First, happy Feast of Sts. Simon and Jude. St. Jude is a patron of “impossible causes”, which gives me some comfort today.
Second, today is the anniversary of the 312 AD Battle of the Milvian Bridge, when Constantine defeated Maxentius. I think you know that story. I consider it good news that Constantine won.
Third, after a long power outage, I have everything up and running. Not having electricity for a while constrained me to do some things the old fashioned way, such as heat water for my morning coffee. Mass was by candlelight, which was just fine, though my eyes aren’t as young as they used to be. Perhaps this would have been a good moment for iPad with photos of the pages of the book. In order to get my article in for The Wanderer I had to go to a library and get on wifi, but it eventually worked out.
Fourth, my double recipe of Boeuf Bourguignon for our literary group came off very well on Monday. I served also braised pearl onions, sauteed mushrooms, and peas, together with buttered egg noodles. For dessert we split up a less than impressive pumpkin cake thingy. By that point we weren’t too interested in eating any more. For the next meeting of the group we determined to go Roman. I’l make buccatini all’amatriciana and saltimbocca. And we will switch from T.S. Eliot to Yeats.
Fifth, it was nice to see today that the Google Friends thingy now shows 700 people signed up. Thanks! I could use some additional Twitter followers, however.
It is also Fr. Z’s birthday! Blessed Birthday, Fr. Z! May God grant you many more years here with us and may he continue to bless you in the work that you do to promote the integrity of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and provide frank, honest commentary on the world around us! You are a blessing to us all!
I have also crossed the 1,000+ mark on my blog!
My application for admission into Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary of the FSSP is nearly done!
I had the good fortune last night to attend (Columbus, Ohio) Bp. Frederick Campbell’s first presentation to the laity on the new, corrected translation of the missal. He is a very pleasant and knowledgeable speaker, who respects his audience’s intelligence. It was very well received by a group of a couple hundred. One of the deacons on the implementation committee did make reference to some of the late changes (much discussed on other blogs) received from the CDWDS, and the subsequent recall of certain publishers’ resource materials for revision. But Bp. Campbell made it clear he was confident the publishers could still meet the timetable.
Oddly, after an hour of the presentation on the new, improved English translation, some folks in the audience asked whether this marked a step in the direction of a return to an all LATIN liturgy!?!
Anyway, the horse is out of the barn and Advent 2011 can’t arrive fast enough for me!
My daughter chose her Confirmation sponsor, my big boy turned 14 yesterday, Adoration tonight, life is so good.
Our family is celebrating our fourth son’s first birthday today. His was a somewhat scary birth and his name reflects today’s patron Saint who my husband is sure looked out for him.
Wishing Father Z a happy birthday, too. Now I’m off to give you another Twitter follower. I’m feeling a little lonely over there, too.(LauraOinAK)
We have the permission to celebrate the traditional Mass in our parish, third celebration next Sunday: Ambrosian rite, btw.
Card. Burke provided guidance for the coming elections. I posted the video at my blog.
After waiting two years after their purchase, Catholic Health East finally got my hand held scanners working. This will allow me to cut the time it take to do my year end inventory evaluation from eight hours to, I think, four. Some better, if not slightly frustrating, news is that after four months of being told it was a HUUUGE job to reprogram the “system” to bring my inventory control into line with the other hospital, I.T. came back with “Oh, all we need to do is change a permission flag.” Happy news…but frustrating all the same! Thanks for the bones, CHE!
Bishop Garcia of Monterey will be coming to confer the Sacrament of Confirmation at Mission San Juan Bautista on the Feast of Christ the King in the Traditional Rite. He will then assist at a High Mass afterwards in choro.
Happy Birthday, Father Z! Ad multos annos!
Happy birthday Fr. Z!
My mother, hasn’t been to a Sunday Mass in over 6 years will come to the Solemn High Mass in the Extraordinary Form with me this Sunday. She has told me for as long as I can remember how much she loves and misses the Latin Mass. Please pray that this experience rekindles her faith.
Low Mass at St. Margaret Mary, Oakland, is being offered for your intentions tonight! On Tuesday I finally get to go to an All Souls Day mass in the Extraordinary Form for the first time. It will be nice to actually hear the Dies Irae sung in an actual Church, rather than just hearing it in movies.
Happy birthday, Fr. Z! Ad multos annos!
I go to a great parish (St. Margaret Mary in Oakland, actually! Small [Catholic] world!), I have a great job, I have some fantastic friends, I have several good friends studying to become priests and religious, and I’m seeing more and more of God’s grace working in my life every day. Laudetur Iesus Christus!
I had a nice interview yesterday at a Catholic School for subbing and a long-term assignment doing after school care. I’ve got a new minivan that hopefully won’t fall to pieces the second I drive it off the lot. I went to Confession and Mass this morning and I feel perfectly enfolded in the Sacred Heart of Our Lord. Precious Jesus, Divine Lover of Souls, thank you for your love and your grace. Protect us always.
I found out last night that my son is excelling at a very challenging charter school that provides a classical education. He was diagnosed with severe autism when he was 4 yrs old. By the grace of God, he’s been making a slow recovery. There was a time when we weren’t sure if he’d ever learn to talk, take care of himself, etc. I believe vitamin D deficiency has been an issue and have been working on that. It seems to be helping. I’ve also been working on my own vitamin D deficiency. I’m finally getting better after 20 yrs of health problems – such a simple solution that was right in front of me the whole time. Deo gratias!
I have a job interview scheduled for Monday–it appears that I might be top of their list–so I might be working again soon! I also had a good interview for a less lucrative but potentially more rewarding position last week, so I may have good options as well.
Michael Val
(who in this case would not mind the opportunity NOT to have so much time to read this great blog!)
I lost my job of 18 years a couple of months ago. Recently I received two job offers. One of them involved working for the Church. After much thought and reflection, I chose the Church. This morning I accepted the position.
Happy birthday Father Z.!! Sheng ri kai le!!!!!
Today is my 10th wedding anniversary. I pray that my non-Catholic husband converts, in spite of my poor example, and that our still infertile union bears fruit before menopause or we’re ineligible for adoption. St. Jude, pray for us!
Happy birthday, Father!
Thanks, everyone, for the birthday greetings!
After open heart surgery to fix a congenital heart defect in August, I have been given the “green light” to play ice hockey again! (that’s a big deal to a Canadian boy)
Ad multos annos, Father!
I’m experiencing my first Parent/Teacher Conferences in my career… So far, so good.
Yesterday, I had the humble honor of attending Mass with Peter Cardinal Turkson (President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace), a Q&A session with him (in which I asked him what it’s like to participate in a Papal Conclave… VERY COOL.), ate dinner with him, and received his autograph in my copy of the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church.
Wow, that was all a mouthful, but it was a tremendous day.
And today is my Confirmation feast day – St. Jude!
Happy Birthday, Father!
Good news:
The heater is fixed for under $10, before winter sets in.
“Bishop Garcia of Monterey will be coming to confer the Sacrament of Confirmation at Mission San Juan Bautista on the Feast of Christ the King in the Traditional Rite. He will then assist at a High Mass afterwards in choro.”
Wonderful news! Bishop Garcia baptized me and my two oldest children in 2005.
Our newest little blessing Francesca will be baptised on Sunday!
My university’s Frassati Society had its first Mass this evening which was truly beautiful. We sang the Missa de angelis and our oratory was packed. To have a look at some of the photos visit the link here:
First things first – Happy Birthday, Fr. Z!
Okay, so today is a gorgeous sunny day after a dismal, rainy, and humid one.
My aunt is going home today after a successful knee replacement surgery.
On your recommendation, Father, I’m finally getting around to reading Master and Commander, and I love it.
Most importantly, I am very excited for what I am calling “The Marathon” – 3 days of TLM at my parish! Christ the King will actually mark the 1st anniversary of the TLM at my church, and then we will also have Mass for All Saints and a Traditional Requiem Mass for All Souls. Hopefully I’ll be able to take off from work on Wednesday – I’m gonna need it!
Happy Birthday Father, and many more Blessed birthdays to come!
We have completed a boys (server) retreat with great turnout with the Bishop. This weekend it will be a silent retreat for our girls and young women. We will also celebrate Christ the King in the EF Mass and a Requiem Mass on Tuesday. It will be busy, yet fruitful!
Happy Birthday Father!
The good news is that the parent-teacher conferences are behind us and didn’t go too badly. I ask for prayers for my younger son who is not faring well. We are doing all that we can do at home. His patron is St. Michael, himself.
I have planned a PSR lesson on All Saints/All Souls and playing Saint bingo this weekend. The kids are looking forward to it. They researched their patron saints as well.
My good news is that I have good news for you, Fr. Z. There is a beautiful, FREE 2011 Liturgical Calendar with your name on it at Saints Galore Catholic Publishing Company. All you need to do is contact them and your calendar will be on the way.
Contact information:
God bless you!
Sretan rojendan Fr. Z! (our family tradition of saying “happy bday” in Croatian)
Happy birthday, Father Z! So you belong to a literary group? I’d love to hear more about that! My good news is that our parish Catholic book club is heading for its second anniversary and going strong. Right now we’re reading “John Henry Newman: His Inner Life”.
Yesterday, one of my students told me that I am the most fun strict teacher she has ever had. Made my day.
Happy Birthday, Father Z! Thank you so much for all your hard work; we love you!
My birthday today…
And posted more than 1,000 posts in my blog.
One of my kids married outside the Church is seriously considering having their marriage blessed.
AND Happy Birthday!
After 19 months of being unemployed, I started a new job today.
@thepinoycatholic: Congratulations! Both you and I are in the 1,000 club. I am now at 1,056 visitors!
My good news is that I just found out that Fr. Uwe Michael Lang is coming to the blessed land of TEXAS in January!!!!!! YEE-HAW!!!!!
Parish potluck the other day of about 200 folks, and a plentitude of delicious food. Preparing for Christ the King choral Vespers as well as the upcoming beginning of November holy days. We’ve been using hymns that are variations on the actual introit for three weeks now, and the collection is up, too. The leaves are changing, everyones healthy, my boss (pastor) has been in a wonderful mood, and I still have a job. Deo gratias.
It’s cassock day this Saturday at the seminary my son is attending. He’s so excited that now he’ll be able to wear a cassock instead of his black suit and tie! We’ll be attending a luncheon and spending the day with him. He tells me that a large majority of the seminarians are very traditional which is encouraging. My daughter travels home from college for her (late) fall break – so the weekend will be filled with family and fun!
Our new clinic is so busy I don’t even have time to check Fr. Z’s blog! Happy birthday Fr. Z! Ad Multos Annos!
We just found out we have been approved in our parish for a Thanksgiving food basket. God is good and watching over us. Also, someone saw our missing cat two days ago on their porch. He is still alive after two months of being lost. Do you think St. Jude is interested in bringing home lost cats? We did pray, which I know is theologically inappropriate. Trust in all things–happy b-day, again Father, and I hope you had time to look up at least one of the choirs I sent you on another comment.
Happy Birthday, Father. I said a couple of extra prayers for you last night. God bless you.
My contract was extended for another 6 months! Thank You God!
At out novitiate coming this week we will begin learning formally how to read and sing Gregorian chant :)