Over at Mulier Fortis place, there is a post about the angst, the deep frustration, of my friend the Parish Priest of Blackfen, Fr. Tim Finigan, His Hermeneuticalness himself.
Apparently the Parochus Nigerpaludensis is struggling with the news that a church in Ohio has been named a minor basilica and that his church in Blackfen… has not.
This news has provoked some rather odd behaviour (note the UK spelling so that my friends over there can follow).
It seems that the Blackfenians are trying to think outside the box. In order to get across visually how thinking outside the box might be accomplished, …. well… there are photos.
If I can get over there in September, perhaps I will be offer some help.
My final observation is that the photos were taken in the parish pub.
Sapienti pauca.
Heheheh… I sincerely hope you will be here in September, Father Z. Maybe you can show His Hermeneuticalness how to transform his “thinking outside the box” into ideas he can place “on the table”… and I’ll be there with my phone camera…
Invoking spirits of the liquid kind?
There is so much to love about a man who possesses sense of humour about himself.
I’m so excited to learn that St. John’s in Canton, Ohio, has become a minor basilica! I was in first grade at St. John’s School (which is long since closed) and Masses I attended as a child at St. John’s were among the reasons that I learned to love the Church and Her traditions. I was quite young when my family moved from Canton and St. John’s, but it is where I first experienced the beauty of the TLM – back when it was still the “ordinary” Mass. I have not been to St. John’s for many, many years, but from their website it doesn’t look like they did much of a “wreckovation” on it in the intervening years, so that’s good. I can’t speak to how reverently Mass is celebrated there now, but I was so excited to learn via the Blackfenians’ anguish that my old parish will be a basilica. Can’t wait to tell my mom! This is truly wonderful news – for some of us anyway.
In a different dimension to the box: “Nigerpaludensis”does palud-etc realy cover fens ( and bogs? and quagmires?) as well as marshes and swamps?
mike cliffson: What’s your version?
That’s just it : I don’t got one!
I had church latin as an altar boy,for six years at a very protestant school, failed every single school latin test, Julius ceasar and his Gallicwars, tinpot general , once got a passmark with Ovid, who was fun, my doctor says my memory failures are mononucleosis not Alzheimer but I have gaps in English and Spanish and my French Italian and Portugese are going faster than my bodily faculties.
The Palud – bit doesn’t right the right bell to me for fen, that’s all, tho what the many generations of latinizers of so many features if not all of the british landscape HAVE used has gone down a mental hole.
Clarification, whilst attending a protestant school I was an altarboy in a Catholic parish