From a reader:
I want to quickly let you know how much I appreciate you constantly pushing confession in your blog. I made my first confession in nearly two and a half years last night, and was finally able to receive our Lord while in a state of grace. Thank you again!
Thanks. Notes like this keep me going.
God be praised for this person’s courage. I’d imagine that going after so long would be very nerve-racking.
Mike: Actually, it’s a great relief. I came back to the church after years of being a Protestant, gave a life confession, and felt so safe and wonderful afterwards.
Father, your regular reminders have frequently helped to prod me off the couch for Confession. I used to go once a year at the most, now I go fairly regularly.
I’m going today! Already feeling the anticipation. The priest is my regular confessor who knows me personally and is a friend. He’s very orthodox and humorous – in an adequate way for the confessional. Good consessors aren’t easy to find in this neck of the woods.
Fr, Z, please continue urging us to go to confession, God bless you!
Thanks Be To God!!
And thank you Fr for your great work in on our behalf.
Yes, Father, please keep urging us to confess. It helps me too.
Discourse and good information is fine, yes, but we are all lost without incessant prayer in the state of grace.
Having been baptized only in 2011, and being now 64, I am still establishing my routines, and always find useful insights in your commentaries, Father. I’ve not been able to find a parish withing reasonable distance which is not afflicted with the “spirit of Vatican II”, but I have found a very good priest, ordained roughly the same time I was baptized. So far, my confession routine needs work, but recent events have made me determined to at least monthly confession, and I have also been making room for daily Mass at least two days a week. Your articles, and the many inspiring comments from the good people here fuel my days.
Wonderful- so happy for you!
Those of you who live without accessible/orthodox confessors know that you are in the prayers of those who are blessed to have them.I never see the confession line along the wall without gratitude and intercession.
Fr. Z., please keep urging us to go to confession.