Tell us some good point from the Sunday sermon you heard!
For my part, I was deeply struck by the end of the Gospel for today’s Mass for the Extraordinary Form, for the 7th Sunday after Pentecost:
Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven; but he who does the will of My Father in heaven shall enter the kingdom of heaven.
Talk about a provocation to examine your conscience!
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Sermon for the 7th Sunday after Pentecost:
1.)Outline of the Collect : “Deus cuius Providentia in sui dispositione non fallitur…”
– explain the four parts of a typical collect
– simple “common” definition
– explained according to Saint Thomas Aquinas (Ia Q.22)
a.) God creator of all things places order in those things
b.) Just as the ruler of a city has a “model” of how that order is meant to reach its end, so also in the mind of God there is a plan for all things to reach their end – this we call “Providence”
c.) But in the case of God, He IS the end of all things (…)
d.) God – source of all goodness in created things (…)
e.) God in His great power even uses intermediary causes in His governance, and while this can be a test for our trust, He ultimately brings good out of any evil…
3.)Virtue to ask: Trust in God, founded upon Faith and Hope. Meditate on the past action of Providence in our lives, especially cases where we did not understand at the time, but understood later (…)
4.) Application: Be at peace about the SSPX-Rome discussions, trusting that Providence will work things out with His grace, just as He has looked after us through all sorts of difficulties in the past.
5.)Means: meditate the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Joyful mysteries, seeing the crosses that were handed to Our Lady and St Joseph, and how Our Lady meditated these things in her heart, eventually coming to an understanding of how Providence had acted in these mysterious ways.
Ordinary Form–A reminder that too much stuff can get in the way.
Well in all honesty was not the best homily, sorry.
Currently watching season premire “Breaking Bad.” Best. Television. EVER.
I went to Mass at my former parish today, and in his homily the priest said that there won’t be any economic renewal in America without spiritual renewal. While we still need to get THAT MAN out of the White House, it was a good reminder that politics is not our salvation.
But, even better, this priest had, for years, changed the priest’s communion prayers, and today he said them right! I assume he has been doing this since the new translation. Thanks be to God!
Here in the Diocese of Arlington, we had a great homily by my Pastor who stated he had urged (along with other Priests) +Loverde to mandate the Oath of Fidelity for Catechists. He mad an ironic comment about how the Washington Post had to travel halfway across the country to find a Priest willing to mentions Nazis with respect to our Bishops.
Truly a nice one. Read it here if interested….
OF mass here; Father spoke an excellent sermon about the beginning of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, a very dense few paragraphs. He said that God makes a home within us, and He binds to our weaknesses with His strength. We are blessed to be adopted children of God.
From the Gospel, Father spoke about the need of being stripped of false needs and attachments so that the grace of God can be effective in our lives. This week Archbishop Aquila will be installed as the next Archbishop of Denver and Father spoke about the obedience of the bishops, of being stripped of comforts when they are asked to move to a new diocese.
We warmly welcome our new spiritual Father to the Archdiocese of Denver.
I wish I could say I heard something good…but it was awful. [And yet I recall asking for GOOD points.] I went to a different parish than usual out of necessity…and the priest didn’t even begin the mass with the sign of the cross, instead going into a hoedown song for kids that went “Come on kids gonna tell ya ’bout Jesus”, then proceeded to skip the second reading, talk about “intellectual oppression” in the Church and how it doesn’t listen to women, veiled comparisons between what’s going on with progressives and the LCWR with the prophet Amos and prophetics in general, then ad-libbed the consecration of the Precious Blood by saying “And do this in mrm…ahem…in my memory”.
It was the most atrocious mass I have ever been to…and this isn’t even touching on the guy walking around before Mass trying to get people to introduce themselves. I want to write the Bishop, but figure what’s the point…awful. Just awful.
“It’s not about what you can do for God; it’s about what God can do through you.”
I’m afraid I don’t remember it.
At the time it made an impression on me and I said to myself “I must remember that quote”
Then I stepped outside the church and since we hadn’t put up the bookstore in almost 2 months, I was immediately distracted and forgot it.
But I got my own sermon from God and Mary and the power of intercession and
Last week I had put my trust in the weather channel. They predicted rain and we didn’t put out the store. The day was a little overcast but no rain.
It had been pouring rain for the last 2-3 weeks (a good needed thing in itself) but not for our bookstore on tables outside the church. It poured yesterday afternoon and was cloudy last night but we asked for the tent anyway. This time I put my trust in Prayer and Trust in God.
My husband prayed the Memorare
I prayed the Memorare
And my partner in running the bookstore prayed the Memorare.
We rose to a beautiful sunny day and the monsoon rains came after we finished putting all the books and tables away.
God’s actions speak louder than any words.
Three different OF homilies by three different homilists at three different masses:
1) A visiting missionary priest from a place where Christians are persecuted (his classmate friend, a priest, was killed with other priests in anti-Christian violence), echoing both the experience of the prophet Amos (“Off with you!”) and the Gospel (“Whatever place does not welcome you or listen to you, leave there and shake the dust off your feet”–but do not be discouraged or give up).
2) A visiting bishop from a diocese in Asia where there is much violence against Christians. He spoke of the fact that all missionaries, all evangelists, are not qualified in themselves (including his Excellency), but that when God calls us (like Amos or the disciples sent out), God supplies what we need–primarily his Word, and our duty is to witness, by living and sometimes speaking, “in Him” (a phrase often repeated in the second reading from Ephesians). “In Him” we have all we need to be witnesses.
3) Pastor, who spoke at length on the need to travel light in order to be effective witnesses; not only free of excess material baggage, but even more of emotional baggage that binds our soul and limits our witness of Christ.
Byzn. Brilliant sermon in its simplicity and understandability by ALL present. On patience.
Story of how once a large marshmallow had been placed in front of a classroom full of kids and told that if they managed to keep from eating it (for a relatively long time), they’d been given another. And the various amusing reactions they had to this scenario.
Father equated this with the goods of this world and us — if only we have patience and treat the goods of this world with restraint and selfless interest, we’ll have way more than double in the next life (God Himself).
How one “Thank You, God” said in a time of personal trial and suffering is worth more than 1000 voluntary penances that we could devise.
Heavy-hitting words from a priest who has been through a miserable year of radiation & chemotherapy (and threatened loss of vision, hearing, and life) with nary a complaint.
Amazing sermon on the True God – Jesus and how True Worship of the True God is only in the Catholic Church. There aren’t myriad versions of ‘truth’. Only One.
Jael, you don’t live in England, do you? I got that exact same sermon here in Hertfordshire!
Homily was wonderful. Mass was wonderfully holy.
Fr mentioned … perhaps it was 30% of youth (Steubenville conference) didn’t believe that God
loved them.
How prophecies are conditional. That God may have to use fear to get us to come back to Him.
He added a petition after the reader finished for an end to weapons of mass destruction.
I was thinking though that due to original sin, we may always need such to keep people to behave just because they fear their use.
We had a newly ordained Anglican Use priest fill in at our chapel this weekend. He offered his 6th Extraordinary Form Mass ever and gave a sermon on the grace of the sacraments, especially Baptism and Penance. Great sermon.
TLM – It was Mission Sunday in our Archdiocese.
I must confess that I let out a little groan when I remembered it was Mission Sunday. A Mass without one of our excellent priests and their always very good homilies was going to disappoint, I was sure of it.
Then a young priest from the Philippines got up to speak. He told us about oppression, torture, sacrifice, murder, and keeping the faith. With tears in his eyes, he told us how hard it was for him to come to us “begging”, and that he didn’t like that word. He was incredibly humbled, and humbling. He made me realize how really good we do have it here, in spite of some very serious moral issues we are fighting in our society. But at the end of the day, we get to go to Mass and hear a homily – even if it completely STINKS – without being shot or tortured for it.
Pray for the oppressed Church around the world. They are fighting even more heroic battles than we.
Father spoke about there being no salvation outside the Church. We should be wary of false prophets who claim one religion is as good as another. If you want to find the Church Jesus founded, look for Peter.
He made many other good points as well. Usually the sermons are recorded and posted on the parish website. I’m grateful for that because when our priests preach, I always feel I should be taking notes.
OF mass, focused on the Apostles being sent out two by two. The thought provoking part was father’s mentioning that Judas was one of those sent out, and that he was able to heal the sick and exorcise demons. We are all called, and must respond to that call, but as important is CONTINUING to keep at the call, and not let greed or other false gods creep into how we use our calling.
Like Lizaanne, I heard the young missionary priest out of the Philippines. He explained that his work takes place in an area of the the country where Christians and Muslims once peacefully co-existed, until extremists entered.
He talked about how 3 priests have been kidnapped by terrorists in recent times, one of them killed in a cross-fire, but not before being tortured. The priest angered the terrorists by praying his Rosary so they took it away. When he proceeded to pray with his fingers, they took out his fingernails. This was not some nameless priest on the otherside of the world, it was a friend of the priest speaking from the pulpit of my church.
I couldn’t help putting myself in his position and thinking about the priests I know personally and how it would feel to know one of them was kidnapped, tortured, and killed. Despite the dangers, I realized this priest would return there, bringing the Sacraments to the people, knowing what suffering or martyrdom may come.
We need to support the missionaries with our money and our prayers.
Sometimes the Deacon gives the sermon at our EF Mass. This is one deacon who gives serious exhortations. No jokes or boring stories about his family, friends or himself like most deacons do, that make you wish it was a priest giving the sermon.
This Sunday he made it clear that we are required to accomplish our duty every day or we will not get to heaven. Period He also went over the Spiritual and Corporeal Works of Mercy. Very good.
Mission Sunday here too. The visiting priest from South America told of how 2 priests serve 7 rural parishes in distant villages and how people walk for miles and miles to get to Mass. He told of how, due to the high elevation of the area where he is, he was sick for almost a year. Yet he didn’t ask to be reassigned, he prayed for good health so he could stay.
His talk made me realize how spoiled we are here in the US by having Mass available daily. Some cities near me have 7 or more parishes just in one city. Hopefully I will remember this next time I take going to Mass for granted.
Regular TLM on Sundays here. Our priest spoke again (as he did last Sunday) about using the Propers and Epistle and Gospel during the first part of the week for prayer in Thanksgiving for the Mass, and the Propers/Epistle/Gospel for the forthcoming Sunday during the latter part of the week in preparation for a more fruitful participation in the Mass on Sunday. He mentioned a book, PRAYING THE BIBLE: AN INTRODUCTION TO LECTIO DIVINA by Mariano Magrassi, as a good resource for deepening our prayer life. (Excellent book, BTW.) This priest always gives excellent sermons.
Father pointed out there are two sending forths in the readings but really there are three at mass yesterday. The first was Amos sent forth by God, the second was the apostles sent forth by Jesus, and the last is us sent forth, like Amos and the apostles, to spread the Good News in our world. Simple, yet memorable. (It was much better than this. I am not doing it justice here, just trying to be succinct.)
Lizzy17…no, I’m not in England. I’m on the west coast of the USA. I wonder where our visiting deacon got his material? Maybe it’s just the quote that was the same. It’s catchy…
Attended a diocesan sponsored TLM/EF Mass celebrated by a Franciscan. Excellent homily. Among other things he reminded us that the nationwide drought and crop damage is a chastisement to WAKE UP AMERICA! Stop killing babies. Stop homosexual “marriage”. Pray. Stop watching pornography.
Father spoke about how important it is to not be deaf/blind to God’s call, in particular a call to the priesthood or religious life. He also told us his vocation story, which I found quite fascinating.