What a catch!

Someone sent me the brief video of a spectacular catch.



About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Jason Keener says:

    Sweet catch! I love this time of year when football is starting. I am starting to wonder, though, if football is a sport people should continue to play with all of the evidence about the terrible long-term injuries, etc. It seems a different retired player is coming out every week to talk about problems with Post-concussion syndrome, etc., etc.

  2. disco says:

    That catch would be made even more spectacular if the gentleman who made it left the Ohio State Univiersity with a degree.

  3. Potato2 says:

    Football always makes me feel better! I love the fall and even though I dont love some teams (THE OSU, My team is the original Little Sisters of the Poor!) I just love the game. I dont buy the NFL and ESPN media driven “hot topic” of PCS I know that some players have had problems but a ton of players become some of the smartest coaches in the world after they retire, putting more time and brain power in their jobs than most of us ever will.
    The NFL has a vested interest in protecting “star” players and ESPN just follows the story of the minute like so many other media outlets. I would proudly let my children play this game that so often mirrors faith. Played correctly it is safer than many other activities. If you doubt the NFL’s two faced PR campaign, just look at College ball that is not as “concerned” with unproven statistics.
    If you still doubt, watch the penalties rack up for anyone who touches Manning this year. It is not that the NFL want to protect Peyton, but rather wants to protect one of it’s main marketing pieces.
    Tim Tebow does not seem brain damaged and he has taken more hits because of his style of play than most players. Plus, he is home schooled! Many other people earn FAR less money doing much more dangerous things in this world. Heck, I’d play for free!

  4. BillyT92679 says:

    Roger Goodell for all his heavy-handedness, IS trying to make the sport safer.

    The guys who are having the post-concussion issues played in the bad old days when protection was non-existant and coaches basically pistol-whipped players into playing. The whole North Dallas Forty stuff.
    Today the sport is a LOT safer.

    Any sport has the potential of being dangerous. You can die from being beaned in baseball. Clint Milarchuk had his jugular slashed (as did another player in Buffalo) by a skate in Buffalo and nearly died on the ice. Even basketball could be really dangerous.

  5. Kerry says:

    How could he make that catch without a bridge, or a road nearby…?

  6. aquinas138 says:

    Yes, I fear the dread hanging over the sport is being a bit overblown by the sports media. Yes, it can be dangerous, but honestly, what isn’t? I never played, but I would have loved to. I grew up in the South (Roll Tide!), so the advent of college football is a wonderful time of year and is connected with a lot of great memories of home and family members that have passed on to their reward. That aside, this was a spectacular catch, and I expect we will see the replay all season. Will be hard to top!

  7. jflare says:

    All the uproar about concussion injuries in football reminds me of the debate from some 20 years (or more) past regarding whether soccer or football might be the most dangerous sport. I’m still inclined to think that football probably would be the more dangerous, precisely because of the intent of the game for players to literally hit each other, and do so HARD! I will grant though, that I likely would discourage players from using head shots in soccer. Whenever I did that, I always had a minor headache; I think repeated heading might be a legitimate health concern.

    I’m inclined to contest the idea that gear provides a great deal more safety now than in years past. I’m not acquainted with the North Dallas Forty stuff, but it seems to me that if you review footage from early SuperBowl years, say during the time when Vince Lombardi coached the Packers, you’ll see pads and helmets on all the players that look pretty much the same as now. They’re definitely hitting each other as hard as they can; I’ve seen more than a few TV shows that showcased former and current linebackers who professed that they mainly liked the game because it DID allow them to pretty much slam into another guy.

    I haven’t done any particular research into the subject, but I’ve generally assumed that the concussion concern related to players who might’ve begun playing about the time the SuperBowl began, so I wouldn’t dismiss the concussion concern too quickly.

    I DO think some of the rule changes..very odd. I’m at a loss to explain why five yards on a kick-off will be expected to cause players to hit each other less rigorously. Similar concerns seem to me to apply to other rules changes.

    All that said, I think I saw this catch over the weekend; I think it was a highlight at halftime either for my Cornhuskers, or for the Michigan/Alabama game.

    Great athleticism!

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