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UPDATE 21 Dec 20:09 GMT:
Right now: 146 contributors have prayed 435 rosaries, 217 chaplets of Divine Mercy, 99.41 hours of adoration, stations of the cross 99 times, and have had 134 Masses offered for Bishop Robert Morlino.
- You can fill out a PDF and send it in.
- You can fill out an online form and just submit it online directly.
The Devil hates bishops. We need to support them in prayer and mortifications.
I have written many times about Madison’s bishop, His Excellency Most Reverend Robert C. Morlino. Just click HERE to see his tag and find out what he has been up to and been through.
The Traditional Mass Society of Madison (founded to foster reverence in celebration Holy Church’s sacred liturgy, especially in the traditional forms as well as to provide support for the expansion of the use of the Extraordinary Form) has undertaken to collect
… a Spiritual Bouquet for Bishop Morlino.
The target date to give him the Spiritual Bouquet is 31 December, which happens to be his birthday. They want to collect all the responses by 22 December midnight so they can be put together in a nice format.
Bishop Morlino has been an upstanding guy in our present culture wars.
A “fillable” PDF form has been created (HERE) whereby you can swiftly, but thoughtfully, indicate some prayers or mortifications, or other good Catholic endeavors you will offer in support of Bishop Morlino.
Fill out the form directly on your computer screen.
- Save your filled-out form, perhaps to your desktop where it is easily found.
- Create an email to the person collecting the forms by clicking the email address at the top of the form.
- Attach your filled out, saved form to the email by dragging it into your email form.
- Send it by 23 December.
You don’t have to be from the Diocese of Madison. Anyone can do this. I hope you all, dear readers, will do this. I hope we get responses from all over the world.
UPDATE 1 December:
A young fellow in the Diocese of Madison, whose blog is From the Ordinary to the Extraordinary has set up an online form! Click HERE.
Bishop Morlino was rector at the Cathedral here in Kalamazoo before becoming a bishop and provided us with solid guidance and teaching.
Thanks for letting us know about this. I will definitely be sending the form in.
Only a blank copy of the form can be saved. Am I missing something?
poohbear says: Only a blank copy of the form can be saved. Am I missing something?
All I can say is that it works for me.
I filled out a form. I saved it to my desktop. I closed Adobe. I reopened the form I saved. The changes showed up.
poohbear, try a different web browser.
I’m using chrome and tried several times. What browser should I be using? Thanks!
I used Chrome and it works well.
Try saving your filled-out pdf using the SAVE AS option and save it with a new name.
It works with Chrome.
Try saving the blank form to your desktop using SAVE or SAVE AS. (Right click on the form and select SAVE AS; or move curser to lower righthand corner of your display and click on the second icon from the right to SAVE. It is next to the icon of the printer and looks like a floppy disk.) Go to your desktop. Find the pdf doc icon and Open; fill in the form. SAVE. Close and Open again to check that it saved your inputs.
Done. However, from Chrome, it saved without content. I reopened in my reader, and updated the content there, saved, and sent.
@ acardnal: did all that multiple times, except there is no ‘save as’ only ‘save’. If I right click, there are no save options. Also, there is a big banner across the top stating it will not save with changes.
Thanks to all who have tried to help. I will just pray without sending the form. Its the prayers that matter anyway :)
maybe you need to download and/or update Adobe Reader. I am using version 11.0.00.
try this:
Thanks, Ben Yanke! This homeschooling family just recorded our contribution to this Spiritual Bouquet for Bishop Morlino through your online form.
I’m glad it worked for you!
Pingback: Collecting a Spiritual Bouquet for Bp. Morlino | Knights of Divine Mercy
I sent it. God bless the bishops that stand up for the teachings of the Church.
Worked fine. Prayers for the good bishop.
Thanks, everyone, for doing this.
Just did it also. Ditto what A.D. said! Imagine if every bishop had a strong voice and backbone :)
Thanks for the reminder Fr.Z What a different world we would live in if we had just a few hundred more Bishops like Morlino and more priests like Fr.Z..