I was sorry to read that His Excellency Most Rev. Robert Finn, Bishop of Kansas City – St. Joseph is facing an indictment for the misdemeanor of not reporting to police a suspicion that one of the priests of that diocese was engaged in improper behavior towards children.
I am sorry for Bp. Finn, whom I know a little bit, and who has struck me as a good and humble man trying to be a good bishop in difficult times.
I am also sorry that the press in Kansas City, as some of my friends there have been telling me, are doing their darnedest to to make every aspect of the case sound as lurid and horrible as possible.
I have a few requests to the readership.
First, you can stop sending me emails telling me that Bp. Finn was indicted. I know.
Second, in your charity please say a prayer for Bp. Finn, perhaps asking the Holy Angels to guard him in a special way while this is going on.
Third, when you read stories about this case, carefully attend to the language of the reporting.
The judicial system will now grind away at everyone in this matter until a verdict is reached, lots of people will be hurt even more, and the liberal press will sharpen their knives on the Church in Kansas City.
It grieves me to have to watch this vivisection take place.
We must entrust all this to the Lord.