says:

    Wouldn’t that pen be a third-class relic for her?

  22. John V says:

    In his latest column, Archbishop Chaput writes: “the actions of the Catholic Health Association (CHA) in providing a deliberate public counter-message to the bishops were both surprising and profoundly disappointing; and also genuinely damaging. In the crucial final days of debate on health-care legislation, CHA lobbyists worked directly against the efforts of the American bishops in their approach to members of Congress. The bad law we now likely face, we owe in part to the efforts of the Catholic Health Association and similar ‘Catholic’ organizations.”

    It will be interesting to see what happens when the CHA has its annual assembly in Denver in a couple months. The theme? “FORGING OUR FUTURE: Strengthening the Ministry through Turbulent Times”

  23. mom2six says:

    My high school sophomore daughter informed me that her non-Catholic civics honors teacher announced to the class that some Catholic Democrats did not want to vote for the health care bill. Then, Sr. Carol gave them permission to vote in favor of the bill because Sr. Carol spoke for the Catholic Church and said the bill was OK to vote for. My children attend a public school so both Catholic and non-Catholic students were misinformed. My daughter knows better, but how many other kids do not?

  24. irishgirl says:

    This is sickening….that’s the only word I can use to describe it.

    ‘For what doth it profit a man [or woman] if he [or she] should gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his [her] soul? Or what can a man [or a woman] give in exchange for his [or her] soul?’

    St. Vincent de Paul and St. Louise de Marillac are shaking their heads in disbelief in heaven-and I would imagine St. Catherine Laboure is doing the same.

    Yeah, medievalist; St. Thomas More’s words fit too: ‘But for Wales?’

    Please Lord, COME SOON….! We can’t take anymore of this!

  25. Lucas says:

    Dr. Eric: I think for big/important pieces of legislation Presidents do this. I sorta remember Bush doing it for the No Child Left Behind law.

  26. DdC says:

    Female readers do not be offended. I am a woman who is 50+ and in menopause so I know I have the ability and perhaps a right (not really the correct word) to make this comment. Male readers also, please do not be offended by this post or embarrassed. It is something pro abortion women know is true & refuse to acknowledge.

    I find it fascinating that the majority of women who are rabid pro-abortion feminists (which unfortunately includes a high percentage of the LCWR) are not of child-bearing age (menopausal) or supposedly take an evangelical vow of chastity. I have yet to see “younger” women or nuns in the forefront of this diabolical movement.

    Our younger laywomen and Religious seem to have the wisdom that these members of the latest coven fail to acquire with age. “Sister” Kehaan is an embarrassment to the Church whose older bishops & priests seem to fear. I am sorry but most of the Bishops & priests whom I either read about or know personally act like wimpy, henpecked husbands of banshees like this.

    Funny, huh, considering that they take a vow of celibacy and/or chastity? Thank You Lord for our younger priests that act like their true spouse is the Church. They act like real men, strong, considerate and charitable.

    The best thing about these dinosaurs (both women & men) is that soon they will be extinct. May the Lord allow me to live to see the return to orthodoxy in our rectories and our male & female religious orders. May our Divine Saviour assist me in acquiring the charity to pray for their salvation… and for mine.

    Thank you, Father & those who comment for allowing me to voice this particular opinion.

  27. TNCath says:

    And the bishops sit and watch whilst Sister gets a new pen? Perhaps she will use that pen to eventually sign her dispensation from the Daughters of Charity? Fat chance of that happening. No, Sister will continue her charade of being a defender of “Catholic” (read: Obama) healthcare with grinning bishops doing nothing about it. Mother Clare, are you taking notes?

    Sorry, but this is just too much to handle. It’s time for the bishops to “man up,” but I am equally skeptical that this is going to occur anytime soon. Not as long as high-profile bishops such as Archbishops Dolan and Listecki continue to say that they will not deny Holy Communion to Catholic politicians that support abortion rights. Not as long as Cardinal George continues to provide unctuous responses to the passing of Obamacare. Not as long as Cardinal Rigali is the point-man for the appointment of bishops to the U.S. and Pietro Sambi is Apostolic Nuncio. It is apparently these men who are controlling the bishops of the United States these days. And while there have been some good appointments of late, I am convinced that the aforementioned bishops are providing “talking points” about what they should and should not be saying publicly. The only residential archbishop who is NOT staying on script is Archbishop Chaput, who obviously is not “drinking the Kool-Aid” and is speaking directly from the words of the Holy Father.

    While we have made great strides in restoring our Catholic identity the last few years, I fear we are experiencing a huge setback by our bishops’ cautious response to the abortion issue. How much longer are they going to be in denial that this administration is clearly anti-Catholic?

  28. lofstrr says:

    We will win this war. Pro-life cannot help but to win this war. Not only because our God is mighty and will set all things right when he chooses to but also because, simply, our enemies are killing themselves off. They are getting older because they kill their young off.

    They will not win because they cannot win.

    So it really isn’t a question of if we will win but how many casualties their will be. The war is won. Now we are on a rescue mission.

  29. kat says:

    Until Rome itself takes care of the Archbishops, Archbishops don’t seem to feel a need to take their disciplinary authority seriously. Everything comes from top-down.

    If only the Holy Father would correct his Shepherds publicly, perhaps the sheep would be corrected then as well.

  30. Timbot2000 says:

    Hi Father: how about these classic lines of literature as apply perhaps to the POTUS

    “Suddenly another voice spoke, low and melodious, its very sound an enchantment. Those who listened unwarily to that voice could seldom report the words that they heard; and if they did, they wondered, for little power remained in them. Mostly they remembered only that it was a delight to hear the voice speaking, all that it said seemed wise and reasonable, and desire awoke in them by swift agreement to seem wise themselves. When others spoke they seemed harsh and uncouth by contrast; and if they gainsaid the voice, anger was kindled in the hearts of those under the spell.”

  31. TNCath says:

    kat: “If only the Holy Father would correct his Shepherds publicly, perhaps the sheep would be corrected then as well.”

    The Holy Father HAS corrected his shepherds publicly. The shepherds respond by interpreting the correction as an affirmation.

    Cases in point:

    1. Humanae Vitae

    2. Ex Corde Ecclesiae

    3. Redemptionis Sacramentum

    4. Cardinal Ratzinger’s letter to Cardinal McCarrick about denying Holy Communion to Catholic politicians who support abortion rights.

    5. Summorum Pontificum

  32. Doc Angelicus says:

    The CNA article has a grammatical issue, but one with a particularly apt dimension: “awarded” doesn’t normally take “with” — properly, “she was awarded a pen.” If they wanted to use “with” they should have also used “rewarded” — “she was rewarded with a pen.”

    I think “rewarded” probably is the more accurate… I sort of wonder if the piece were originally written with “rewarded” and then an editor changed it to “awarded”…

  33. edwardo3 says:

    But Sr. Keehan, what does it profit a nun to give up her soul, not even for wales, but for a $120.00 Cross pen?

  34. kat says:


    Point taken. Well, maybe disobedient bishops need to be sanctioned or punished, or worse, if it is deserved.

  35. TNCath says:

    kat: “Well, maybe disobedient bishops need to be sanctioned or punished, or worse, if it is deserved.”

    Indeed. They usually wait until they are 75 and accept their resignations immediately. If they are cardinals, they usually wait until they are 80, unless you are Cardinal Archbishop of Los Angeles and want to get the heck out of Dodge as soon as possible to avoid any further bad news occurring on your watch.

    I’m all for a thorough spring cleaning of bishops. Unfortunately, this Holy Father, despite all the good he has done and continues to do, is not in favor of an en masse removal of bishops. If it isn’t going to happen in Ireland, it’s not going to happen.

  36. Rick says:

    Remember, as Rush Limbaugh says,they are liberals first and Catholics second.Liberalism is the religion and abortion is the altar.

  37. Bob Glassmeyer says:

    “Oh, Mr. Bingley! A gaggle of inordinately butch women has happened upon our portico! (cries hysterically). Oh, it is a matter of gross impertinence!”

    Mr. Bingley: “What? In a house of mine?!”

  38. Fleeb says:

    Should’ve used 30 silver pens, especially during Lent. Sistah Keehan got her “reward”

  39. John 6:54 says:

    How wonderful a pen touched by the “Secular Messiah” what is that a 2nd class relic?

  40. Fleeb says:

    Can ANY bishop excommunicate these miscreants?

  41. jmgarciajr says:

    Look up St. Matthew 6:16b.

  42. DisturbedMary says:

    Listen to this audio. It is a homily delivered on Healthcare Sunday before the vote and before Sister got her pen. If you are asking, what’s a Catholic to do? here’s the opening salvo

    http://www.stmarysgvl.org/discipleship/audio-homilies?song=780&homilyTitle=Fifth Sunday of Lent

  43. Fleeb says:

    I would characterize it as a Low Class Relic.

  44. markomalley says:


    I would characterize it as a Low Class Relic.

    I know I sure wouldn’t want that pen in my house. God only knows what manner of spirits it would be infested with.

    Probably would be lit on fire if it came in contact with holy water.

  45. wanda says:

    DisturbedMary, Thank you for that link. Wow, imagine how different things might have been if only we had heard this in every Catholic Church accross this country, both back before Noov. 2008 and before the vote on Sunday.

  46. AnAmericanMother says:

    Somebody needs to sit “Sister” Keehan down and tell her, “Choose this day whom thou wilt serve!”

    She needs to forsake Mammon and Moloch and get back on the narrow way.

    Who is her bishop, and does he have the necessary vertebrae?

  47. catholicmidwest says:

    I hope she *REALLY* enjoys that pen, because she paid hardball to get it. She’s got blood on her hands.

  48. catholicmidwest says:

    And she can explain that to You-Know-Who by and by.

  49. JosephMary says:

    Disturbed Mary: thanks for the link. Fr. Jay Scott Newman tells it like it is!

    And thanks also to the most outspoken bishop in this country, Archbishop Chaput.

  50. TMA says:

    I imagine that Sr. Kehaan and her peers are gloating, having pulled one over the male Hierarchy of the Church. We must pray for them.

  51. Kerry says:

    A Pen! A relic of the True Double Cross!

  52. RichardT says:

    20 pens to sign one document? Did they keep running out of ink?

    (Medievalist – brilliant!)

  53. I hope all these Sisters have a day of “reckoning”; before they cross over to the other side.
    They are in such spiritual peril; it doesn’t matter if they are consecrated religious (in fact, it may be to their detriment, because for those who have received much, much more will be expected). This is such a sign of apostasy…what a horrible wound on the Mystical Body of Christ.
    Bishops and priests have much to be accountable for; these religious are in the same boat, as far as I’m concerned. This is “abuse” in another fashion; the killing of the unborn, at taxpayer’s expense is an absolute injustice and abomination. They have the blood of the innocent on their hands. Jesus, mercy on us all!

  54. PostCatholic says:

    Just for anyone who’s still wondering about why 20 pens–it’s a long tradition to use so many on historic legislation. Time has a nice explanation: http://www.time.com/time/politics/article/0,8599,1974490,00.html

    To Rev. Zuhlsdorf: Divide and conquer is as old a strategy as they come, and politicians of every stripe have used it to accomplish what they want. Your statement “He suborned liberals – already easily seduced in respect to worldly things,” seems to me in the interest of keeping a division up between conservatives and liberals, rather than proponents and opponents of the legislation at hand.

  55. wmeyer says:

    The one question it is pointless to ask these self-identified Catholics who supported Obamacare is this:

    Have you no shame?

    It is plain to see they do not.

  56. Charivari Rob says:

    Speaking of signing and the recent legislation and executive order leaves me with a question.

    I haven’t seen any mention in any of the articles I’ve read, so I’m a little curious… and maybe apprehensive… and, yes, a bit cynical!

    Has anybody seen any indication that the President used “Signing Statements” (remember those?) to cherrypick which elements of the legislation will be applied and how?

  57. dwrobles says:

    Fr Z. often talks of the lines being drawn and the sides being taken by real Catholic Church (those of us who acknowlege the church’s authority, faith, and morals) and those who are catholic in name only. This is another case of that. What I think is really interesting is that most people are unable to see the lines. Only those who have the Faith and some decent background can recognize the Truth (or lack thereof). I think the Catholic institutions that really are Catholic will only get better because their supporters know they are on the right track, and the “catholyc” institutions will only become less Catholic because their supporters simply don’t know or care about the faith. I think this will happen naturally with time, but some institutions could be moved from “catholyc” to Catholic if the appropriate church leaders take a strong stand. I’m 35 years old and God willing I will see some significant changes (and really, I already have).

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