Happy 1700th Anniversary Milvian Bridge!

Some years ago I was sitting with a famous lion-like retired Cardinal and the topic of our birthday dates came up.  When I told him mine, 28 October, he pondered for a while.  Then he mentioned that it was also the date of the election of John XXIII.  Then he mentioned that it was also Cardinal Lercaro’s birthday.  Then he said, “Three disasters in one day!”

Today is also, however, the 1700th anniversary of the Battle of the Milvian Bridge!

For a great book on Constantine, get this.

The excellent Constantine: Roman Emperor, Christian Victor by Paul Stephenson. (Kindle version HERE. UK book HERE. UK paperback HERE.)   It is well worth your time.  The book was originally suggested to me by His Hermeneuticalness himself!


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. pray4truth says:

    Happy Happy Birthday, Fr. Z!

  2. ladytatslace says:

    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday dear Fr Z,
    Happy Birthday to you.
    May the dear Lord bless you,
    And his Holy Mother too.
    May the Angels in heaven,
    keep watch over you.

    May you have many more years to blog.
    Thank you.

    I am not sure why he would consider those 3 events to be disasters.

  3. UncleBlobb says:

    Happy birthday Fr. Z.!

    And thanks for the book recommendations you give.

  4. Miss Jensen says:

    Happy birthday, Fr. Z!!
    Thanks for all you do.

  5. Charles E Flynn says:

    From Constantine’s Gift to Christianity, by Benjamin Wiker, at The Catholic World Report:

    To take some poignant examples, the pagan Roman culture happily affirmed contraception, abortion, infanticide, suicide, homosexuality, homosexual marriage, euthanasia, pornography, prostitution, concubinage, divorce, pederasty, and the mass killing of human beings for entertainment in gladiatorial combat. Once the emperors became Christian, both the Church and the Christian imperium engaged in the moral transformation of pagan society, and the Christian moral understanding was incorporated into law in the various imperial codes. And also, quite unlike Rome, both the Church and Christian state began to care for the poor and destitute, the widows and orphans.

  6. Rose in NE says:

    Happy birthday, Father!

  7. Mary Pat says:

    Happy Birthday, Father!

  8. contrarian says:

    Ha ha.
    Well, two disasters anyway.

    Happy Birthday, Father Z!

    But speaking of disasters, I write this as Hurricane Sandy comes rearing towards my house here in Queens. You sure know how to pick ’em, Father.

  9. Bookish says:

    Happy birthday, Father Z!

  10. Ed the Roman says:

    Happy Birthday, Father.

  11. Matt R says:

    Happy birthday Fr Z!

  12. Phil_NL says:

    Happy Birthday Fr. Z.! Ad multos annos!

  13. Charles says:

    Many happy returns of the day Fr. Z!

  14. wmeyer says:

    Happy Birthday, Father, and thanks for all that you do.

  15. acardnal says:

    Happy Birthday! Have an extra piece of cake.

  16. faithandfamily says:

    May God bless you mightily for your birthday! Offering up prayers today for you and your intentions. We are grateful for you, your faithfulness, … and your blog!

  17. marthawrites says:

    Happy birthday, good friend to my soul. May the Lord grant you many blessings in the coming months and the grace to recognize them as they happen.

  18. poohbear says:

    Happy Birthday, Fr Z!

  19. chantgirl says:

    Happy Birthday, Fr.Z, and it sounds like I need to spend more time speaking with retired lion-like Cardinals. I love history but have a terrible time memorizing dates. Thanks for your fatherly concern for all of us in the blogosphere.

  20. akp1 says:

    And my husband’s birthday too! Happy Birthday Fr.Z.!

  21. gloriainexcelsis says:

    and many more, Father

  22. Maria says:

    Happy birthday Fr Z.

  23. Vecchio di Londra says:

    Father, 28th October is celebrated as a very important date in Greece: on 28 October 1940 the Greek government told Mussolini, who gave an ultimatum that Axis powers should be allowed to occupy Greece: ‘No!’ (‘Ochi’). The result was the Albanian War in which Italy and Albania attacked Greece from the northwest and were repelled. Only when Germany attacked from the northeast in 1941 were the Greeks forced to capitulate.
    28 October 1940 is held in Greece as ‘No’ Day. There’s also an important main road in Athens (and one in many other Greek cities) called ’28 October Street’.
    Since then it has emerged that what Greek Prime Minister Metaxas actually said was ‘Alors – c’est la guerre!’

    I just thought, Father, that you might appreciate this synchronicity :-)

    And not an unfitting association with today’s traditional Feast of Christ the King.

  24. Vecchio di Londra says:

    PS – Kala genethlia, Patir.

  25. Sissy says:

    Buon compleanno! And many more!!

  26. mtmajor says:

    Happy birthday Fr.Z; you are a great blessing to many of us!

  27. Suburbanbanshee says:

    Happy birthday, Father, and many happy returns of the day!

  28. JoyfulMom7 says:

    Happy, Happy Birthday, Dear Father Z! And may God bless your dear mother on this day of your birth as well! Hope you had a wonderful day!

  29. Catholictothecore says:

    Happy Birthday, Fr. Z. May the good Lord bless you with many more fruitful years in his vineyard.

  30. Therese says:

    Felix natales tibi, Pater Z! ;-)

  31. StWinefride says:

    Happy Birthday, Father Z(ed)!! Thank you for your priestly witness and informative blog – with all our prayers!

    “In the world you shall have distress, but have confidence, I have overcome the world”
    John 16:33

  32. VexillaRegis says:

    Couldn’t find this in English, but maybe you can: http://it.radiovaticana.va/news/2012/10/27/il_28_ottobre_di_1700_fa_la_battaglia_di_ponte_milvio_cambiava_la_stor/it1-633486
    It’s about a reenactment of the battle of the Milvian Bridge that took place this weekend.

  33. Venerator Sti Lot says:

    Belated greetings and felicitations, and all good wishes for the coming year!

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