I just had a note from “Brother Java” of the Wyoming Carmelites.
On your behalf I wrote to suggest decaf in K-Cups as well. Here is the response:
Dear Father,
Thanks for the suggestion! We’re going to add Decaf Arabica, Midnight Vigils Blend, Cinnamon Coffee Cake and Royal Rum Pecan to our Monk-Shot range. The Cinnamon Coffee Cake and Royal Rum Pecan will be the next ones available and the others (hopefully) within the next few weeks.
Ask, and it shall be given.
For all of you who have been longing for Mystic Monk in K-Cups for your fancy coffee machines…
Click and buy.
They explain:
Our Monk-Shots are compatible with all major single serve brewers including Keurig ®, Breville ®, Mr. Coffee ® and Cuisinart ®, single-serve machines. Each pod contains up to 20% more coffee than most major pod brands, [!] making for a richer, fuller cup. Unlike other single-serve options, our Monk-Shots are made with recyclable materials. Our best selling regular coffee, Breakfast Blend has rich and complex notes of cedar and baking spice. The mouthfeel is smooth and aftertaste lingering. Recommended for any time of the day!
Warning: Our Monk-Shots are stronger than regular single serve coffee pods [Do I hear an “Amen”?] and can produce far more coffee with a much more delicious taste. This taste is due to the freshness, quality and amount of coffee in each Monk-Shot.
(Use the larger size cup setting for a normal cup of coffee and less for a very delicious strong coffee. We recommend using the 10 oz setting on your machine for a normal cup.)
14 x Single Serve Monk-Shots
And… they have GIFT CARDS!
And… they have small sample packs (nine pack and thirty pack and MUG sampler… but buy my mugs instead). Perfect small gifts or stocking stuffers.
I don’t have a k cup machine but there is one at work. I’m tempted to buy a pack and use it as an evangelization tool
Yay! I had been hoping they’d start doing k-cups. Now if only they had decaf.
@Moro – that would be a fabulous idea!
*sigh* No Midnight Vigils Blend. Sorry.
Bought mine yesterday, received e-mail notification this morning that they’ve already shipped!
This is great! I will order some (through Father Z’s website) after my next payday…
It’s happening around my place.
The coffee, plus the cool photos of the very outdoorsy Bishop of Cheyenne with the manly monks have gone a long way to convincing my Southern Baptist brethren that Catholics are all right guys.
Perhaps if they’d had these when I got a Keurig machine, I wouldn’t have returned it! I’m accustomed to drinking my coffee rather strong and the other k-cup brands just weren’t cutting it.
I know what you mean. I finally found a dark roast coffee strong enough in K-cups. Unfortunately it can’t be purchased in Canada, so I have to import it from the USA. O, Canada. My home and native land blows with K-Cup brands. True patriot love, yet come from the US my coffee does.
Oh, the update makes me happy! I have the Keurig insert, so I use their loose coffee in that. But my husband hates having to do that so I joyously ordered him a package of the Mystic Monks Blend Kcups this morning. And now they will be having my favorite (Royal Rum Pecan! Smells and tastes like Snickers!) and that makes me supremely happy. I love those monks.
Eight O’ Clock (the old A&P Tea Co. brand) has an Italian Dark Roast that will stand a spoon straight up. Eight O’ Clock goes on sale here periodically ($4 for 12!!!) and we SWOOP down and buy it all . . . there are five of us at the office who clubbed in to buy a Keurig, you can imagine us all texting each other when the stuff goes on sale.
Can’t wait for the MM Monk Shots. Royal Rum Pecan sounds really good.
[Around here, however, we talk about Mystic Monk Coffee.]
AAM, I think the last place I saw Eight O’Clock being sold was the Publix down the street. I did not see an Italian dark roast, but they did have a passable French roast. About on par with the cost/pound I used to get at Costco when they were stocking Sumatran or Rwandan, which they no longer reliably do.
Publix bought out the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company’s southeastern division when they contracted back down to a NY/NJ grocery. They also carry some other old house brands from A&P. Our Publix carries a wide variety in the bags (grind your own beans) and K-cups. They have the French roast as well as the Italian dark roast.
We try to hang around and wait for the sales, because normally it sells for between 7 and 8 bucks a box.
[MYSTIC MONK.. .right?]
AAM, the last time I bought it, I think I got a 2.5 or 2.25 pound bag. I do miss the 3 pound bag of Sumatran at Costco for about $14….
I’ll have to check out Costco and see what they have. Sometimes they are really a good deal, other times not so much so.
[You’re killin’ me….]
It’s too bad Mystic Monk can’t be purchased in bulk from Costco. [No, not really. Then you would not use my link.] K-cups are so expensive as it is. It hurts to have to add international shipping onto that. I wonder if they would consider selling them in larger quantities? Oh well. I was just informed I have 24 boxes of
Obsidian coffee that was imported from Oregon waiting for me at home I can pick up at Christmas. No duty fees at the border and no sales tax. Plus I believe the Canadian dollar is stronger than the US dollar at the moment.
@Fr. Z
[No, not really. Then you would not use my link.]
I would just give you a a nice cut of the money I save on the shipping and duty.
Fear not. My shipment of MM came in last night — ground coffee for all the priests and deacons at the parish (to be packed up with a loaf of homemade bread from my great great grandmother’s recipe) and a couple boxes of Breakfast Blend Monk Shots for the office.
I couldn’t wait, and brewed up a cup for myself before choir practice.
Everybody, this stuff is GREAT! Tempting aroma, nice blend of flavors, full body but not overpowering, smooth finish. Puts regular K-cups to shame.
A bit pricey, but worth it. Really.