Here is a little poll for your 3rd Sunday of Advent.
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Here is a little poll for your 3rd Sunday of Advent.
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Grant unto thy Church, we beseech Thee, O merciful God, that She, being gathered together by the Holy Ghost, may be in no wise troubled by attack from her foes. O God, who by sin art offended and by penance pacified, mercifully regard the prayers of Thy people making supplication unto Thee,and turn away the scourges of Thine anger which we deserve for our sins. Almighty and Everlasting God, in whose Hand are the power and the government of every realm: look down upon and help the Christian people that the heathen nations who trust in the fierceness of their own might may be crushed by the power of thine Arm. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. R. Amen.
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Almighty and eternal God, who created us in Thine image and bade us to seek after all that is good, true and beautiful, especially in the divine person of Thine Only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, grant, we beseech Thee, that, through the intercession of Saint Isidore, Bishop and Doctor, during our journeys through the internet we will direct our hands and eyes only to that which is pleasing to Thee and treat with charity and patience all those souls whom we encounter. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
We had rose on the priest, but purple on the seminarian, home for the holidays. He’s a deacon and will be ordained next June. Should he have worn rose also? I guess he might not have any rose vestments…. maybe that’s what we can get him for ordination, since he already has a beretta. ;)
I voted “purple”, but today our vicar was wearing a new chasuble in a lighter, redder shade of purple which might be a first attempt at rosacea. It was still purple, but very different from the standard purple chasuble worn by a visiting priest who was concelebrating. I thought he might mention it in his homily, but the only color mentioned in his explanation of Gaudete Sunday was the “pink candle”.
Our parish doesn’t have any rose vestments so it was violet for us.
Last year, father got a new set of rose vestments, he used them this year too.
However, I’m not so sure it’s an improvement over the previous ones. Yes, these are a bit less pink – mind you, the previous ones, silk (I think) and probably quite old, were no-where near the baby-girl pink to begin with. But in Dutch, ‘pink’ translates as ‘rose’ [pronounced Ro-zuh, roughly] and consequently, our definition of pink is probably a bit broader, and the number of shades to be avoided lest father gets awkward looks, more comprehensive – up to the point of including what in English would be called the color ‘rose’ . So what’s the rub? Well, with the new definately-non-pink-ones, father looks very much like a salmon salad. It’s the exact same shade…
Not exactly ideal either.
My priest wore rose, but he could really do with new vestments–it had a contemporary design of pastel colors circa 1985.
PS: @Genevieve: which caliber beretta does he have?
(sorry, couldn’t resist, in the spirit of
At Blackfen we had the wonderful Rose High Mass set of vestments again… ;-)
Mostly white, with large swaths of purple in what seemed to be a stylized tau symbol, bordered by magenta on one side. I’m thinking 80’s. “Let’s pray” and one-armed consecration are irksome, but seems like a good priest otherwise.
A nice rose color. The effect of which was then spoiled by the priest commenting that he looked like a big bottle of Pepto-Bismol. Still can’t get the image out of my mind.
Fr Briggs had a full set of vestments plus altar hangings. The church looked exquisite, and the sermon was excellent too.
We couldn’t make it to our regular parish today, but at the cathedral, the priest wore rose and the deacon wore purple with a rose stole.
Rose vestments, as appropriate. Snide remark by the pastor, as expected: “Today’s vestments are brought to you by Pepto-Bismol.”
Voted “Other”. Dark rose/fuschia chasuble.
I saw rose vestments, and my parish is run by the Jesuits. I was very pleasantly surprised to say the least.
My parish priest had a violet chasuble, I had a rose dalmatic.
I’m going to go with “other…”
While I know they were *intended* to be rose (it was a beautiful, antique roman chasuble,) it really looked to my eye to be quite red! (And I even looked up close.)
Beautiful rose chasuble, but violet dalmatic; hmm, we need to purchase new rose vestments that match and fit our clergy…
A nice rose set, from circa the beginning of the 1900’s.
I voted Other. Father wore a rose chasuble but also wore a violet stole over the chasuble, which is as he vests each weekend. It seems that the only time he properly vests is when he is at an Archdiocesan mass.
I wore a beautiful new Roman vestment that I got at DeRitis on my last visit to the Eternal City. Maniple included!
Rose vestments (albeit ugly ones). One day, we’ll get rose vestments without the corny jokes.
Please see my post in the sermon thread…
I saw rose vestments and took pictures:
(TLM at Holy Redeemer Church in Madison & Bishop Morlino after Novus Ordo Mass at St Patrick’s, both part of the Madison WI Cathedral Parish)
Once again I am reminded to be thankful for my pastor. He wore a rose chasuble and there were no witty comments about the color. The music was better this week, too.
Beautiful rose vestments at Our Lady of Mount Carmel for the first time thanks to our amazing priests Fr Eddie and fr Craig! Thank you!!
Rose vestments for the first time in my parish!!!
The vestments I saw were very elegant and well made but to my eyes, at least, appeared more orange than pink. Actually it came pretty close to the color labeled “tea rose” in this article:
Oddly enough, this year we had violet for our TLM. Before we had Pepto Bismol colored vestments, but I presume our priest who just left took them with him to Australia, and left the rest of the vestments here. Our new priest will rectify the problem, hopefully in time for Lent.
Like last year, our bishop wore purple. Someone said he doesn’t have a rose miter.
Rose… but the deacon had to go and say pink, while in my mind I was saying, “it’s not pink!!!”
They were clearly not pink :O
The intention was rose. The fact was his vestments were Pepto-Bimol pink, in no way close to rose. But I appreciated the gesture at being correct.
I pressed “Other” because the priest’s vestment was so pink that there is no way it could be called rose. Think Barbie pink, baby pink, pretty pink. It’s so pinkety-pink that it was a distraction at Mass. On the way out I heard a couple of men joking with Father about his pink vestment – I heard him joke in response, “Watch it”, to give you an idea of how girly-girly pink it was.
I’d be tempted to buy him a new one but how do you get rid of the old one?
I had the thought that as the rose-coloured vestments at our church are only about 10 years old and they’re used for only four masses each year, they should last for many decades. It is quite possible that those same vestments will be used in sixty years time by a priest who hasn’t even been born yet!
So much scandal at Mass today (I won’t get into it except for three words: “70s time warp”), the priest wore a white cassock (that seemed to have rose trim), with his rose stole over the cassock (ugggh). Of course he made the obligatory joke about it not being pink too. I bet you can guess his age.
I have seen Gothic sets that are a deep brick-red, but Roman-style vestments, like the ones worn this morning at the EF Solemn Mass at the Birmingham Oratory are decidedly on the pink side. Perky little Mozart Missa Brevis to lighten the mood.
Violet today. Father told us that they are working on getting a set of rose vestments. I assume that it is a pretty tricky expense, since they will only be used twice all year.
I was vested in a beautiful rose chasuble that is 50+ years old last evening and this morning.
Fathers ‘rose’ vestments looked like peach to me. The deacon had a rose colored sash. This was an Extraordinary Form liturgy with a challenge on how to deal with the ‘Permanent Deacon’. The deacon read the English translations of the Epistle and Gospel and delivered the homily, but the rest of the time he was off to the side. Deacon also assisted in distribution of Holy Communion. I enjoyed the frequent Gaudete ‘Rejoice’ in the older form of the Mass.
Rose vestments here at Sacred Heart, Wimbledon, UK. And the rose candle was lit too. And the music was Haydn’s Missa Sancti Nicolai.
You mean PINK !
Tee Hee. I slways tease my pastor. He thinks they’re rose but they seem a little too pink to me.
The young priest presiding at our SSPX chapel wore light pink so it wasn’t too bad but he was clearly uncomfortable about it anyway.
@Irenaeus G. Saintonge
Violet today. Father told us that they are working on getting a set of rose vestments. I assume that it is a pretty tricky expense, since they will only be used twice all year.
$500 for a full set from Pax House. So, if everyone from the Latin Mass Community donated $5, we could have them in time for Lent. I’m surprised no one foresaw this.
Todays vestments were a light, soft rose with gold trim. The same color was also used for the tabernacle veil. Sprays of flowers of pale pink were set up on each side of the tabernacle. The entire effect was serene and lovely.
I was a lector this morning, and hence hanging out in the sacristy while the priest got ready. The other lector asked him why he wasn’t wearing rose. The priest, who was a visitor, said he didn’t think this parish had rose vestments. He looked in the closet to double check. He said many parishes chose to not get rose vestments because of the expense and because they are worn only two days per year.
I would like to hear more from the 34 who responded “blue” and “other.”
Father’s vestments were purple and the altar cloth was baby blue.
Maybe purple-baby blue= rose?
We don’t have an Advent wreath, or I’m sure we’d have had at least a smidgen of rose in there.
Just to clarify, I voted “purple/violet”, so I’m not one of the 34. Is blue even a liturgical color at ALL? I know it’s allowed in a few countries, but only one day a year. Where would you even buy blue vestments?
Blue. Blech.
I was at a church in Delaware County, PA (Philadelphia suburbs). Some generous soul a few year back bought Father a blue chasuble from the Holy Rood Guild, and he just loves! He brought it out on the first Sunday of Advent and told us all how much he enjoys wearing his Advent blue! Based on this, I had very, very little hope of seeing rose today.
My question: if the good folks at Holy Rood are going to make blue vestments (presumably for clergy of denominations where such is approved), could they do us a favor and guide Catholics away from blue and towards an approved liturgical color? I’m sure some people wear blue spitefully, but in most cases, I imagine it’s sheer ignorance. A little education from vestment dealers could go a long way.
That said, Father did give a rather moving homily re: the Connecticut tragedy.
Purple. If the parish has something alegedly rose, I imagine Father’s refined Polish sensibilities wouldn’t let him wear it… but I doubt the parish has anything remotely close to rose anyway. Father just got new altar cloths, so I don’t know what he’ll fundraise for next.
I was vested in red, with faux ermine trim, and a wide black leather cincture, together with a modified camauro replete with pom. But this was following the service during the social hall activities. I enjoyed the experience quite a lot.
Rosacea for the first time is at least five years. The priest, a young Jesuit Professor of Liturgy, is our auxiliary priest on Sundays. I asked him if it was his. He said that it is, but the one in the sacristy is a little more pink . Interesting, because the last pastor specifically told me the parish (Faith Community) didn’t have the vestment. Gee, if you can’t trust your pastor, who can you trust?
This was the same pastor that told us in his homily that Gaudete meant “Let’s Party.”
The priest wore rose. The third candle to appear in the wreath, oddly, was purple, bringing the purple candle count to three. Since the candles in this parish are only placed out in the wreath the Sunday they are lit, I was distracted by thoughts of the altar boys having some kind of candle fight before Mass began, and the pink candle losing the battle… :)
That’s a funny thought, and very possible.
We were at a neighboring parish for mass, and the priest wore a purple/blue ensemble. When I whispered to my wife that I thought maybe Father forgot what Sunday it was, she whispered back, “maybe the priest is color-blind”. I sure hope my wife is right!
As the MC at a TLM I made sure we used our rose set.
Violet, and our priest explained that our parish did not have rose vestments, “thank God.”
They were called rose, but they were pink. Violet cope with rose stole for the procession and Asperges at the Latin Mass – I guess we need to get a rose cope.
PostCatholic- and how did you enjoy your brief experience as a heretic-slapping bishop, bringing joy to all children?
Today during mass:
12 year old daughter “Isn’t he supposed to be wearing pink? That’s not pink it’s purple”
Me “Yes, the parish bought him those vestments about three years ago.”
12 year old daughter “Well that was a huge fail again”
Me “Right you are darling”
Our parish only has one set of Rose vestments. We had two Deacons and two Priests on the altar for the Mass I attended. Father apologize for wearing purple.
At the Tridentine Mass, Fr wore his rose vestments for Mass in the smaller original parish church – he brought his own since the pastor would have been wearing the parish’s rose vestments at the O.F. Mass in the large parish church across the way. We get a E.F. Mass in a nearby parish the first and third Sunday said by Fr D. who generously travels all the way from the chancery.
And yes, he mentioned that he wasn’t wearing pink but ‘rose’ – and added that it wasn’t hot pink either. We laughed. Apparently he has seen some really distressing eye-popping hot pinks!
@ APX:
I may be wrong about this, but I seem to remember that we *did* have rose last year, which leads me to wonder if they belonged to our outgoing priest. Perhaps it was an oversight of that sort.
The Priest and Deacon both wore Rose/Rosacea today.
The Priest will be celebrating the anniversary of his Priestly ordination tomorrow. 45 years! He’s a hardworking Priest from India who serves as a Chaplain at the VA Hospital and assists weekends at our Parish. One of his brothers from India and his wife were present today. I’m grateful having this man at our Parish. He often has relevant stories to tell from the people he works with at the Hospital in his homilies.
Cope was purple, chasuble was rose.
Since I was traveling, I had to go to a different church to get to Mass before my flight. The priests wore beautiful rose vestments, and the altar and tabernacle also had rose cloths around them.
In addition, this church has an altar rail and, much to my surprise, it was actually used during Mass. This is the first Novus Ordo Mass that I have been to in a very long time that distributed Holy Communion that way!
@Irenaeus G. Saintonge says:
@ APX:
I may be wrong about this, but I seem to remember that we *did* have rose last year, which leads me to wonder if they belonged to our outgoing priest. Perhaps it was an oversight of that sort.
Yes we did, but I also think our other vestments that stayed were provided by Father, who apparently can sew. I thought it was odd that those went, but the rest stayed. I’m not too concerned, though. If they want rose vestments, they will acquire them. I thought priests had their own sets of vestments, the same way mechanics supply their own tools wherever they work.
Our pastor made it clear that it was Rose, not Pink, vestments he was wearing.
That’s interesting. I did not know that.
Well in any case, if our community is going to stay healthy over the long term – and I have no reason to think it won’t – then I’m sure we’ll see plenty of lovely vestments over the next few years. I’m hoping for a chance to see that beautiful golden set again sometime.
Our House of Studies in Oakland has no rose vestement set. If a kind donor gave one it would be used. But I had to vote for violet here. My Mass supply for the Gregorian Chant Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Palo Alto, Prof. William Mahrt’s famous Gregorian choir, had a “rose” vestment. But after all the fading in the closet, it was now very much pink. Again, if a donor from the parish is reading this, a decent Gothic rose set would be a wonderful Christmas gift. Give it to William Mahrt’s choir, but not to the church as it is not a parish, but a chapel of ease. Who knows where it would end up.
I went to Mass twice of Gaudete Sunday, in my own parish on Saturday evening (OF) and Sunday morning in another parish (EF) – for both Masses rose was worn. But the vestments at the EF Mass were very pale – to the degree that it would be very difficult not to think of them as “pink” rather than “rose”.
Our rose vestments are Fleer baseball card bubble gum color for the chasuble. The deacon’s stole matches the tabernacle veil which is neon flamingo color, giving him a sort of Miss America look. However, this year, there were no jokes about it at the Mass I attended, that particular priest and deacon being serious about the liturgy. Afterward, the three of us discussed how to get a better color of vestments so I will work on it.
I know for a fact that the church where I go has TWO full rose High Mass sets because I remember seeing them there about twenty years ago; unfortunately the current Father Rector “pretends” he doesn’t know where the keys are, so yesterday everything was violet…
We used Purple….
Worst part is that I’m at the Seminary. Why don’t they set an example?
The pastor and I used Rose, but the visiting priest was predicted to opt for purple; I haven’t checked to find out.
Our parish has four Rose vestments, two of which I thought were dreadful. One, which has a matching chalice veil (which we used) was a color that defies description; sort of pink and sort of orange and sort of yellow. The other was a very pink fiddleback that was so thin it was almost sheer.
A third one was a good color, but has no ornamentation. If it had a Y-cross on it, it would look rather nice. I opted for the oldest vestment, a little pink, but with a classy Y-cross. All of them were made for shorter priests. I have my own vestments, but the sacristan always wants me to wear a different vestment each time, so I end up going along some of the time.
All the other altar appointments remained purple. It is a bit of a chore to change some of them.
I was given a rose set for my ordination last summer and, not only did I wear it, I loaned it to the other PV so he could wear it too!
Our deacons didn’t have rose stoles, but we opted for the rose anyway. After all, I only get to wear it twice a year!
The Mass my wife and I attended was celebrated by the young parochial vicar. He wore purple, which is likely for the best. I doubt he has rose vestments yet. The pastor does, but the pastor is quite a wee fellow. The pastor’s chasuble would probably look like a small bib on the young priest. The altar appointments were a suitable rose color.
One of our priests wore a very nice rose brocade chasuble. There was a matching burse, but if there was a chalice veil I didn’t see it. I am told that one of the other priests wore a chasuble which is more pinkish in color, and I cannot vouch for the other two but I imagine they wore rose/pink as well. Our priests run the gamut in terms of height and I can easily imagine that the nice rose brocade set that was a little bit small on the tall priest might be a little too big on the shortest priest.
Benedetta–PostCatholic was just saying, in an amusing way, that he enjoyed playing the role of St. Nicholas or Santa Claus for a party. I’m not sure why this is offensive? I thought it was funny, not mocking, just as Fr. Z’s parody based on the frequent biretta/Beretta confusion is funny but not mocking.
PghCath, you’re assuming a lot of goodwill at the large liturgical supply houses! They are in it to make money. My husband had lots of dealings with C.M. Almy in years past, and said that according to them, the surest way to get people to buy new things was to introduce a change in liturgical color, and convince them that this was “the ancient usage.” (For Anglicans, all you had to do was dangle the irresistible hint of “Sarum usage” in front of them, and they would bite.) So I suspect the peddling of Advent blue is all about capitalism, and very little about appropriate liturgics, or the desire to guide priests to what is the “right” thing to vest in.
Well, today Fr. said the parish council and the staff wanted to purchase rose vestments but “he wouldn’t wear pink.”
PostCatholic says:
Benedetta and RobtBrown, I was pointing out that yesterday at church following services I wore a Santa suit and that I am aware that such is secular costume derived from Catholic vestments (which in turn, are themselves derived from secular costume). Nothing more, nothing less. If you thought otherwise, you’ve read intent into my comments that was not there.
I wish you the peace of the season. I’m sorry I inspired such anger.
Anger? Why would you think I was angry? I just said you remind me of Miss Havisham, which I think amusing. She’s Post Wedding, you’re Post Catholic. She’s hanging on to trappings of the past (wedding paraphernalia with no wedding), you’re hanging on religion without Revelation (form without content).
In fact, I am of the other bent. I have never had much of an attraction toward religion, and I am no fan of the contemporary Apologetic argument for the Church that man needs religion–it is too subjective. I am a practicing Catholic because of Truth, natural and supernatural and have little attraction toward the sentimental side of Catholicism or the exaggerated via negativa.
I have read the great Latin writers, incl the pagans and Sts Augustine and Leo, because of their insight into the human condition and the great questions of human existence. If I lost the faith, I wouldn’t look around for some phony substitute that would give me a Sunday devotional buzz. I favor Latin liturgy because of its many practical advantages, not because it is traditional. In fact, I was asked to teach a course on Tradition at the seminary, and I declined.
ml1948: It appears that your Parish Priest is labouring under the misapprehension that Mass is about him.
Father himself wore a rose chausable with a gold cross emblazoned on the front and back. In practice it was pink, but I’m saying rose just because. =)
Deacon wore a purple stole over his alb. The parish should at some point pony up for some dalmatics for him.
Rose all the way! Including deacon and subdeacon! Of course, it is an institute parish…