Some recent posts, since they scroll along quickly.
I am making 5 minute podcasts everyday during Advent. HERE.
- Benedictine nuns’ Advent music CD: the back story
- REVIEW: St. Thomas Aquinas – Commentaries on St. Paul in Latin and English (not to mention the Summa Theologiae)
- Protecting The Unborn: A ‘Pro-Life Position?
- Fr. Z’s 20 Tips For Making A Good Confession
- What young Catholics want
- A US Bishop pushes “ad orientem” worship.
- The Economist: A traditionalist avant-garde
- Ladies, still worried about those final Christmas preparations? Fr. Z is here to help.
- “No tiger in its Armenian lair would do it, no lioness … But tender girls do it, though not un-punished”
- QUAERITUR: Whither Papal Tweets?
- Antinomianism
- MYSTIC MONK COFFEE K-CUPS NOW AVAILABLE – What do they call them? Click and learn! URGENT!
- Scientists experiment on Sedevacantist, determine stress from Novus Ordo
- Pipiavit @Pontifex – FOLLOW UP and POLL
- Archd. Seattle: No same-sex marriages, receptions, preparations, events. Period.
- Madison State Journal: Bp. Morlino “cracks down” on loony nuns (ACTION ITEM!) – UPDATED
- New Latin-ENGLISH edition of the Enchiridion Symbolorum! (ACTION ITEM!)
- Community of Anglican Nuns to join the UK Ordinariate
- High-living, big-spending, bloated, decadent, parasitical, wastrel monarchy v. Citizen-executive of a republic of limited government
- 12:12:12 12/12/12
- Card. George (Archd. Chicago) seems to be cancer free
- Pipiavit Pontifex
- Emerging Authors
- Behold the extinct “Graceful Obama-toothed” lizard
- National ‘c’atholic Reporter says Popes Paul VI, John Paul II, Benedict XVI sinned against the Holy Spirit
- Someone had a sense of humor
- “When everyone is somebody, then no-one’s anybody”
- “Casual Worship” – Contradiction in Terms
- Of sympathy and pageant, of aging and refreshing
- Video of a Total Eclipse of the Sun
- Don’t forget The Tablet’s survey on the new, corrected translation! ACTION ITEM
- Blue Vestments? An annual rant. (Parody Song included)
- “There is no prize for being the oldest dissident Jesuit priest.”
- Wherein Fr. Z concedes about the “one Mass for two obligations” theory
- About that survey by The Tablet… does anything strike you as a little queer?
- ZUHLIO RETURNS: “Where Have All The Sisters Gone”? (Parody Song included)
Thanks are due.
I have recently received from readers some digital books for my Kindle. Thanks to SS, JK, MKF, SC, KBM, CS. Some of these books have been helpful in making my 5 minute daily podcasts during Advent. Thanks also for items sent from my wishlist.
I also want to thank every who has bought Mystic Monk Coffee! You help me and you help the Wyoming Carmelites and you get good coffee and tea. What’s wrong with that?
Thanks for buying swag from my online Cafepress store! Again, I get some of each sale.
Those of you who have used the donation button on the sidebar or who have set up a monthly donation… I am very grateful. So far December has been slow, but little by little the sum is edging up. In December I have listed: (UPDATED LIST MOVED TO THE BOTTOM).
As you contemplate your Christmas Shopping List, please come back here to use this search box (or any of my amazon links) to buy your stuff. You help me immensely when you do. Once you have entered amazon through this blog, I get a cut of the sale! Can’t see the box? Perhaps ‘AdBlock’ is on.
Remember: when you think of shopping on amazon, come straight to this blog and then go in.
Finally, a bird feeder report.
I don’t have the ability to set up big feeders any more. Sniff. However, I have stuck a small feeder onto my window. The Chickadees found it instantly. I have also seen Nuthatches, Red-breasted Nuthatches, House Finches, Purple Finches, a Hairy Woodpecker and, to my great delight last night, Mr. And Mrs. Cardinal. Here is Mister:
On the left, you see the webcam. I have revived the Z-Cam and the music and Latin Rosary stream, now live from the Steam Pipe Trunk Distribution Venue. There is a chat area at the Z-Cam page, by the way.
UPDATE 15 Dec 1945 GMT:
Here is an updated list:
Jr, DN, LS, KB, JB, RMcE, BB, MG, MK, LJ, SM, Fr LT, BD, KB, SC,
Thanks to LF for the amazon gift card.
I hope I didn’t forget anyone. I also remember in a special way, KA, DY, JS.
I will say Mass for my benefactors again on Saturday, 15 December, in the afternoon. I mark down your names and remember you in prayer, as is my duty and pleasure.