A reader sent me this:

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. acardnal says:

    Love it!

  2. APX says:

    It’s funny cuz it’s true.

  3. David Collins says:

    The only change we can believe in.

  4. David Collins says:

    By the by, that is a lovely altar you have on your gravatar hovercard, APX.

  5. Long-Skirts says:



    Once there was a father
    Who loved his little girl
    He held her hand and walked to Mass
    So she could see the Pearl.

    “My darling there is silver,
    My darling there is gold
    But the greatest price is sacrifice
    The world keeps that untold.

    The world can give you silver,
    With gold it can entice
    Diamond, topaz, rubies
    But none can match Pearl’s price.

    Sacrifice gave birth to you
    Sacrifice it fed
    Sacrifice it guided you
    Sacrifice it bled.

    For every drop of blood He shed
    Gave us the faith to trust
    And made us rich in sacrifice
    To give you Bread not crust.

    And for awhile sometimes we stray
    Believing not in Creeds
    But when things don’t sustain our souls
    Then turn to Pearl that bleeds.”

    Failing father said he wished
    “For every time…a penny,”
    He heard the daily words so rich
    “…be shed for you and many.”

    The little girl she cried
    Raining on his bed a flood
    But father saw her sacrifice
    “Your tears are crystal blood.”

    Once there was a father
    Who loved his little girl
    He held her hand for his last Mass
    But left her with…the Pearl.

  6. ReginaMarie says:

    Love it! I have an icon of that very image in my kitchen which I pray before prior to baking prosphora for use at our parish Divine Liturgy.

  7. Angie Mcs says:

    Truly beautiful, both the image and the words. I found it on a website and believe I will get a copy for a dear friend.

  8. Bea says:

    Perfect emblem for the Year of Faith.

    CHANGE ….. Awesome

  9. Phillip says:

    This message was decidedly not approved by Obama or his minions.

  10. Pingback: Campaign poster for my favored candidate

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