It seems that Timothy Card. Dolan wound up at #16 on TIME Magazine’s (admittedly ridiculous) 100 influential people list.
#16 is pretty high.
I compliment you readers here and other bloggers who took up the call during the voting process. You helped.
In itself this TIME thing means very little. But it is better to be on the list than not, given the other people whom TIME touts and snubbed.
#17 is Cecile Richards.
Well this is embarrassing. Not counting Anonymous, I’ve never heard of the first nine people. I guess I need to do some reading.
Perhaps it is just me, but I cannot find a ranking. I have found at least two full lists, and the ordering is different, though on neither of them is Card. Dolan at or near 16.
It is my impression that Time may have elected not to show the ranking, in order not to embarrass those–Obama, for one–who did not finish as high as some would hope.
Wonderful! I voted for him.
I thought it was a strange poll. You could like him but think he isn’t influential.
Nevertheless, I couldn’t bring myself to vote for O’Bama; for most influential or even dog catcher.
Well good, because I voted for the good Cardinal too.
Time mag is one of the worst rags out there; right behind NYT & affiliates and “Newsweek” – should be called “obama’s newsweek” . Don’t these nitwits ever get tired of being led around by the proverbial finger in the nose?
Dear Fr. Z, Time magazine itself is not only ridiculous but inconsequential. The days of newspapers, magazines, television news being relevant are fading. I wonder how many here even knew Time was still published?
Other than a dentist, who buys Time anyway? Ok, if I was about to get on an airplane, smart phone battery is dead, laptop is at home, forgot to bring a book, can’t sleep on planes anyway, then maybe…maybe I’d pick up a copy. No, wait…I don’t vote Liberal/Democrat so I guess I would buy a golf magazine instead. Of course, daydreaming out the window accomplishes the same amount of intellectual discovery as reading Time, so there’s always that option instead.
I am happy that His Eminence placed ahead of Obama. A definite plus. But of all the people ahead of him on the list (and I wonder who the heck “Anonymous” would be to rank #1), I only know five names… And I consider myself a well-informed person! I mean, Lionel Messi? Really? A soccer player is the 9th most influential person? Please!
For those of you wondering, Anonymous is what might happen if you let your kids use the Internet without supervision.
A priest friend of mine recently said that Cardinal Dolan could be the first American pope.
Well – he seems to be ranked above Obama, which is good.
I have no use for Time magazine…they are a waste of time, in my opinion…but I did vote as many times as the site would let me just to support Cardinal Dolan.
One third I never heard of, one third I heard of but have no idea why they’re on there… If not for this blog, I never would have gone there! Thanks, Fr. Z: it also gave me a chance to vote for Ron Paul & Jaycee Dugard, a noble woman whom abortion definitely would not have helped!
“Of course, daydreaming out the window [on a long plane flight] accomplishes the same amount of intellectual discovery as reading Time…”
If you’re only getting that level of intellectual stimulation looking out the plane window, you’re doin’ it wrong.
I don’t get all this love for Dolan. What has he done so great? HE’s a nice guy and all and makes ya laugh, but look at what has happened under his watch. Next US Pope…..pleeze.
I like Rush’s take on the Time list: phooey! Time likes some non-lefty people on the list AND at the big party they throw for the chosen 100 to be entertainment for the elite lefties. Hopefully his Eminence will protest this and not attend, but me thinks that steak dinner and pats on the back will be tooooo hard to resist for Big D.
I find it a little odd that Cardinal Dolan is on the list, but not the Pope. It makes me think this list is actually “The 100 Most Influential People in the World (as seen from New York City).”
I was disappointed, but not surprised in the least, that the write up appeared to intentionally misrepresent the the confrontations with the current administration over religious liberty.
“In leading the opposition to a proposed Obama Administration rule that would have required Catholic organizations like hospitals to pay for contraceptive services for female employees, Dolan successfully argued that such a policy violated the nation’s principles of religious liberty.”
That sure sounds like a resounding victory, but unless I missed something while he did indeed make that argument, the accommodation that was made is woefully inadequate. I’m told there was a time when a journalist would try to present things as they are…no matter what side of the discussion one falls (and Time makes that easy to guess) I submit that it is dishonest to present as finished a matter that the subject of your article considers unresolved.
The full write up is here:,28804,2111975_2111976_2111989,00.html