Hats on to the Holy Father

A couple fun views of the Holy Father from today’s Wednesday Audience.

The first one calls for some caption.

This one speaks for itself.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Augustin57 says:

    I wonder if that hat is a one-size-fits-all? It looks a little small for him, unless it’s supposed to look that way.

  2. joecct77 says:

    In response to Wymynpriests, the Holy Father has formed a Red Hat Society for the Curia.

  3. thefeds says:

    Holy Father, this hat has been rated at SPF 30!

  4. cothrige says:

    I sure hope somebody is holding that baby off camera.

  5. tzard says:

    Those strings on the side – are they meant to keep the hat from flopping down or up?

  6. jesuitschooled says:

    no caption, just mentioning that I’m about 40 yards away from that man in the photo!!!

  7. Centristian says:

    “Georg, honestly; between you and Marini, neither one of you can ever get my hats on straight.”

  8. Philangelus says:

    Caption for the top one: “Okay, now we’ll fine-tune the adjustment so you’ll get better reception of God’s grace.”

  9. digdigby says:

    A better view of this literally ‘cool’ lid:


    I’ve discovered some amazingly vicious attacks on the net against this hat – by Catholics. An almost rabid insanity provoked by tradition, age, reverence or dignity of any kind. Positively Pavlovian.

  10. ipadre says:

    Hands off my hat Georg!

  11. DisturbedMary says:

    A hatful of reign.

  12. gloriainexcelsis says:

    There, Your Holiness – straight across the brow, John Wayne style.

  13. cblanch says:

    Geez guys, don’t you know normal sized hats can only cover normal sized brains? Now perhaps if the Holy Father had spent one less hour contemplating the mysteries of Christ, it would have worked.

  14. Pingback: Catholic News Headlines June 22, 2011 « Catholic News

  15. benedetta says:

    I don’t have any captions to offer but just wanted to say that I like these very much.

  16. Norah says:

    Dear Papa!

  17. Singing Mum says:

    “Well, Holy Father, there may be something to this idea of phrenology after all…”

  18. SPWang says:

    “If the head fits…”

  19. JKnott says:

    O may Thy soldiers, faithful, true and bold,
    Fight as the saints who nobly fought of old,
    And win with them the victor’s crown of gold.
    Alleluia, Alleluia!
    from “For All the Saints”

  20. irishgirl says:

    I don’t have any captions either, but I do like them very much!
    The one with the baby is sweet!

  21. Dr. Eric says:

    I’m all for the saturno, but that red doesn’t seem to match the Holy Father’s white cassock. It seems like Papa needs a that big red stole to match the saturno. But, there are other pictures here that show previous popes wearing a red saturno with their white cassocks.


    They still don’t look like they match, especially when there are other pictures of popes with white saturni (that’s the correct plural, right?)

  22. Eric, don’t you know that red is the new blac… er, the new white?

    I suspect that white saturnos mean “I’m \reallllllly/ dying of the heat, forget the tradition of wearing my papal reds”, whereas red saturnos mean “the tradition of the Pope wearing red is important, and I’m also an old guy who gets cold easily.”

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